Quick plug for this event.
Sunday 6th October 2013 Benefit Concert for Medical Aid For Palestinians, a cause very close to my heart,http://www.whatevertheweatherwales.co.uk/en/events/fundraiser-for-palestineAs part of Drones Action Week this concert is organised by Bro Emlyn For Peace and Justice http://www.bepj.org.uk/Featuring West Wales based rock band Scene Red https://scenered.bandcamp.com/, Pembrokeshire based singer sonwriter Bob Fish, Swansea based stand-up comedian Ben Jenkins and Carmarthen based performance poet Bill Vester. The venue is The Small World Theatre http://www.smallworld.org.uk/in Cardigan. Doors open at 7.30 the event starts at 8.00pm and tickets are availabe at the door priced at £8.00p (£7.00p for usual concessions). All profits from this event are being donated to Medical Aid For Palestinians http://www.map-uk.org/ . The organisers are also hoping that China Fish of Circus To Palestine will be able to give a short talk on her recent experinces in Gaza.
Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) works for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees.
MAP delivers health and medical care to those affected by conflict, occupation and displacement.
Working in partnership with local health providers and hospitals, MAP addresses a wide range of health issues and challenges faced by the Palestinian people.
With offices located in Beirut, Ramallah and Gaza City, MAP responds rapidly in times of crisis, and works directly with communities on longer term health developoment.
Please feel free to share the above flyers with as many people as possible.
Please sign this petition to the British government to end the "War on Welfare," which currently has over 55,000 signatures but needs 100,000 to be eligible for a Parliamentary debate, https://submissions.epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/43154
Since the Tory Government came to power their vicious assaults on the poor, the ill, the unemployed and the disabled has been relentless, in it's pure callousness, backed by their partners in crime the Liberal Democrats and the majority of the mainstream media. Currently the Labour Party have been making gestures, but these gestures and fighting talk should have started a long time ago.
Many people are now sick and tired of it all and are, refusing to accept this govennment's relentless attacks, sadly many people have had their lives devastated by the austerity programme, including more than 10,000 people who died shortly after undergoing the Atos Work Capability Assessment, a degrading test used by the government to assess the needs of people receiving benefits related to disability and ill health. I welcome the Labour Party's decision to scrap Atos, a truly harrowing process, that is simply not fit for purpose, but lets not forget who introduced in the first place, yes, the Labour Party. They also persisted with WCA's (Work Capability Assessments) until the 2010 General Elections, so a whiff of hypocricy surrounds them.
This Saturday coming there will be a ceremony of rememberance and solidarity for all those who have their lives destroyed by austerity at Parliament Square 28/10/13 from noon http://www.10kcuts.org/
The gathering will demand an immediate end to the Work Capability Assessment, as voted for by the British Medical Association, and a New Deal for sick and disabled people based on their needs, abilities and ambitions.
Disabled people are leading the fight back against the injustices of auterity: we cannot stand idly by while our communities and institutions are devastated by this government.
Across the U.K over a thousand people have died only months after being told to find work, we must not forget them, and must ask ourselves the question what kind of civilised society are we living, that allows this to happen to our citizens. How many more people will kill themselves because of government cuts to their benefits?Personally I think powers should be given back to G.Ps who are the only people that can be truly trusted to decide who is sick or not, whose valuable opinions are currently ignored. Please sign the wow petition above.
Below is a link to a powerful poem from a poet friend, that sums up the harsh realities and remembers the victims of the Tory's cruel policies.
There are some,
who use the alleged word of god,
to kill and hate,following messages
with hearts and eyes closed,
who shut out the music of humanity's hymn
engaged wth poisoned vision,
storm across sanctuaries
with masks of division,
their cloaks of faith
just a cruel disguise.
Tears overflow from negations cup
as the machine gun rattle fades,
the world keeps company with grief.
Tomorrow,I pray,we toss lights,
to disintegrate, the poison.
I was waiting for a plumber to arrive this morning, and had news on, and was amazed to see controversial right wing Conservative blogger Ian Dale completely losing the plot, as he assaulted an eldely man and his dog, outside the Labour Party Conference on the Brighton seafront.
The elderly man a pensioner named Stuart Holmes from Manchester, was simply an anti-nuclear protestor, undertaking his right to protest, while Daybreak TV's Damien McBride was about to undertake an interview .Next their was an unseemly tangle as he was tussled and shoved to the floor.
Good luck to Mr holmes if he undertakes any legal action, televised to the nation, with many witnesses.
Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCa's) are profiting from war and insecurity.
Unnacountable and unregulated these companies are complicit in human rights abuses across the world, putting profit before people and fanning the flames of war. The British government believes PMSCa's are best left to police themselves through national standards and an International Code of Conduct.
This voluntary International Code of Conduct was launched on 19 September 2013.
