Wednesday 9 August 2023

Remembering Nagasaki

Nagasaki Day, observed annually on August 9th, holds a somber significance in global history. It marks the day when the Japanese city of Nagasaki was devastated by an atomic bomb during World War II. This day serves as a reminder of the immense destructive power of nuclear weapons and the need for lasting peace.
Hiroshima, another Japanese city, became the first target of an atomic bomb on August 6, 1945 when ' Little Boy was dropped  on Hiroshima, where 100,000 to 180,000 people out of a population of 350,000 were estimated to have been killed. The destruction caused by the bomb prompted global shock and horror, 
Then on this day August 9, 1945,at 11.02 a.m. a second atomic bomb, was dropped on the Japanese  port city of Nagasaki.The bomb which used plutonium 239, was dropped by parachute by an American B29 bomber. called the Fat Man.
Unlike Hiroshima, Nagasaki lied in a series of narrow valleys bordered  by mountains in the east and the west. The bomb exploded above the ground and directly beneath it was a suburb of schools, factories and private houses. The bomb detonated above the city, causing widespread devastation and loss of life.  The explosion obliterated large parts of Nagasaki, levelling 6.7 sq km. of the city and  instantly killing tens of thousands of people. The intense heat and radiation unleashed by the bomb inflicted severe burns and injuries on survivors.  
Among the 270,000 people present  when this criminal act occurred were 2,500 labour conscripts from Korea and 350 prisoners-of-war. Nagasaki was completely destroyed. About 73,884 people were killed and 74,909 injured, with the affected survivors suffering the same long-term catastrophic results of radiation and mental trauma as at Hiroshima.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were largely civilian towns, meaning there wasn't a strong military reason to drop the atomic bombs over those particular cities. No one was excluded from the horrors of the atomic bomb, a "destroyer of worlds" burnt hotter than the sun. Some people were vaporised upon impact, while others suffered burns and radiation poisoning that would kill them days, weeks or even months later. Others were crushed by debris, burned by unimaginable heat or suffocated by the lack of oxygen. Many survivors suffered from leukemia and other cancers like thyroid and lung cancer at higher rates than those not exposed to the bombs. Mothers were more likely to  lose their children during pregnancy or shortly after birth. Children exposed to radiation were more likely to have learning disabilities and impaired growth.
The day after the attack on Nagasaki, the emperor of Japan overruled the military leaders of Japan and forced them to offer to surrender (almost) unconditionally. On the same dayYosuke Yamahata a Japanese army photographer  began photographing the devastation and hibakusha survivors. Over a period of about twelve hours he took around a hundred exposures; by late afternoon, he had taken his final photographs near a first aid station north of the city. In a single day, he had completed the only extensive photographic record of the immediate aftermath of the atomic bombing of either Hiroshima or Nagasaki. 
Yamahata’s photographs were published in the Mainichi Shinbun issue of August 21 and in 1952, his photographs of Nagasaki appeared in the September 29 issue of Life. The same year, they appeared in the book Kiroku-shashin: Genbaku no Nagasaki.
Yamahata became a casualty himself in 1965 and on his 49th birthday  and the twentieth anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima  he died of terminal cancer, probably caused  by the effects of radiation, received at Nagasaki.
Today his images, still resonate with the truth, and the  shocking tragedy of this atrocity.
Hibakusha is a term widely used in Japan, that refers to the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it translates as 'explosion effected  Survivor of Light.'. These survivors speak of the deep, unabating grief they felt in the days, months and decades since the attack  They have described the shame of being a survivor , many were unable to marry, find jobs, or live any sort of normal life. 
They have said that many Hibakusha never speak of the day, instead choosing to suffer in silence. They told what it was like to be suddenly alone in middle age, to lose their parents, spouses, children, and livelihoods in a single instant. In memory of them, we should make sure that the  misery and devastation caused by nuclear weapons is never forgotten.
Even if Japan was not fully innocent, the people of Japan did not deserve to pay the price for their nations wrongdoing, and there was absolutely no moral justification in obliterating these two cities and killing its inhabitants in what was clearly a crime against humanity and murder on an epic scale. Hiroshima and Nagasaki held no strategic importance. Japan were an enemy on the brink of failure an members of the country's top leadership were involved in peace negotiations.
Many believe that these two atrocities were a result of  geopolitical posturing at its most barbaric, announcing  in a catastrophic  display of military capability, of inhumane intention showing America's willingness to use doomsday weapons on civilian populations.The bombings serving as warnings and the first act of the Cold War against its imperialist rival Russia. A message to the Russians of the power of destruction and technological military capability that the US had managed to develop.
The bombs dropped were  of a indiscriminate and cruel character beyond comparison with weapons and projectiles of the past.But the horrors of Nagasaki and Hiroshima played a significant role in shaping the post-war world order. Efforts to prevent further nuclear devastation culminated in the establishment of organizations such as the United Nations and initiatives to promote disarmament and non-proliferation.
Lets not forget that in our our current dangerous  times, many world leaders remain recklessly committed to their nuclear  arsenals. There are an estimated 16,000 nuclear weapons in the world at the present time with over 90% held by USA and Russia, but also by the UK, France, India, Pakistan, Israel and lately North Korea. This is more than enough to wipe out most of the human race and most other life. 
Nagasaki Day is significant because it serves as a solemn remembrance of the lives lost and the suffering endured by the people of Nagasaki and to honour their memory.. Memorial ceremonies, peace rallies, and artistic expressions pay tribute to the resilience and spirit of the survivors.  
In the face of global tensions and the persistent threat of nuclear conflict, Nagasaki Day underscores the importance of pursuing diplomatic solutions, dialogue, and disarmament. As the world reflects on the tragic events of August 9, 1945, it is a time to recommit to the pursuit of peace, unity, and the preservation of human lives.
By learning from the past and advocating for a world without nuclear weapons, we honor the memory of the victims and work towards a brighter, safer future for all. 
For Nagasaki Day let us echo the call of the Hibakusha, and  press our leaders to take the actions necessary to ensure  these immoral, illegal weapons are never ever used again.  

Robert Oppenheimer -

Now I become death , the destroyer of worlds

Further reading:-

Nagasaki Journey; The Photographs of Yosuke Yamahata.

Monday 7 August 2023

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn : “The Rebel Girl”

