Tuesday 7 November 2023

King's Speech 2023


Panto season has started early this year. an unelected parasitic, nonce-protecting  King with 23 luxury residences including multiple palaces sits on a gold throne  and reads out a list a measures  from a unelected Prime Minister of a corrupt party on what they will do to continue supporting fascism, inequality,unaccountable power. while depriving the British people of their liberties, targeting the right to strike and protest. and destroying the planet. that will do nothing for the poor, the hungry or the homeless.  It will never be not ridiculous that this guy sits there  while wearing enough jewellery to make a large dent in solving health inequalities would they be sold .talking about the cost of living crisis for the rest of us. His crown travels in a separate car by the way. Utterly grotesque. Can this antiquated, antediluvian  ritual of Kings Speech truly represent UK  2023.  Anyone still believe  we are living in a Democracy?
Ahead of the speech, anti-monarchy protesters gathered outside parliament with placards which read: "Not my king!". They could be heard booing the King as he left parliament for Buckingham Palace once he had delivered the speech. Campaign group Republic organised the anti-monarchy protest outside Westminster,  Around 500 people turned up for the protest and a statement on Republic’s Twitter/X account said: “We’ve just told Charles that he’s not our King at the State Opening of Parliament!  “500 republicans have today turned up to protest for democracy and the right to elect our head of state – thank you all for the amazing support.” Writing on Twitter/X, Republic CEO Graham Smith pointed out that the BBC had made no mention of the boos on its live blog.
The Kings Speech was an opportunity to set out a vision for the future: to bring down energy bills, cut emissions and restore nature. Nothing was said in the Kings Speech today about the severe hardship millions of families are facing.the cost of living crisis, energy costs  NHS Crisis. poverty. Despite the emphasis on crime, there was no mention of the recent pro-Palestinian protests that have been taking place across the UK, and which Ms Braverman has described as "hate marches".  Her controversial plans to restrict the use of tents for people who are homeless were also not raised by the King.The government is also continuing its attack on freedom of speech and expression through the Economic Activity of Public Bodies Bill.  Uniquely shielding Israel from criticism amid allegations of war crimes in Gaza is deeply concerning. It is also clear mental health is not a priority for this Government. No mention of the Mental Health Act being reformed. To name just a few of the current serious  issues. No investment, no help, and nothing was said about how the UK government plans to fix this.  It’s not right that families are having to turn to food banks.. 
The King's Speech just served as a vehicle for Rishi Sunak to further his desperate pursuit of short-term political point scoring, at the expense of the public,The most vulnerable in society failed yet again. This is what Charles should have been said today," My government is full of crap, has run out of ideas, and lacks integrity, professionalism and accountability. A general election is what the people want and what the country needs.;" Hang on though where's the bloody opposition, The country;s  fucked. .It's time to fight back and continue to question the relevance of the monarchy.

Thursday 2 November 2023

106th anniversary of the infamous Balfour Declaration


 Lord Arthur Balfour
On this day, 106 years ago, one of history's most unjust declarations was made, when on November 2, 1917 the British government issued the  Balfour Declaration, which laid the foundation for the establishment of a Jewish state at the expense of the indigenous Palestinian population. The ramifications would be seen up until the present day and is regarded as one of the most controversial and contested documents in modern history. The genocide we are witnessing in Gaza today is a direct result of these colonial efforts. 
It was named after Lord Arthur James Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary during the Word War 1, who on an order by United Kingdom’s Prime Minister at that time, David Lloyd George,sent an official letter  to Baron Walter Rothschild (the 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Zionist community, who accepted it on behalf of Great Britain and Ireland.
The document was quite short, consisting of only 67 words in three paragraphs. However, the impact was enormous: the declaration was the beginning of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which has not ended.The immortal words of the letter said the following:

His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by jews in any other country."