'In perpetrating a revolution, there are two requirements:
someone or something to revolt against and someone to actually show up and do the revolting. Dress is usually casual and both parties may be flexible about time and place but if either faction fails to attend, the whole enterprise is likely to come off badly. In the Chinese Revolution of 1650 neither party showed up and the deposit on the hall was forfeited.
The people or parties revolted against are called the "oppressors" and are easily recognised as they seem to be the ones having all the fun. The "oppressors" generally get to wear suits, own land, and play their radios late at night without being yelled at. Their job is to maintain the "status quo," a condition where everything remains the same although they may be willing to paint every two years.
When the "oppressors" become too strict, we have what is known as a police state, wherein all dissent is forbidden, as is chuckling, showing up in a bow tie, or referring to the mayor as "Fats." Civil liberties are greatly curtailed in a police state, and freedom of speech is unheard of, although one is allowed to mime to a record. Opinions critical of the government are not tolerated, particularly about their dancing. Freedom of the press is also curtailed and the ruling party "manages" the news, permitting the citizens to bear only acceptable political ideas and ball scores that will not cause unrest.
The groups who revolt are called the "oppressed" and can generally be seen milling about and grumbling or claiming to have headaches. (It should be noted that the oppressors never revolt and attempt to become the oppressed as that would entail a change of underwear.)
Some famous examples of revolutions are:
The French Revolution,
in which the peasants seized power by force and quickly changed all locks on the palace doors so the nobles could not get back in. They had a large party and gorged themselves. When the nobles finally recaptured the palace they were forced to clean up and found many stains and cigarette burns.
The Russian Revolution,
which simmered for years, and suddenly erupted when the serfs finally realised that the Czar and the Tsar were the same person.
It should be noted that after the revolution is over, the "oppressed" frequently take over and begin acting like the "oppressors." Of course by then it is very hard to get them on the phone and money lent for cigarettes and gum during the fighting may as well be forgotten about.
Methods of Civil Disobedience:
Hunger Strike.
Here the oppressed goes without food until his demands are met. Insiduous politicians will often leave biscuits within easy reach or perhaps some cheddar cheese, but they must be resisted. If the party in power can get the striker to eat, they usually have little trouble putting down the insurrection. If they can get him to eat and also lift the check, they have won for sure. In Pakistan, a hunger strike was broken when the government produced an exceptionally fine veal cordon bleu which the masses found was too appealing to turn down, but such gourmet dishes are rare.
The problem with the hunger strike is that after several days one can get quite hungry, particularly since sound trucks are paid to go through the street saying, "Um . . . what nice chicken - umm . . . some peas . . . umm. . . "
A modified form of the Hunger Strike for those whose political convictions are not quite so radical is giving up on chives. This small gesture, when used properly, can greatly influence a government, and it is well known that Mahatma Gandhi's insistence on eating his salads untossed shamed the British government into many concessions.
Other things besides food one can give up are: whist, smiling, and standing on one foot and imitating a crane.
Sit-Down Strike.
Proceed to a designated spot and then sit down, but sit all the way down. Otherwise you are squatting, a position that makes no political point unless the government is also squatting. (This is rare, although a government will occasiobally crouch in cold weather.) The trick is to remain seated until concessions are made, but as in the Hunger Strike, the government will try subtle means of making the striker rise. They may say, "Okay, everybody up, we're closing." Or, "Can you get up for a minute, we'd just like to see how tall you are?"
Demonstrations and Marches.
The key point about a demonstration is that it must be seen. Hence the term "demonstration." If a person demonstrates privately in his own home, this is not technically a demonstration but merely "acting silly" or "behaving like an ass."
A fine example of a demonstration was the Boston Tea Party, where outraged Americans disguised as Indians dumped British tea into the harbour. Later, Indians disguised as outraged Americans dumped actual British into the harbor. Following that, the British disguised as tea, dumped each other into the harbor. Finally, German mercenaries clad only in costumes from The Trojan Woman leapt into the harbor for no apparent reason.
When demonstrating, it is good to carry a placard stating one's position. Some suggested positions are: (1) Lower taxes (2) Raise taxes (3) Stop grinning at Persians.
Miscellaneous methods of Civil Disobedience:
Standing in front of City Hall and chanting the word "pudding" until one's demands are met.
Tying up traffic by leading a flock of sheep into the shopping area.
Phoning members of "the establishment" and singing "Bless, You Is My Woman Now" into the phone.
Dressing as a policeman and then skipping.
Pretending to be an artichoke but punching people as they pass.
Reprinted From: Without Feathers - Woody Allen Sphere Books, 1975
This message is addressed to the leaders who will participate in the High-level meeting on nuclear disarmement that will take place on September 28 2013 in New York.
To those leaders we say, be brave and ban nuclear weapons. It takes courage to change the world.