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Socialist agitator and organizer for the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and an official of the Communist Party was born on 7 Aug 1890  to a working-class, Irish-American family in Concord, New Hampshire.. Flynn, using her freedom of assembly, was a founding member of the American Civil Liberties Union and a visible proponent of women’s rights, birth control, and women’s suffrage
Her mother, Annie Gurley, who was related to George Bernard Shaw, emigrated from Ireland.
She supported the family through tailoring, and resented her work being referred to as “sewing.” She advocated equal rights for women and endowed her children with a keen knowledge of Irish history, English classic literature, Greek mythology, and working-class solidarity.
Thomas Flynn, her father, earned a living sporadically; his contributions to the family were political rather than economic. He made an unsuccessful run for the New York Assembly in 1920 on the Socialist Party ticket, though he did get more votes than the Republican candidate. 
The Flynn household was the center for Irish freedom fighters like James Larkin and James Connolly, who were impressed by Elizabeth’s intelligence and encouraged her rebellious nature.  The young Elizabeth Gurley Flynn attended Socialist meetings with her parents and read The Worker and other left-wing publications, as well as the works of Edward Bellamy, Upton Sinclair, Karl Marx, and Frederick Engels. Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Women and August Bebel’s Women and Socialism finally propelled her into socialist activism.  
At fifteen, Flynn mounted her first soapbox to inaugurate her career as a “jawsmith,” as professional agitators were then called. Her experiences, along with her youthful beauty, her radiance, and her passion to remake the world, made Flynn a moving spokesperson.  By the end of 1906, Flynn had been arrested (for the first of many times) and was speaking regularly, using a style that appealed to the emotions and provoked arguments.
The poverty and exploitation Gurley Flynn saw all around her reinforced her inherited politics, engendering in her a hatred of capitalism. The revolutionary philosophy of Marx and Engels, and the socialist orators she heard in her youth, steeled her determination to change the world. 
Working-class audiences loved her. Middle-class intellectuals and bohemians were fascinated by her. Even her critics acknowledged the intellect, eloquence, and spirit of the orator that novelist and journalist Theodore Dreiser christened the East Side Joan of Arc. 
In public squares and union halls around the country, she inspired countless women and men to join and play an active role in the labor movement with ironclad logic cloaked in effervescent wit.. In an era when street life and mass strikes had a direct impact on ordinary people, Flynn’s notoriety was akin to that accorded to media stars today. The Rebel Girl, as she was called, led immigrant workers in major strikes in Lawrence, Massachusetts and Paterson and Passaic, New Jersey.
A great orator, Flynn saw court trials on labor issues as important extensions of organizing; she participated in fights for free speech in Missoula, Montana (1908), and Spokane, Washington (from 1909 to 1910). As part of her defense work, Flynn created the Workers’ Defense League, an organization that fought for the victims of the post-World War I Red Scare. She also helped establish the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). 
She left a permanent record of her protest campaigns through her writing; she produced leaflets, pamphlets, and articles, as well as a regular newspaper column that ran for twenty-six years. Gurley, as friends and family referred to her, and om 1906 joined the IWW as an organizer. 
As “One Big Union,”contending that all workers should be united as a social class to replace capitalism and wage labor with industrial democracy.  the IWW stood in direct opposition to the staid American Federation of Labor (AFL), which primarily organized skilled white men. Founded in 1905, the IWW was a new and irreverent labor union and social movement that sought to organize all workers--unskilled, immigrant, and migrant--regardless of race, sex, or creed.
From 1906 to 1918, Flynn was one of the few female organizers among the Wobblies, as IWW members were called, and certainly the youngest, working alongside other flamboyant agitators, like Big Bill Haywood and Eugene V. Debs
Flynn used her energy, commitment, and oratorical talent in strikes and free-speech battles throughout the country.  In Minnesota’s Mesabi Range in 1908, she spoke to miners about the IWW. She fell in love with the West, and with IWW member Jack Jones. Flynn, who was naïve, romantic, and by her own account, lusty, married Jones in January 1908; she departed almost immediately to fulfill her speaking engagements. 
After two years of marriage, with her baby due, Flynn decided that she had fallen out of love and did not want to settle down. She left Jones and returned home to the Bronx to live with her supportive mother and sisters. Fred Flynn was born on 19 May 1910. Flynn’s family looked after him so that she could continue her life as an organizer. Flynn later regretted that she had missed being an attentive, present mother. 
Flynn organized iron miners in Minnesota, copper miners and timber workers in Montana, textile workers in the renowned strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts, silk workers in Paterson, New Jersey, and hotel cooks and waiters in New York City. The IWW met strong resistance, which sometimes turned violent. Towns tried to discourage labor organizers by enacting legal restrictions on free speech. Fueled by zealous commitment, the IWW generally regained the right to speak in public.
Flynn led the organizing operations in major strikes of the century. Lawrence, Massachusetts was a major textile-producing center in 1912. Flynn estimated that 30,000 workers were employed there in woollen mills. They were paid starvation wages to labor in dirty, noisy, unventilated, and unsafe mills. The IWW became the organizing core of the woollen workers’strike. Flynn gave speeches and took care of the logistics: arranging for outside speakers and entertainment, setting up schools and dances, organizing the food distribution, arranging to send the children away from the violence, and sustaining long parades and pickets that formed many blocks of human chains.
The violence of the strike--one woman was killed and many people were beaten and injured--brought news reporters and humanitarians to Lawrence, fueling a nationwide protest that helped force the employers to negotiate.
On March 14, 1912, the strike was settled; worker demands for wage increases and increased overtime pay were met. Another outcome of the Lawrence strike was Flynn’s encounter with the don of Italian anarchists, Carlos Tresca, who became her lover for fourteen years (from 1912 to 1926) and remained the love of her life until he was murdered in 1943. He edited an Italian-language anarcho-syndicalist newspaper, was a master of propaganda and agitation, and often aroused uncontrollable emotions, which frequently landed him in jail. 
With the victory of the Russian Revolution, the American government grew alarmed about bolshevism and immigrant radicals. Repressive legislation was passed, culminating in the Palmer Raids. In 1919, IWW headquarters in many cities and towns were raided, IWW leaders were arrested, tens of thousands of immigrants were beaten and jailed, and some were even deported. These indictments decimated the IWW and other leftist organizations.
Flynn’s response was to mobilize a broad coalition called the Workers Defense Union (WDU) to represent these political prisoners, who numbered more than fifteen hundred. Over 170 labor, socialist, and radical organizations participated in this truly united front organization, which consisted of unions, cooperative apartments, vegetarians, consumers, and progressive women.
Over the next five years, Flynn worked tirelessly to raise money, provide lawyers and bail, publicize the cases, visit prisoners, provide relief for prisoners’ families, and appeal to government agencies to secure pardons. Most of the people she represented were poor and remained unknown, but a few, like Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, who were the focus of Flynn’s energy from 1919 to 1926, became a worldwide cause célèbre.
 Along with defense work, Flynn labored tirelessly on the Passaic strike of 16,000 woollen workers in 1926. The longest textile strike in history, it lasted over a year and was a dismal failure, partly due to sectarian battles between the Communist Party and the union. Flynn’s hectic life, with its constant organizing and traveling, began to take a toll. 
In 1923, Flynn experienced betrayal and emotional devastation when Tresca - always a ladies’ man - had a child with Elizabeth’s younger sister, Bina. In 1926, Flynn finally suffered a physical and mental collapse. Flynn spent most of the next ten years recuperating in Portland, Oregon, at the home of Dr. Marie Equi, an out lesbian who was involved in prison reform. Equi also provided abortions and dispensed birth control, which was then illegal. The hundreds of letters in the collection include one Flynn wrote to her sister Kathie in which she describes this period as one of the most difficult times in her life, but acknowledges that it gave her a chance to reflect, rest, and plan for the future
Prompted by the suicide of her brother, Tom, and a need to be with her son and her mother, who were both ill, Flynn returned east in 1937.  Shortly after her return to New York, Flynn became a member and a paid officer in the Communist Party of the United States. During the New Deal, the Communist Party was the nation’s largest, most important left-wing organization. Having doubled its membership between 1936 and 1938 to just over 80,000, the Party was the largest it had been in its American history. Party leaders had long wooed Flynn because she had a devoted following. She saw joining the Party as a way to continue her IWW commitment to labor organizing and defense work.
Yhe transition was not entirely smooth, however. Having come from a flexible anarchist movement, Flynn was unaccustomed to and uncomfortable with the discipline and doctrinal shifts often directed from Moscow. She preferred militant direct organizing to bureaucratic reform work, radio talks, and internal party politics. Her constituency remained the immigrant workers, and in the late 1950s and 1960s, the militant civil rights workers and students. Having come into the Party at the top, she never developed her own base, although she was one of its most popular speakers and columnists. Nonetheless, Flynn adjusted; she generally remained silent when she disapproved, carrying out back-and-forth Party policy in speeches and writings. However, in her personal writings, she jotted down her disagreements.  Flynn assumed the position of chair of the Women’s Commission, a largely honorific, powerless post, and in 1938, was elected to the Communist National Committee, but she was more of a figurehead than a powerbroker.
