Thursday, 11 December 2014

Solidarity with anti-police brutality solidarity protestors.

Around 2,000 anti-police solidarity protestors occupied West field shopping Centre in London last night, as the group formed a huge die in  to protest at  the Staten Island Grand Jury's decision  not to indict Police Officer Daniel Panteleo Garners death  on December 4th. Protestors describing the mood as  jubilant,  many holding aloft placards that read I can't  breathe an no justice , no peace.
People were obviously angry, and justified in being so,  for the situation that has  become critical in the U.S, that is also a problem internationally, as seen with the killing of the Palestinian Zihad Abu Ein the minister of the wall and settlement resistance suffocated to death by  an Israeli  policeman in the West Bank,  and here in the U.K that urgently needs  addressing.Police brutality must come to an end.

The police used intimadatory methods, a met standard which  resulted in 76 people being arrested, people kettled, despite the support of shoppers and staff.

So doing a die  in  results in arrests, but actually causing people to die leads to nothing.  Tell me where's the justice in this?  Many have now been bailed with some still being held  but  all will still need our support.
People are learning again to stand up and be counted, in solidarity, they find strength, and time and time again it is proved, that tactics used against peaceful protests do not work, as people return to the streets in increasing numbers, getting  stronger and stronger.