Showing posts with label # Narional Service # Rishi Sunak # Conservative Party # News # Policy # General Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label # Narional Service # Rishi Sunak # Conservative Party # News # Policy # General Election. Show all posts

Sunday 26 May 2024

Tories insanely pledges to bring in mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if they win general election


Eighteen year olds would be forced to carry out a form of national service if the Tories are voted back in at the July 4 General Election, Rishi Sunak has insanely announced just  days after  the stupid prat called for  a general election in the rain without an umbrella. The Prime Minister said Britain has “generations of young people who have not had the opportunities they deserve” as he claimed the policy would help unite society in an “increasingly uncertain world”.
In future, 18-year-olds would be given a choice between a full-time placement in the armed forces for 12 months or spending one weekend a month for a year volunteering in their community, the Tories said. But to  me  just  sounds  like the last desperate pledge of a mam  who has  completly lost  the plot.
Nobody born since October 1939 has undertaken National Service in the UK. Those people are now aged at least 85. During the Second World War, men up to the age of 60 were required to do some form of National Service. After the war, when the passing of the National Service Act came into force In 1949, conscription became a major part of British life once again.
Initially recruits were required to serve for 18 months, but this was extended to two years when the Korean War started in 1950. Only those who failed the medical or who worked in the three 'essential' industries of coalmining, farming and the merchant navy were exempt. 
National Service was deemed necessary in part because of Britain's military commitments abroad.But towards the tail end of the 1950s National Service was scrapped, because of the burden it placed on the Army and the fact that workers were being drained from the economy.
The last recruits entered the armed forces in November 1960, with their service coming to an end in 1963. In the present day, there is no conscription legislation in the UK, thank  goodness and only those who have a desire to pursue a military career join the army. 
This utterly stupid policy is aimed at winning the votes of people who never did National Service themselves but who want to force others to do it.They simply want our kids to fight their  bloody wars which our kids don't believe in.  A  stupid banal attempt at  turning them  into killing machines,  make them  bow down to the puppet masters and be their war machines , to die,to murder  innocent civilians in the name of defence,  which must be resisted,  because it's  utter bollocks. 
The  apparent cost of compulsory national service is reckoned to  be : £2.5bn a year.  no  less/ while the cost of a pay rise for junior doctors that ministers insist is “simply unaffordable”:  is £2bn a year. Sunak has already oversaw wasteful government spending and departmental losses that has cost the taxpayer up to £26.8 billion,This includes £140 million on the botched Rwanda deal and £2.3bn on the scrapped parts of HS2.
Another £1.7m was said to have been spent on painting the Prime Minister’s  flipping planes as well as slightly less than £15bn on unused or unusable healthcare safety gear during the pandemic. The  insanity of this rotten  Tory  government is so plain  to see. Give me a fucking break
Sunak  the son-in-law of  a billionaire, who’s never been anywhere near National Service, insists your kids need to risk their life on the front line. He’s using the young to appeal to the grey vote. What a stupid prick. 
Shadow work and pensions secretary Liz Kendall has  at least criticised the Tory's National Service policy pitch, branding it a "headline-grabbing gimmick"  that doesn't deal with the problems facing young people, including fulfilling employment and housing. 
Young people need the opportunity to have a shot at success, skills, and the housing ladder, not to be asked to "solve the problems in the NHS, the police and the armed services that the Tories themselves have created", she said.
While members of the Peace Pledge Union (PPU), the UK's leading pacifist organisation, have also lambasted the plans, pointing out that they are designed to whip up support for the armed forces and an increasingly aggressive UK foreign policy.
Although the Tories claim that the plan does not amount to conscription, the PPU has accused them of attempting to introduce ‘conscription by stealth’. The PPU has pledged to resist National Service and to support future conscientious objectors, warning the government that the scheme would be met by waves of resistance from young people.  
In anticipation of the backlash, the home secretary James Cleverly has said 18-year-olds who refuse to participate would not be sent to prison.
Earlier in the year, the head of the British Army called for a ‘citizen army’ to prepare for a future land war with Russia and referred to the British public as a ‘pre-war generation’, provoking speculation about a return of conscription.
For 14 years  now this rotten  Government has failed our young people, removing their freedom of movement, hiking tuition fees and making home ownership a distant fantasy, while   mpoverishing so many  of us .At  the moment we can't even  see a doctor, afford to get a train, drink the effing  water because it's  full of shit, we  have to  buy fresh fruit from France and normal stuff like cheese is locked up in supermarkets to prevent theft because for millions of people it's becoming unaffordable to just live,15% of UK households are experiencing food poverty  but don’t worry, Sunak is going to force all the young people to train to go to war.
Someone should tell slime ball Sunak that he doesn’t have to try to lose, the upcoming  election  it’s already in the bag,  and that what the  country actially  really deserves  and  needs  is secure well-paid jobs, union rights, a properly-funded NHS and social care, free tuition and student grants, affordable rail fares and social housing. 
No to  national service, fix the real issues instead. A truly good  idea would be to nationalise water, energy and railway. Don’t Nationalise our youth to die on some foreign field. Invest in their future with apprenticeships to rebuild Britain, broken by the vast negligence of Conservative corruption.
Fuck off clueless, out-of-ideas rat , lets  do our National Service this 4th of July  and  make sure  you vote these  bloody tory clowns out of office  for good and that  does not mean that I  advocate voting  for genocide denier, Starmers party  either.