 In 1942, Flynn ran unsuccessfully for a Congressional seat in New York, receiving 50,000 votes. Flynn was also a regular and popular teacher at the Party’s Jefferson School and its national training school.  Flynn had barely settled into life with the Communist Party when she was ousted from the American Civil Liberties Union. She had helped found the ACLU and was on its National Board of Directors. In l940, the ACLU demanded that Communists resign from its official posts. Flynn alone refused and defended her position. Denied a hearing, she was expelled. Flynn’s expulsion for guilt by association haunted the ACLU; in l976, the organization repudiated the ouster on the grounds that it was inconsistent with its basic principles. 
During the 1940s, Flynn traveled to Paris where she attended the International Women’s conference, meeting with many other female activists who played significant roles in resistance movements of Nazi-occupied countries. In 1946, CPUSA started their Party Building Campaign, with the goal to recruit at least 20,000 new members to the party. The same year, they published Flynn’s propaganda pamphlet, Meet the Communists, which emphasized the party’s role in combating fascism and capitalism. Though membership was not exactly exclusive, the pamphlet specifically targeted veterans,  Black-Americans, women, workers, and youth. Flynn described the CPUSA as “a vanguard political party of the working class, to bring together those who are ready not only to fight for day by day immediate gains, both economic and political, but who are also ready to curb and control by nationalization, and eventual to abolish through Socialism, the octopus of monopoly capitalism.”
Long before most Americans understood the danger posed by Mussolini, she recognized his fascist regime as a threat to democracy around the world and spoke against it. She also opposed the Ku Klux Klan, which she saw as a uniquely American fascist organization.  Flynn’s commitment to the struggle for Black liberation was unsurpassed among white activists of her era. She campaigned alongside Black comrades against lynching, suppression of voting rights, housing discrimination, job discrimination, education discrimination, and police brutality. In the final years of her life, when she was appealing the denial of her passport under Section 6 of the McCarran Act, she wrote numerous articles in which she argued that freedom of movement was necessary for the exercise of one’s First Amendment rights. All Americans should be this un-American.
The Cold War period (from 1945 to 1955) was a difficult one, especially for Communist Party members and other leftists. During the New Deal and World War II, the Communist Party was tolerated because the Democratic Party needed its members to push liberal legislation and help organize the Congress of Industrial Organizations. As well, the Soviet Union was an American ally. 
After the war, the Soviet Union became the number one enemy, thus Communists in the United States were considered to be the enemies within. Communist Party members and sympathizers, suspected of being anti-American, were often shunned and even lost their jobs. Party membership declined almost fifty percent due to the repression and fear.
In 1948, several members of the Communist Party, along with other radical aliens, were arrested and held for eventual deportation. Later that year, twelve top Party leaders--the entire National Board, with the exception of Flynn--were arrested for having violated the Smith Act by conspiring to teach, advocate, and overthrow the American government by force and violence.
With her expertise in defense organization, Flynn became the chair of the Smith Act Defense Committee. She toured the country, raising money for publicity, legal fees, and support for families of the accused, and alerting Americans to the threat to their basic freedoms - the right of assembly and the right to free speech. Anti-Communist hysteria mounted with the Korean War and the Rosenberg trial. Loyalty oaths were enforced and books were burned. The McCarran Act was passed, mandating government registration of Communists and members of Communist front organizations. The FBI sent agents to disrupt the support committee meetings and sympathizers were considered guilty by association. States passed anti-subversion laws, and Communists were denied the right to unemployment and social security benefits and were evicted from their homes.
 In June 1951, a second group of Smith Act victims, referred to as “second-string CP leadership,” were arrested and prosecuted. The New York Times described Flynn as the most notorious and important of the accused. Flynn acted as her own counsel, bearing the brunt of the courtroom offensive for ten months. She was eloquent, courageous, and witty, calling up her long career and her personal reasons for joining and advancing the Party. Judge Dimock was so impressed with Flynn’s intelligence and her belief in the Bill of Rights that he offered her the option of spending the rest of her life in Russia as a substitute for prison. Flynn’s reply to this unprecedented offer was unequivocal: “I am an American; I want to live and work in the United States of America. I am not interested in going any place else and would reject any such proposition.” 
On 20 January 1953, all the defendants were found guilty.  From 1953 to 1955, Flynn waited while the case went through the appeals process; during this time, she wrote her autobiography, I Speak My Own Piece. First published in 1955 and republished in 1973 under the title Rebel Girl, it covered Flynn’s life up to the period before she joined the Communist Party. The autobiography, which is political rather than personal, minimizes her leading role in the IWW, probably in order to emphasize her Communist Party years; nevertheless, it is powerful, informative, and often exciting.
On 11 January 1955, Flynn went to Alderson Federal Reformatory for Women in West Virginia to serve her twenty-eight-month sentence.  Flynn tells the story of her incarceration in The Alderson Story: My Life as a Political Prisoner, which she wrote after her release and published in 1963. Flynn was assigned to a maximum-security residence, although at the age of sixty-four, arthritic, overweight, and suffering from high blood pressure, she was clearly no threat. Flynn was much older than most of the prisoners and had a hard time with the noise and loud music, as well as the adolescent personalities of the other inmates. She used the time to read over two hundred books: poetry, plays, classics, philosophy, and psychology. She had intended to write the second half of her autobiography, but prison officials censored her writing and she even had difficulty obtaining paper.
In The Alderson Story: My Life as a Political Prisoner, she detailed not only the physical brutalities of incarceration but also its psychological toll: “The heavy shadow of prison fell upon us in those three days — the locked door and the night patrol. The turning of a key on the outside of the door is a weird sensation to which one never became accustomed. One felt like a trapped animal in a cage.”  She also took the opportunity to expose the classist and racist nature of the US prison-industrial complex.  “No rich women were to be found in Alderson,” she wrote, highlighting how the prison system mostly consumed poor and working-class women, the majority black and Spanish-speaking with past lives defined often by abuse, mental illness or drug addiction. 
 Following her release from the penitentiary, Flynn didn’t hesitate to jump right back into leftist political work and communist activism. She also ran for office again, putting her name forward for New York City Council in 1957.  In 1961, her long years of work were recognised by comrades, who elected her to become chairperson of the Communist Party, the first woman to ever hold the position.  After winning back her passport from the government, Flynn traveled to the Soviet Union in 1964 to spend time working on her next book. While there, however, she became ill and passed away at the age of 74.  on 5 September 1964, of stomach and intestinal inflammation aggravated by a blood clot to her lungs. Flynn was given a full-scale state funeral in Red Square, attended by over twenty-five thousand people. In accordance with her wishes, her body was returned to the United States to be buried in Chicago’s Waldheim Cemetery close to the Haymarket martyrs. and other labour heroes.  The New York Times gave her a substantial front-page obituary.  . 
 Flynn described herself as a “professional revolutionary, an agitator” against the injustices of capitalism, racism, and misogyny. As Prof Mary Anne Trasciatti wrote: “It is no exaggeration to claim that Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was involved in almost every major campaign of the US left in the first two-thirds of the 20th century.”   
 During her illustrious and stormy life, she was best known as a fiery orator, an adept organizer, and a remarkable publicist. As an indigenous Marxist of the heart, nurtured by class struggle and her parents’ working-class socialism, her strength was her ability to communicate with working people.
Her autobiographical writings, speeches, and articles,call attention to the crucial issues of the twentieth century--war, poverty, sexism, and civil liberties--and are written in a clear, simple style that generally avoids party rhetoric and political cliché.  
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn   inspired trade union troubadour Joe Hill to write a song about her, The Rebel Girl  and first appeared in the Little Red Songbook — a collection of sheet music published by the Industrial Workers of the World in 1915.
"Yes, her hands may be hardened from labor, And her dress may not be very fine; But a heart in her bosom is beating That is true to her class and her kind. And the grafters in terror are trembling When her spite and defiance she'll hurl; For the only and thoroughbred lady Is the Rebel Girl.
Hill was in frequent correspondence with Flynn in the months before his execution. They only met in person once, but became close through their letters, and Flynn launched a fierce campaign to save Hill. She even wrangled a meeting with U.S. President Woodrow Wilson to plead for Hill’s pardon. President Wilson lobbied Utah governor William Spry to postpone Hill’s sentence, but Spry bristled at the suggestion that Utah’s courts would ever execute someone without a proper trial. Hill died by firing squad on November 19, 1915.

