Art: Georges Braque
We've all got a voice, we've all got a name
Don't ever let the fuckers tell you you're the same,
Hold on to what you believe to be true
Whether feeling very high or rather blue,
Don't get dictated by one particular party line
Fall in love with who you want to and feel fine,
The pendulam of the mind will always oscillate
Glimmering on pathways that celebrate or hesitate,
Complex networks of interconnected pathways
Mine dances like lightning with intricate tapestries,
Offers those that are passing a little hum of truth
Releasing a purpose, a pro palestinan voice,
You will find me among an ocean of song
Conveying messages, that are gentle and strong,
Following streams that turn into rivers
Dreams awakening, seeping from my soul,
Glowing and jostling under universal influence
On an ever rollin' wheel, thirsting for justice,
Among forcefields of ongoing oppression
Trying to resist the borders of depression,
From foggy dawn to evenings gleam
Thoughts worth sharing, words running free,
As lanterns, luminous in the night sky
Cast their wondrous light to the eye
Despite sadness dripping on lifes pages
Hope never lost or simply mislayed,
Remembering, beyond negativity and darkness
Positivity is deeply seeded in all of us,
In the deep firmament of now and forever
Released from heart, and carved with resistance.