Journalist Robert Fisk returns to the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. Fisk recounts how Lebanese Christian militias who were under the control of the Israeli military murdered over 2000 Palestinians in the camps. Fisk also points to a building in the distance from where he insists the Israeli forces could witness the massacre. The Israeli government's own Kahan Commision found that future Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was personally responsible for the massacre. This is from a documentary Fisk made about ' why so many Muslims have come to hate the West.' But we know the real reason is because they hate our freedom right?
This was one of the most hideous massacres perpetrated on thousands of defenceless, children, women and men . This massacre lasted for 3 days. Around 20,000 refugees , lived in the refugee camp that was supposed, like any other camp, to recieve international protection. The residents were absolutlety defenceless, with Palestinian fighters having withdrawn from Lebanon, just 3 weeks prior, so the Israeli army in effect had control of the area around the camp.
Following the massacre, the Israeli Supreme Court ordered the foundation of a committe to investigate the circumstances of this horrific crime, against innocent, helpless refugees.
The Cahan Commission of 1983, decided that Ariel Sharon was 'indirectly responsible.'
But we should also remember that not one single Israeli officer, commander or soldier was ever held accountable for this ugly crime against the Palestinian people and still the suffering of the Palestinian people continues, and the scars and memories remain.
On Sunday morning September 15, 1963, a dynamite bomb exploded at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, killing four African-American young girls.
This cowardly, cold, calculating event should not be forgotten that saw Addie Mae Collins (14) Denise McNair (11), Carole Robertson (14), and Cynthia Wesley (14) killed in an act of racially motivated terrorism. Showing clearly to the World the heart of racial injustice and hatred that today shockingly has not dissapeared. This is just one part of the landcape of America that should not be forgotten.
Civil Rights activists blamed George Wallace, the Governor of Alabama, for the killings. Birmingham, a violent city, was nicknamed 'Bombingham,. because it had experienced more than 50 bombings in black institutions and homes since World War 1 probably by Ku Klux Klan members. Only a week before the bombing Wallace had told the New York Times that to stop the civil rights movement and the march towards integration Alabama needed a 'few first-class funerals.
September 11, 2013, marks the 40th anniversary of the Chilean coup d'etat, that ousted the democratically elected President of Chile, Salvador Allende, which led to a 17 year old repressive dictatorship and the torture and murder of thousands of innocents, under the auspices of General Augusto Pinochet from 1973 to 1990. On this day air force planes bombed the presidential palace, and in the aftermath Allende lay dead, having committed suicide rather than be captured.
More than 3,000 people were killed by state agents or dissapeared during this era, and more than 27,000 were tortured, with many thousands more being forced into exile. All told, the present Chilean government now recognises that more than 40,000 people were killed, imprisoned and tortured for political reasons.
Sadly many years after this brutal dictatorships demise, for many victims of the dictatorship has proven elusive. Many people are still demanding truth and justice, and will not rest until they have found out was has happened to their loved ones, who were arrested, and went missing, never to return.
Barak Obama declared on Margaret Thatcher's death that she was "one of greatest champions of freedom and liberty." This is the same bit of poison that told her friend Pinochet that, she was " very much aware that it was you that brought democracy to Chile, you set up a constitution suitable for democracy."
Throughout Pinochets regime of terror he was supplied by UK Defence Manufacturers, the military junta that took power bombed the presidential palace using British Hawker Hunter aircraft. She personally after coming into power lifted the arms embargo on his regime. Whilst Thatcher fawned over him, Pinochet carried on killing, critics, and any form of opposition, among them the revered Chilean singer Victor Jara, who was arrested by the military and tortured at Estadio Chile, in front of thousands of onlookers, who was subsequently shot as he defied the taunting soldiers by singing, his body left bloodied, his bones and his hands broken and battered full of bullet holes.
Victor Jara
Pinochet would always be thankful to Thatcher, visiting her on an annual pigrimage to London.
Pinochet eventually died in 2006, under house arrest, with many millions of pounds laundered in banks, but had managed to avoid going on trial and thus avoiding justice.
Thatcher and Pinochet
Pinochet the murderous fascist dictator
For many his legacy is one of state terrorism, and rampant disregard for human rights, he caused a whole society to become fearful, their daily lives one of terror. We must not forget, the dead and the missing, nor the human rights activists who shone a light on this dark regime. For many victims of the dictatorship justice has proven elusive, people still waiting to hear the outcome of eight retired army officers who have been indicted in Chile in connection with the murder and torture of Jara.
According to Amnesty Internationals Deputy Director at the Americas Programme, Guadalupa Marenga " It is not acceptable that 40 years after the military coup the search for justic, truth and repatriation in Chile continues to be hampered. An amnesty law continues to shield human rights violators from prosecution, there are still long delays in judicial proceedings and sentences fail to reflect the severity of the crimes committed."
There is a petition by Amnsty International signed by thousands that you can sign here, calling on the Chilean authorities to put an end to all obstacles protecting the perpetrators of human rights violations in the country. The fight for justice continues.