Hazel Dickens - The Rebel Girl

Although she’s been dead for almost six decades, it looks like Elizabeth Gurley Flynn is still getting under the skin of right-wingers. Just two weeks after it was installed, a historical marker commemorating her birth in Concord, N.H., has been demolished on the order of Republican state officials.  The green and white cast iron plaque—the kind you see on the side of highways or in public places noting where significant events occurred or famous persons once lived—was erected on May Day in downtown Concord, where Flynn was born in 1890.

The sign was barely bolted into place before conservatives demanded its removal, embarrassed apparently that the state might recognize someone who devoted her life to fighting for workers’ rights, women’s right to vote, birth control, civil liberties, and economic equality. But it was Flynn’s leadership in the Communist Party USA that really boiled their blood.  
This is a devout communist,” complained Joseph Kenney, a Republican member of the Executive Council, the five-person body that approves state contracts, judicial nominees, and other positions. “How can we possibly promote her propaganda, which still exists now through this sign in downtown Concord?”  
But in a state with the motto “Live Free or Die,” is there really any better figure to represent that rebellious spirit than “The Rebel Girl” herself.
 The removal of the recently installed memorial in Concord, N.H., commemorating the life and work of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn is outrageous .Throughout her activist career, the Rebel Girl struggled against repressive laws at the local, state, and federal levels and tried to forge a movement of workers that cut across ethnic, racial, and gender barriers. Her efforts, while not always successful, are a wellspring of inspiration for socialists looking to build a movement for genuine social change 
The indomitable Flynn was/is a heroine of the labor movement and suffrage and  jer name and legacy deserve to be remembered and respected.  Overreacting to her Communist Party membership is pure Joseph McCarthy.We must ensure that “rebel girls” and “inconvenient people” remain in our memory as we build on the legacies they have so graciously bestowed.

Thursday 3 August 2023

The Life and Legacy of Lenny Bruce


Controversial  comedy legend social critic, satirist, and screenwriter, renowned for his open, freestyle form of comedy which integrated satire, politics, religion, sex, and vulgarity. Lenny Bruce tragically died on this day 1966. 
Born Leonard Alfred Schneider, on Oct. 13, 1925, in Mineola, N.Y.  As a child during the Great Depression,Lenny had a difficult childhood. His parents divorced when he was 5, and he spent his growing up years moving among his various relatives/ in a singularly Jewish environment. 
Bruce grew up neurotic, hungry for affection, bewildered by the rules and regulations of the adult world and the confusion of two separate worlds—his father’s and his mother’s. He leaned toward his mother’s world. She was Sally Marr, a sometime stand-up comic and entertainer/ 
He saw his father infrequency, and life with Bruce's mother, was erratic at best. Bruce attended six elementary schools, sold pop bottles for spending cash, and stole lunches from other students. 
Bruce's mother was completely uninhibited and supported herself in unconventional ways. For a time she operated a dance studio and furnished adult escorts. As Bruce grew to adulthood, his mother developed her own comedy act and performed in nightclubs. From his mother, Lenny learned to laugh at life's irregularities. 
Bruce left home at the age of 16 and went to live with a couple named Dengler on their Long Island farm. He stayed on the farm until shortly after the beginning of World War II. He joined the Navy at the age of 16 in 1942, and saw active duty during World War II. He fought in North Africa and Italy, and was discharged in 1945 after displeasing his commanding officer by performing a drag act,. He settled in New York City, hoping to establish himself as a comedian.
He met Joe Ancis,who had a profound influence on his approach to comedy. According to Bruce’s biographer, Albert Goldman, Ancis’ humor involved stream-of-consciousness sexual fantasies, references to jazz, and stories of Jewish domesticity.attending Mepham High School.
In 1947, he adopted the stage name of Lenny Bruce, and  began to pursue stand-up, a medium that he would revolutionize in a few years. Before coming to national attention, he performed at clubs and burlesque shows along the East Coast, opening for strippers and intoxicated crowds. It was during these years that he began to experiment with lewd language and controversial topics. 
He first achieved notoriety after winning Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts, which was a popular television show at the time. As his career began to take off, he entered the 1950s with an act that helped fuel the social revolutions that were taking place. With the Beat Generation at its prime, Bruce offered a sobering voice to country on the verge of great change. By the mid-50s, he was performing a brand of comedy that assaulted the conventions of the medium. He sparked anger in religious groups and began to catch the eye of law enforcement. 
He managed  to release four albums of original material on Berkeley-based Fantasy Records, with rants, comic routines, and satirical interviews on the themes that made him famous: jazz, moral philosophy, politics, patriotism, religion, law, race, abortion, drugs, the Ku Klux Klan, and Jewishness. 
Branded a “sick comic” – though it was the sickness of modern society that he was railing about .The comedian toured the world and commented on everything from religion to racial epithets, with the intent of calling out hypocrisy.
Through the decade he gathered a following. In 1959, he made it on to Steve Allen's networked chat show.Allen introduced Bruce as "the most shocking comedian of our time, a young man who is skyrocketing to fame--Lenny Bruce!" He had a big following by then but Allen's support was enormously valuable, a great step up from the clubs he had been working.
As his fame grew, so did his detractors. Some people thought his social commentary was "a fad" while others wondered if he was a harbinger of new thought in the American people. His comedy frequently included "four-letter words"
The more critics objected, the wilder Lenny got. Audiences encouraged Lenny toward more “free-form” comedy.form” comedy. He wanted to do less set “bits” and one-liners and more observational material drawn, like a jazz musician, from his feelings and emotions of the moment. When some of his sexual or religious material received negative criticism, it only goaded him into more furious assaults. He took on any topic that he felt discomfort in talking about, whether it was how to remove snot from suede or whether Jacqueline Kennedy was “going for help” or running for cover when the shots were fired in Dallas, a difference between supposed heroism and forgivable human nature. 
He was a comedian who talked about sex in a way nobody on a public stage had done before. No euphemism or innuendo - lots of four-letter and 12-letter words. He attacked injustice and hypocrisy full blast and lacerated the Catholic church: "Why are there Puerto Ricans starving in New York while Cardinal Spellman was wandering round wearing a $8000 ring?"   You didn't ask questions like that, certainly not on stage. 
Branded a “sick comic” – though it was the sickness of modern society that he was railing about – Lenny was essentially blacklisted from television, but he got booked at ever more prestigious venues.
On February 3, 1961, in the midst of a severe blizzard, he gave a transcendent performance at Carnegie Hall, recorded and later released as a three-disc set, “The Carnegie Hall Concert.“ 
In the words of his biographer Albert Goldman: "he finally reached a point of clairvoyance where he was no longer a performer but rather a medium transmitting messages that came from him from out there - from recall, fantasy, prophecy. His tongue would outrun his mind and he would be saying things that surprised, delighted him, cracked him up."
It was staggering and it had tremendous impact on later comedians, most notably Robin Williams. The whole modern idiom known as stand-up proceeds down a path opened by Bruce.
 In the fall of 1961, however, Bruce's career would begin its downward spiral. Just a week after being arrested in Philadelphia on a narcotics charge, On October 4, 1961, Bruce was arrested for obscenity at the Jazz Workshop in San Francisco. Although the jury acquitted him, other law enforcement agencies began monitoring his appearances, resulting in frequent arrests under charges of obscenity, and also for drug possession.  
Bruce became a target for Manhattan District Attorney Frank Hogan, a staunch Roman Catholic close to the Archbishop of New York, Francis Cardinal Spellman. After being arrested in Philadelphia for drug possession and in Los Angeles for obscenity, he was arrested twice in New York's Greenwich Village.
At the time, Greenwich Village was a well-known location for artists and free thinkers to gather. During his six-month trial in 1964,Bruce received positive testimony and petitions of support from – among other artists, writers and educators – Woody Allen, Bob Dylan, Jules Feiffer, Allen Ginsberg, Norman Mailer, William Styron, James Baldwin, Dorothy Kilgallen and Herbert Gans. Club owners and presenters were often charged as well, for sponsoring “obscene” performances, and gigs started drying up. 
Bruce was found guilty, and sentenced to four months in a workhouse, and he was released on bail during his appeal process (the conviction would be overturned in 1970).
In his television appearances he would include details of his encounters with the police, making them objects of ridicule, ranting against fascism and lack of freedom of speech; this would increase police pressure against him. Bruce was also banned from publicly performing in a number of cities, and due in part to his drug use, was banned from many nightclubs. All  his struggles wore hum down.
He became increasingly agitated and unbalanced. In August 1966 he made his final recording, which began as a microphone test and descended into mad gibberish punctuated by vulgarities. His last performance took place on June 25, 1966, at The Fillmore Auditorium in San Francisco, on a bill with Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention.
On August 3, 1966, Bruce was found dead in the bathroom of his Hollywood Hills home at 8825 W. Hollywood Blvd. He died of an acute overdose of morphine.In his last days he had experimented with LSD taken sleeping pills, and worried his friends with his heroin abuse. Nobody was in the house when Lenny died. He had been typing—the electric typewriter was on, and he had been in mid-sentence: “Conspiracy to interfere with the fourth amendment const.” 
He was found by his friends, in the bathroom, a needle in his arm. It seemed strange. Lenny would not have simply thrown a sash around his arm and jabbed the needle in. None of the paraphernalia he used to shoot up, including a spoon and matches, were around. When the police arrived, they arranged the body for some photographs and added a few touches—like a box of syringes found under the sink. There remain conflicts between the police reports and eyewitness testimony. Confusion over such basic facts as whether the drug was morphine or heroin, and whether the injection was administered by Lenny (accidentally or as a suicide attempt) or by someone else, have left the death of Lenny Bruce as controversial as his life. 
 His remains were interred in Eden Memorial Park Cemetery in Mission Hills, Calif. Dick Schaap eulogized Bruce in Playboy with the memorable line: “One last four-letter word for Lenny: Dead. At forty. That’s obscene.
In a short time after Bruce’s death, he became a folk hero for free speech. Numerous books, articles, films and stage productions have focused on his short but eventful life. He is recognized as a prophetic truth-teller for what he revealed about the contradictions and hypocrisies in American society. 
Since his death, Bruce has been considered an icon of comic social commentary, and an inspiration to many other social commentators.Recognized for his impact on comedy, as well as on censorship and the contours of satire, Bruce was persecuted and prosecuted as he pushed against the limits of free speech and acceptability. Lenny Bruce remains an enigma, a complex character whose place in entertainment and First Amendment history is neither fully understood nor appreciated.
What makes Lenny Bruce’s legacy so unique is that he not only had a deep effect on stand-up, but also the first amendment. He made America re-evaluate what it means to be a truly free nation. For stand-up comedy, he was the first comedian to talk about the harsh realities of life in an open and free manner. This alone paved the way for modern stand-up, where so many comics talk about how they digest the world.
 After his death, he inspired songs by Bob Dylan, Steve Earle, and Simon and Garfunkel. He is also immortalized on the cover of The Beatles iconic Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album, joining the likes of Marilyn Monroe, Albert Einstein, and Oscar Wilde. Following pressures from fellow comedians, 
In 1971 the Broadway show “Lenny” sparked a Lenny Bruce revival, and in this radical half of the decade, students clamored for the re-issue of his albums, and previously unavailable works. Lenny was nominated for more Grammy awards posthumously than during his lifetime. The 1974 film version of “Lenny” starring Dustin Hoffman brought even more attention to Bruce, along with Albert Goldman’s biography.
The documentary film Lenny Bruce: Swear to Tell the Truth (1998), directed by Robert B. Weide and narrated by Robert De Niro, was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.
Lenny Bruce paved the way for future outspoken counterculture-era comedians, and his trial is seen as a landmark for freedom of speech in the United States. Obscenity laws loosened in the decades following Lenny’s death. While this wasn’t a direct result of his stage presence, increased discussion surrounding First Amendment rights were certainly triggered by people like Lenny. 
These free speech protections are important because they provide a necessary check against tyrannical state power. Lenny Bruce was a remarkable man who was not afraid  to speak  his mind.At a time when the powers that sought to limit the scope of acceptable discourse. Lenny fought until his last breath for the right to challenge orthodoxy. and the freedom to offend  and help shape and make comedy what it is today: An art form that prides itself on encouraging anyone to say anything. Without him, there would be no Richard Pryors or George Carlins, as the price to be funny would still be insuperably high.
 Unfortunately, Bruce had to pay the highest price for his comedic successors to enjoy the privilege of freely performing. This price, however, was not paid in vain. We now live in a world where the state (at least, in the United States) has no authority to put people in cages for telling jokes,
Lenny Bruce was a man of words. He tested the limits of free speech through his comedy, went to prison and finally died fighting for the freedom of speech that many are still struggling with today. He was a Martyr. His act was declared obscene and he was relentlessly pursued by authorities who sought to stop him. 
 He believed that people give words power and that the words themselves are meaningless. He wanted us to understand that it’s the intention that counts. He challenged us to think more deeply and more honestly. He wanted people to be shocked by corruption, repression, hypocrisy, racism and greed, not by four letter words, labels and sexual references.  In one set he used the N word along with other racist labels, saying the words over and over again to make the point that the words are meaningless unless you give them power. He said that the word that really offended him was ‘segregation’.
Comedians as well as making us laugh serve as  objective, independent, and uncensored reflectors  of society. Because comedians nowadays are willing to express bold opinions about important topics, they introduce us to new ideas and encourage discourse. That wasn’t always the case, If you’re a fan of stand-up comedy, you owe more than you think to Lenny Bruce, If he were around today, no doubt he'd still be telling his offensive, obscene, profanity-peppered truth.
In December 2003, New York Governor George Pataki granted Bruce a posthumous pardon for his obscenity conviction, the first such posthumous pardon in New York history. In granting Bruce the unprecedented pardon, Mr Pataki seemed to be in agreement with folk singer Bob Dylan, who wrote, "Lenny Bruce is dead but he didn't commit any crime; he just had the insight to rip off the lid before its time."

