Tuesday, 10 May 2016

In the Circle, we are all equal.

                                           Image by Jane Ray

In the Circle, we are all equal.
There is no one  in front of you and there's  nobody behind you.
No one is above you, no one is below you.
The circle is Sacred  because it is designed to create Unity.

- Lakota Wisdom

Sadly some still gets golden parachutes,
Influence is daily up for sale, 
The rich get richer, leading to inequality,
Government policies still dividing all,
The earth in the 21st Century,
Still not a common treasury.  
Life is full of double standards;
The dark side of capitalism,
Our mainstream media fails to expose
There's something rotten at the core
The poor and the weak ridiculed
Who all  deserve dignity, respect,
Time to take down the barriers
For collective welfare, 
The system must fall,
Fill the world with beauty.
For everything and everyone to share.
In rich diversity, we are all still human
In the circle we can all be equal again.