Lenny Bruce on the Steve Allen show  April 5 1959

Lenny Bruce - The Truth." 

Lenny Bruce, as shown in the documentary "Swear to Tell the Truth." 

The truth is, what is.  And what should be is a fantasy.  A terrible, terrible lie.  That someone gave the people long ago."  Lenny Bruce

Wednesday 26 July 2023

Rest in power Sinéad O’Connor (Shuhada) 💔

Deeply tragic and utterly heartbreaking news, the great Irish poet and protest singer Shuhada' Sadaqat (Sinéad O'Connor)  left us the age of just 56 , Her family announced the news "with great sadness", saying "her family and friends are devastated". The cause of death has not been made public. 
She was best known for her single Nothing Compares 2 U, released in 1990, which reached number one and brought her worldwide fame.
Taoiseach (Irish PM) Leo Varadkar said her music "was loved around the world and her talent was unmatched".  Irish President Michael D Higgins praised O'Connor's "authenticity" as well as her "beautiful, unique voice". "What Ireland has lost at such a relatively young age is one of our greatest and most gifted composers, songwriters and performers of recent decades, one who had a unique talent and extraordinary connection with her audience, all of whom held such love and warmth for her," he said.
Born Sinead Marie Bernadette O'Connor in Glenageary, County Dublin, on the 8th of December 1966, the singer had a difficult childhood.  As a teenager,she was arrested for shoplifting and placed in Dublin's An Grianan Training Centre, once one of the notorious Magdalene laundries, originally set up to incarcerate young girls deemed to be promiscuous. She  described the Centre, as a "prison" where the "girls cried every day".  All those harrowing experiences, and ones yet to come, poured into her music
She released her first critically acclaimed album The Lion And The Cobra in 1987, which entered the top 40 in the UK and US.  Her follow-up was I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got, which included Nothing Compares 2 U.  Written by Prince, the song reached number one around the world, including in the US and the UK. 
Sinead  O’Connor was a beautiful, courageous soul who wore her heart on her sleeve. She was before her time, a true  trailblazer, an  iconic musical talent. ranked among the most distinctive and controversial pop music stars of the alternative era - perhaps the most influential female performer of the 20th Century
Despite being a gifted creative, her talent was often overshadowed by her political activism, outspoken views, and later, sadly, by her struggles with mental health.Never a stranger to controversy, uncompromising, defiant, fearlessly brave, a friend of Palestine,with a voice pure and haunting. Her compulsion to speak the truth, whatever the cost, embodied her Irish rebel spirit, she touched the hearts of many, me included.
In 1992, Sinead O’Connor shocked the producers of Saturday Night Live when at the end of her performance, she tore up a photo of the pope to protest child sex abuse in the church. her career was totally derailed and the church’s abuse did not re-enter the national spotlight for another 10 years/
But with her fearless voice and outstanding bravery when calling out the Catholic Church and it's atrocities. she truly challenged an Ireland, and a world, that stifled women, children and anyone who didn't conform. Her power, anger, pain and fragility gave strength to many survivors to speak out.
Converting to Islam in 2018, the Dublin singer changed her name to Shuhada' Sadaqat,meaning “witness to truth” but continued to perform under her birth name. She released a memoir, Rememberings, in 2021.
In January 2022, her 17-year-old son Shane was found dead after being reported missing two days previously.  Writing on social media following his death, she said he had "decided to end his earthly struggle" and requested "no-one follows his example".  The singer later cancelled all live performances for the rest of 2022 due to her "continuing grief" following the death of her son.  O'Connor paid tribute to Shane in one of her final tweets, calling him "the love of my life, the lamp of my soul, we were one soul in two halves"
O’Connor received the inaugural award for Classic Irish Album at the Irish RTÉ Choice Music Awards earlier this year.. Her speech was met with a standing ovation as she dedicated her win “I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got” to “each and every member of Ireland’s refugee community.” She added, “You’re very welcome in Ireland. I love you very much and I wish you happiness."
Without wishing to speculate on the cause of death, her passing is such a sad loss to many. I don't believe in idolising celebrities but Sinead had such raw talent, passion, with intense presence who battled her own personal demons against tragedy and adversity. courageously.She lived her life on her own terms and refused to conform  Her music will live on and inspire further generations  My heartfelt condolences to her family and friends. 
Nothing will ever compare to her. Rest in power Sinéad (Shuhada) you will forever be in our hearts 💔

Sinéad O'Connor - Mandinka

Sinéad O'Connor - Downpressor Man

Shane MacGowan and Sinéad  O’Connor - Haunted  .

Sinead O'Connor - Song To The Siren

Sinead O'Connor - "Trouble of the World"

Friday 21 July 2023

J Robert Oppenheimer "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds,"

The July 21, 2023 theatrical release of the film Oppenheimer focuses on the life of prominent American nuclear physicist,J. Robert Oppenheimer, and should help to remind us of how badly the development of modern weapons has played out for individuals and for all of humanity.
Partially based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography, American Prometheus, written by Kai Bird and the late Martin Sherwin, the pacy blockbuster film from director Christopher Nolan starring Cillian Murphy  tells the story of the rise and fall of  the young J. Robert Oppenheimer,when he was  recruited by the U.S. government during World War II to direct the construction and testing of the world’s first atomic bomb.
The Manhattan Project, set up in 1942, was guided by fear that if the US and its allies didn't make them first, Hitler's Nazi scientists would.
Oppenheimer is the first film to properly tackle the scientist and his legacy, The film explores Oppenheimer’s moral quandary over his role in creating the most destructive weapon ever made, with the blockbuster film  currently hitting theaters, millions will learn more about nuclear weapons development. But the film won’t show you how the Trinity test ushered in an era of nuclear testing where the U.S. government knowingly exposed tens of thousands of  people to toxic materials and radiation.and  nuclear disarmament campaigners fear its power to persuade people of the existential threat posed by nuclear arms may be diminished by its focus on scientific achievement.
The overall impact of the film is unbalanced – people leave the theatre thinking how exciting a process it was, not thinking ‘God, this was a terrible weapon of mass destruction and look what’s happened today’,” said Carol Turner, a co-chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament’s London branch.
Born to a affluent Jewish family in New York in 1906, it became apparent at an early age that Oppenheimer’s academic ability outstripped those of his peers and he entered Harvard University aged 18 where he graduated after just three years summa cum laude (with highest praise).
However, he struggled with his mental health. During his time at college, he expressed suicidal thoughts. Of his time studying physics at Harvard, Oppenheimer f said: "My feeling about myself was always one of extreme discontent." and, while pursuing a graduate degree at Cambridge University, deliberately left an apple, poisoned with laboratory chemicals, on his tutor’s desk.
By the outbreak of World War II, though, Oppenheimer had transformed himself into a respected professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and had already made numerous, significant contributions to science.
During his time at Berkeley, he fell in love with Jean Tatlock (played by Florence Pugh in Oppenheimer), the daughter of a Berkeley literature professor and a student at Stanford University School of Medicine. She was a member of the Communist Party, which later became an issue in his security clearance  (Oppenheimer himself during  his student years had seen him drawn to the left as Germany's fascist regime saw friends and relatives oppressed and forced to flee.)
They broke up in 1939 and, a year later, he married Katherine (”Kitty”) Puening with whom he had two children.
During their marriage, Oppenheimer rekindled his relationship with Tatlock and the two had an affair. She later committed suicide in 1944.
Oppenheimer was appointed by General Leslie Groves, the project's military leader, to head up Site Y - a secret weapons research facility, 210 miles south of Los Alamos, New Mexico, on the plains of the Alamogordo Bombing Range, known as the Jornada del Muerto.
 J. Robert Oppenheimer chose the name "Trinity" for the test site, inspired by the poetry of John Donne. but little did he know that the fallout from these tests was devastating — and the United States has failed to reckon with the consequences. 
When the bomb was finally secretly detonated at 5.30 a.m, on July 16, 1945, atop a steel tower, an intense light flash and sudden wave of heat was followed by a great burst of sound echoing in the valley. A ball of fire tore up into the sky and then surrounded by a giant mushroom  cloud stretching some 40,00 feet across. With a power equivalent to around 21,000 tons, the bomb completely obliterated the steel tower on which it rested, destroying everything in its vicinity and melting huge swathes of sand into sea-green glass. The Nuclear Age had begun,,
Less than a month later, the United States would drop a nearly identical weapon on the city of Nagasaki in Japan. The bomb, named Fat Man, fell three days after Americans dropped a uranium bomb called Little Boy, on Hiroshima. Both weapons immediately killed tens of thousands of Japanese people and forced Japan's surrender on August 14, bring an abrupt end to the war.
Many of the scientists who witnessed the Trinity blast quickly realised the "foul and awesome" power they had set free. Mr Oppenheimer said a Hindu scripture ran through his mind at the sight of the explosion: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
The verse in question is from the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita. Chapter 11, Verse 32, in which the deity Krishna reveals his divine form to the warrior Arjuna. Witnessing the terrifying sight of Krishna's cosmic form, Arjuna is overwhelmed with awe and fear. 
Oppenheimer, who was well-versed in various philosophical and religious texts, including the Bhagavad Gita, reportedly recited this verse upon witnessing the first successful detonation of an atomic bomb during the Trinity test. The quote has since become closely associated with Oppenheimer and his reflections on the destructive power of the atomic bomb. 
In the context of Oppenheimer's statement, he was expressing a profound sense of the magnitude and implications of the scientific achievement he had helped bring to fruition. The immense destruction unleashed by the atomic bomb made Oppenheimer acutely aware of the devastating potential of nuclear weapons. His use  of the quote from the Bhagavad Gita reflects his introspection on the consequences of his work and the moral responsibility that came with
Kenneth T. Bainbridge, the test director at the time , was less poetic than Oppenheimer. "Now we are all sons of bitches," he said.
 Oppenheimer was changed by the atomic bomb, believing it made the prospect of future conflict "unendurable".
"It has led us up those last few steps to the mountain pass; and beyond there is a different country," he said in 1946, later signalling his opposition to his government's plan to develop even bigger nuclear weapons. Oppenheimer was ignored and held in deep suspicion,
The Trinity test exposed the communities in the areas downwind from the blast to dangerous levels of radiation and fallout. In the following decades, the "Downwinders" from the Tularosa Basin who were not even informed about the test have faced long-term health consequences including cancers, even across generations. Like the Hibakusha,a term widely used in Japan, that translates as ' explosion effected/Surrvivor of the Light' and global victims of nuclear tests, the Downwinders have raised their voices to fight for a better future.
The thousands living  downwind from  the Trinity Blast were knowingly exposed to extremely high levels of radioactive fallout . Many New Mexicans living in the vicinity of the Trinity test were ranchers, Native Americans, Hispanic settlers who lived a rural and substinence lifestyle. Unbeknownst to them their land, their water and their food was severely contaminated to radioactive fallout. The effects of this exposure are still evident 78 years later in the physical, economic and mental hardships of survivors and their families. Downwinders developed certain types of cancers at rates that far exceed the general population. In many case, entire families have developed cancer at rates that far exceeded the general population. Many downwinders were also forced into debt and poverty from costly health treatments, none of which were compensated by the federal government.
During the immediate postwar years, Oppenheimer, widely lauded as “the father of the atomic bomb,” attained extraordinary power for a scientist within U.S. government ranks, including as chair of the General Advisory Committee of the new Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).  But Oppenheimer was changed by the atomic bomb, believing it made the prospect of future conflict "unendurable".
"It has led us up those last few steps to the mountain pass; and beyond there is a different country," he said in 1946, later signalling his opposition to his government's plan to develop even bigger nuclear weapons.Oppenheimer was ignored and held in deep suspicion.
In the fall of 1945, during a meeting at the White House with Truman, Oppenheimer said: “Mr. President, I feel I have blood on my hands.” Incensed, Truman later told Assistant Secretary of State Dean Acheson that Oppenheimer had become “a crybaby” and that he didn’t want “to see that son of a bitch in this office ever again.”  Oppenheimer was also disturbed by the emerging nuclear arms race and, like many atomic scientists, championed the international control of atomic energy. Indeed, in late 1949, the entire General Advisory Committee of the AEC came out in opposition to the U.S. development of the H-bomb―although the president, ignoring this recommendation, approved developing the new weapon and adding it to the rapidly growing U.S. nuclear arsenal.
In these circumstances, figures with considerably less ambivalence about nuclear weapons took action to purge Oppenheimer from power. In December 1953, shortly after becoming chair of the AEC, Lewis Strauss, a fervent champion of a U.S. nuclear buildup, ordered Oppenheimer’s security clearance suspended. Anxious to counter implications of disloyalty, Oppenheimer appealed the decision and, in subsequent hearings before the AEC’s Personnel Security Board, faced grueling questioning not only about his criticism of nuclear weapons, but about his relationships decades before with individuals who had been Communist Party members.These hearings were skewed and manipulated in McCarthyite fashion.
Ultimately, the AEC ruled that Oppenheimer was a security risk, an official determination that added to his public humiliation, completed his removal from government service, and delivered a shattering blow to his meteoric career. He died of lung cancer in 1967 with none of the power he once yielded. But while extremely harmful professionally and personally, the hearings were not Oppenheimer’s greatest tragedy.
The greatest tragedy was despite his remarkable gifts as a physicist and as a human being was the building of a weapon that could  potentially lead to the destruction of humankind and destroy virtually  all life on earth. We we are all part of Oppenheimer’s tragedy. Oppenheimer’s life does not influence us. It haunts us.
The poet Ai (2010) wrote in what she called “The Testimony of J. Robert Oppenheimer: A Fiction”:

            my soul, a wound that will not heal…./We strip away the tattered fabric/of the universe….we become our own transcendent annihilation

Since the Trinity Test 78 years ago, at least eight countries have detonated over 2,000 nuclear weapons at more than 60 locations around the globe,according to data released by
all with the potential to destroy virtually  all life on earth.
More than half of these tests have been conducted by the United States, most have have taken place on colonized land and the lands of indigenous and minority people, never close to those who made the decisions to conduct them
People living in the vicinity of these tests exposed to radioactive fallout are part of the under acknowledged ;collateral damage' of our nuclear industry. The history of nuclear testing also exposes the oppressive and racist nature of relying on nuclear weapons for “security”.
Radiation from nuclear tests harms children more than it does adults. Infants and young girls run the highest risk of cancer across their lifetime after exposure and teenage girls will suffer almost double rates of cancer compared to boys.
Terrifyingly, in recent years, thanks to a sharp increase in international conflict, the potential for nuclear war has dramatically revived. All nine nuclear powers (Russia, the United States, China, Britain, France, Israel, India, Pakistan, and North Korea) are currently engaged in upgrading their nuclear arsenals with new production facilities and new, improved nuclear weapons. 
During 2022, these governments poured nearly $83 billion into this nuclear buildup. Public threats to initiate nuclear war, including those by Donald Trump, Kim Jong Un, and Vladimir Putin, have become more common.
The hands of the Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, established in 1946, now stand at 100 seconds to midnight―the most dangerous setting in its history.
Not surprisingly, the nuclear powers display little interest in further action for nuclear arms control and disarmament. The two nations possessing some 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons―Russia (with the most) and the United States (not far behind)―have pulled out of nearly all such agreements with one another.
Although the U.S. government has proposed extending the New Start Treaty (which limits the number of strategic nuclear weapons) with Russia, Putin reportedly responded this June that Russia would not engage in any nuclear disarmament talks with the West, commenting: “We possess more weaponry of such sort than the NATO countries. They know that and are always trying to persuade us to start negotiations on reduction. Nuts to them . . . as our people say.” 
The Chinese government―whose nuclear arsenal, while growing substantially, still ranks a distant third in numbers―has stated that it sees no reason for China to engage in any nuclear arms control talks. 
To head off a looming nuclear catastrophe, non-nuclear nations have been championing the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Adopted by an overwhelming vote of nations at a UN conference in July 2017, the TPNW bans developing, testing, producing, acquiring, possessing, stockpiling, and threatening to use nuclear weapons.
The treaty went into force in January 2021 and.though opposed by all the nuclear powers. it has thus far been signed by 92 nations and ratified by 68 of them. Brazil and Indonesia are likely to ratify it in the near future. Polls have found that the TPNW has substantial support in numerous countries, including the United States and other NATO nations.  There does remain some hope, then, that the nuclear tragedy that engulfed Robert Oppenheimer and has long threatened the survival of world civilization can still be averted.
We do well to remain haunted by Oppenheimer's story but also to learn from him that, while the capacity to create instruments of planetary destruction will remain with us, our best hope for survival of our species lies in abolishing them. We should make Oppenheimer’s legacy to us the recognition that our only form of what has been called “nuclear ethics” is abolition.
The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) has put together an Oppenheimer: myths vs facts explainer. It covers topics such as the legacy of nuclear testing on New Mexico residents, the myth that nuclear weapons ended World War Two, or that nuclear weapons keep us safe today.  
ICAN also has an Oppenheimer Action Kit to help campaigners talk about nuclear disarmament. It includes social media graphics, talking points, and a draft letter to your local newspaper.

Wednesday 19 July 2023

The Death of Sarah Good : The Salem Witch Trials

Sarah Good ( an appropriated image as as the earliest daguerreotype was not introduced until 1839.)

Between February 1692 and May 1693 in current day Massachusetts,in Colonial America. more than 200 people were accused of witchcraft.  This period of witch trials later came to be known as the Salem witch trials, named after the town of Salem and Salem Village (present-day Danvers).  By the time this  event was over  141 suspects, both men and women, were tried as witches. Nineteen were executed by hanging. One was pressed to death by heavy stones. The town had become so afraid of something that was not to blame, that innocent lives were taken, creating a spread of blame, along with a chaotic panic.and climate of fear and hysteria..The Salem Witch Trials would become one of the most tragic events in Colonial America. 
Salem Village was known for its divided population with many internal disputes about property lines, grazing rights, and church privileges. After a series of short-term ministers, Samuel Parris became the first ordained minister of Salem Village in 1689. He was not successful in solving conflicts in the village; rather he contributed to the dissonance by making well-known church members suffer public penance due to their small mistakes. This only created more division among the people. According to Historian Marion Starkey, serious conflict was inevitable in this tense environment (1949). 
In February 1692, Reverend Parris’ daughter Elizabeth, age 9, and niece, Abigail Williams, age 11, started having “fits”. They would shriek, make weird sounds, crawl under furniture, and convulse into strange positions. These “fits” were considered to be supernatural in origin, and members of the community were accused of consorting with the devil and afflicting the young children through witchcraft (Lawson 1692).
With the seeds of paranoia planted, more accusations arose, and more people were arrested. By the end of the month of May, a total of 62 individuals were in custody
On June 2, 1962, the Court of Oyer and Terminer (to hear and decide) was established to handle the large number of people in jail for witchcraft. These trials relied heavily on spectral evidence, or testimony based on dreams or apparitions seen by the afflicted. The “touch test” was also used to determine guilt or innocence. The accused witch was told to touch a victim having a fit, and if the victim stopped having a fit, the accused was believed to have afflicted the victim 
Other evidence included confessions made by accused witches, and testimony by a guilty witch who pointed out others as witches.In the Puritan colony of Massachusetts Bay, fear of witches was rampant. 
After the girls were accused of being witches, fingers began to be pointed at everyone in the town, everyone was ready to accuse their neighbour or friend, in order to take the focus away from themselves.
In January 1693, the new Superior Court of Judicature convened, and those who had been accused of witchcraft, but not yet tried, went on trial. The series of trials and executions finally ended in May 1693.  The Salem witch trials are an infamous case of mass hysteria; they are an example of the consequences of religious extremism, false allegations, and lapses in the due legal processes. These trials had a lasting effect on people’s attitude towards separation of state and church, as historian George Lincoln Burr said, “the Salem witchcraft was the rock on which the theocracy shattered” (1914:197). The Salem witch trials left a lesson for the future, a caution for the outcome of unbridled religious fanaticism and over enthusiasm about the supernatural.
Sarah Good was one of the first to be accused of witchcraft by young girls in Salem.Sarah She  was born Sarah Solart in Wenham, Massachusetts Bay Colony to John and Elizabeth Solart. Her father was prosperous, but she and her sisters never received their inheritance when he died in 1672. Sarah first married Daniel Poole, a laborer and who died in 1682. She then married William Good. The debt that she had after Daniel Poole died became the responsibility of William Good. Because they could not handle the debt, the Goods were "reduced to begging work, food, and shelter from their neighbors" and by 1692 were homeless. She was of lower economic status and an easy target for the young women who were accusing others of witchcraft. Due to her husband’s inability to provide she was reliant on neighbors and others to make ends meet. This also caused her much stress which she most likely took out on her husband, who for whatever reason, could not provide enough for his family.
Rumors of Sarah Good practicing witchcraft began to circulate when her husband began to complain to neighbors about her behavior towards him. He said that she “her bad carriage to him” which led to her neighbors accusing her of challenging Puritan values. 
Reverend Samuel Parris had also become angry with his lack of payment and began preaching that Satan was among those in the congregation. These sermons along with his slave Tituba and the fits of rage that would come from his own household would begin to create the initial hysteria. 
 Witchcraft Accusation At this time it was common to use spectral evidence to make claims.Spectral Evidence, if allowed into a court proceeding, is near impossible for the accuser to refute because it can change on a whim. 
Good was accused of witchcraft on March 6, 1692, when Abigail Williams and Elizabeth Parris, related to the Reverend Samuel Parris, claimed to be bewitched under her hand. The young girls asserted they had been bitten, pinched, and otherwise abused.
They would have fits in which their bodies would appear to involuntarily convulse, their eyes rolling into the back of their heads and their mouths hanging open. When the Rev. Samuel Parris asked “Who torments you?” the girls eventually shouted out the names of three townspeople: Tituba, Sarah Osborne, and Sarah Good.
Her accusation came around the same time as Rebecca Nurse who was viewed by most townspeople in Salem as an upstanding citizen. If Mrs. Nurse was able to become a target due to the spectral evidence allowed in the courtroom, then Sarah Good would be a much easier target. 
On March 1, 1692, Sarah Good faced examination with two other accused witches, Sarah Osburne and Tituba. Sarah Good pleaded, "I am falsely accused," but then Tituba named her a witch.  Other villagers, including her husband, testified against her, and she was put in jail.
On March 24, Ann Putnam accused Sarah's five year old daughter, Dorcas, of witchcraft. When put on trial, the young child confessed that she and her mother were witches. She showed a red spot on her finger, most likely a flea bite, claiming it was a snake her mother had given her.  Dorcas was then put in jail and chained to a wall.
On March 25, 1692, Sarah Good appeared before the court to be tried for witchcraft. She was accused of rejecting the puritanical expectations of self-control and discipline when she chose to torment and scorn children instead of leading them towards salvation.  When she was brought in the accusers would begin rocking back and forth and eventually throw themselves in a fit of rage. This spectral evidence was believed to be a demonic influence that Sarah Good was using to control them which was proof of her witchcraft. 
During her trial, one of the accusers threw herself into a fit of rage, and upon being “released” from Good’s spell she claimed that Sarah Good had attacked her with a knife and that it broke while Good was trying to stab her. She even produced a piece of the broken knife.  The crowd gasped, but then a young man stood up and told the court the piece had broken off his own knife the day prior and the accuser had witnessed it. He even was able to produce the knife that broke which matched the piece the accuser produced. 
One would think this would be proof of the lies and the accuser’s testimony would be dismissed. However, Judge William Stoughton only saw what he wanted to see and simply scolded the girl for exaggerating what he believed to be the truth.  Both Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne denied the accusations that were put against them. However, Reverend Samuel Parris’ slave Tituba delivered a devastating blow to both Good and Osborne’s testimony when she admitted to being the “Devil’s servant”.
Tituba stated that a tall man dressed all in black came to them, demanding they sign their names in a great book. Although initially refusing, Tituba said, she eventually wrote her name, after Good and Osborne forced her to. There were six other names in the book as well but were not visible to her.
She also said that Good had ordered her cat to attack Elizabeth Hubbard, causing the scratches and bite marks on the girl’s body. She spoke of seeing Good with black and yellow birds surrounding her, and that Good had also sent these animals to harm the girls.  When the girls began to have another fit, Tituba claimed she could see a yellow bird in Good’s right hand. The young accusers agreed.
When Good was allowed the chance to defend herself in front of the twelve jurors in the Salem Village meeting house, she argued her innocence, proclaiming Tituba and Osborne as the real witches. In the end, however, Good was convicted of witchcraft and sentenced to death. 
There was no evidence other than the claims of the afflicted girls but she was still found guilty.and sentenced to death by hanging  but pregnant at the time her execution was pushed back until the birth of her child. Good’s infant died in prison shortly after its birth and local officials brought Good to the execution site at Proctor’s Ledge on July 19, along with Rebecca Nurse, Susannah Martin, Elizabeth Howe, and Sarah Wildes. 
 Before the hanging, the other women prayed and asked God to forgive the accused but Sarah Goode showed no sign of forgiveness.
According to an article in The New England Magazine, as Sarah Good stood on the platform with the other women, Reverend Nicolas Noyes called Good a witch and urged her to confess. Good replied:  “You are a liar. I am no more a witch than you are a wizard, and if you take away my life God will give you blood to drink!” 
The five women were hanged and most likely buried near the execution site because convicted witches were not allowed to be buried in consecrated ground.  
Twenty-five years later, in 1717, Reverend Noyes suffered an internal hemorrhage and died choking on his own blood. 
In 1710 William Good successfully sued the Great and General Court for health and mental damages done to Sarah and Dorcas, ultimately receiving thirty pounds sterling, one of the largest sums granted to the families of the witchcraft victims.

The demise of Rebecca Nurse, Susannah Martin, Elizabeth Howe, Sarah Good, and Sarah Wildes July 19, 1692
In 1992, the Salem Witch Trials Memorial was built in Salem,at the site of the execution, commemorating the lives that were lost.and a marker was established for Sarah Good. 
The Salem Witch Trials Memorial was dedicated on August 5, 1992 by Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel for the tercentenary of the Salem Witch Trials. James Cutler and Maggie Smith designed the memorial with as three-sided granite wall with benches displaying the names and execution dates of each of the victims.The stonework on the ground by the entrance to the memorial is inscribed with the victims’ pleas of innocence that are interrupted mid-sentence by the wall to symbolize the indifference to oppression that existed in 1692. These restorative actions could never be enough to rectify the appalling injustice met by Sarah Good and the other victims but were a step in the right direction,
The Salem Witch Trial victims deserve our respect for their suffering at the hands of a church-driven community drunk with power. They were tortured, coerced, and their families destroyed by a court system that decided guilt or innocence on spectral evidence and hearsay.They were innocent people that refused to conform to the Puritan way and paid for it with their lives.
Voices Against Injustice maintains the Witch Trials Memorial, and more information about its history and design as well as guidelines for visiting are available on their website,
Sarah Good later appeared in Arthur Miller’s 1953 play The Crucible as a poor beggar woman who is looked down upon by Salem society.

The gravestone marker of Sarah Good.