The Original Letter of the Balfour Declaration

With the Balfour Declaration, London was seeking Jewish support for its war efforts, and the Zionist push for a homeland for Jews was an emerging political force. In 1917, Jews constituted 10% of the population, the rest were  Arabs. Yet Britain recognised the national rights of a tiny minority and denied it to the majority This was a classic colonial document which totally disregarded the rights and aspirations of the indigenous population. In the words of Jewish writer Arthur Koestler: “One nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third.”And in the words of the late Palestinian academic Edward Said, the declaration was “made by a European power … about a non-European territory … in a flat disregard of both the presence and wishes of the native majority resident in that territory. 
 The indigenous Palestinian population’s political and national rights were ignored in the Balfour Declaration, not to mention their ethnic and national identity. Instead, Great Britain promised not to “prejudice the[ir] civil and religious rights,” and referred to Palestinians as “non-Jewish communities in Palestine.” The percentage of Jews living in Palestine in 1917 did not exceed 7%, yet the British attempted to rewrite history in order to justify their colonial policy.
It was a shock to the Arab world, which had not been consulted and had received promises of independence of its own in the post-war break up of the defeated Ottoman Empire. The Palestinians have always condemned the declaration, which they refer to as the "Balfour promise" saying Britain was giving away land it did not own.
The Balfour Declaration constituted a dangerous historical precedent and a blatant breach of all international laws and norms, and this  act of the British Empire to “give” the land of another people  for colonial settlement created the conditions for countless atrocities against the Palestinian people. Balfour, in a 1919 confidential memo, wrote: 
 “Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age old traditions, in present needs, in future hopes, of far greater import than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land”  
For all those that celebrate the Balfour Declaration. Balfour was an antisemite and wanted to migrate Jews out of Britain to solve the "Jewish problem".  Arthur Balfour wrote about the Zionist movement that it would “mitigate the age-long miseries created for Western civilization by the presence in its midst of a Body [Jews] which it too long regarded as alien and even hostile, but which it was equally unable to expel or to absorb.
The discriminatory language used by Sir Arthur Balfour and seen in the Balfour Declaration and the British Mandate reveal the prejudiced rational behind British foreign policy in Palestine. A month after the Balfour Declaration on 2 December 1917, the British army occupied Jerusalem. In 1923, the British Mandate for Palestine came into effect, and included the entire text of the Balfour Declaration. Through the Mandate, Britain would go on to rule Palestine for three decades.
The Mandate for Palestine constituted the entire legal framework for how Britain should operate during its occupation of Palestine. Despite this, the Mandate made no mention of the Palestinians by name, nor did it specify the right of Palestinians to nationhood. Instead, it was during its rule in Palestine that Britain sought to lay the foundations for the creation of a ‘national home for the Jewish people’
By the end of the 1920s, it became clear that this ambition would have violent repercussions.Between 1936 and 1939, thousands of Palestinians were killed and imprisoned as they revolted in protest against British policy.
The British response took a heavy toll on the livelihoods of Palestinian villagers, who were subjected to punitive measures that included the confiscation of livestock, the destruction of properties, detention and collective fines. During this time, British forces’ are said to have carried out beatings, extrajudicial killings and torture as they attempted to quell the uprising. To this day, there are still the ‘Tegart Forts’ in Palestine built and named by Sir Charles Tegart who had been stationed in India to punish those fighting against the British Raj and then later stationed in Palestine to control any Arab dissent.
For Palestinians, Britain’s three decades of occupation in Palestine was a turning point in the country’s history, laying the foundations for what would become decades of occupation, displacement and insecurity.
When the UK eventually decided to withdraw from from Palestine in May 1948  when the Israeli state was established. By this point, the Zionist paramilitary army was ready with a plan to colonise Palestine and the newly established United Nations was ready to take over the role of legitimising the occupation. 
This time is known by Palestinians as the Nakba or ‘catastrophe’, when large-scale ethnic cleansing, saw more than 700,000 Palestinians lose their ancestral homes. Hundreds of Arab villages razed to the ground and 15,000 Palestinians  killed in several massacres. Much of these events took place whilst streets of Palestine were still being patrolled by tens of thousands of British soldiers.
To this day, there are more than 5 million Palestinian refugees registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in the occupied Palestinian territories, Lebanon and Jordan as a result of the Nakba in 1948 and the displacement that followed the Israeli occupation of Palestine in 1967.
Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem have now been under occupation for over 50 years, devastating the lives of millions of Palestinians.
The catastrophe of the Arab Palestinian people in 1948 continues today at the hands of Israel, using the same old policies and laws established by the British such as land confiscation laws, home demolitions, ‘administrative’ detention, deportations, violent repression, and the continuation of the expulsion of about 7.9 million Palestinians who are denied their basic national and human rights, especially their right to return and live normally in their homeland. Today, the State of Israel, backed by the military and diplomatic might of the United States, continues this century-long pattern of denying the Palestinian people their right to self-determination. In violation of international law, Israel refuses to allow Palestinian refugees their right of return to the homes from which they or their ancestors were forcibly displaced by Israel during the Nakba in 1948; denies Palestinian citizens of Israel their equal rights; and imposes upon Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip a brutal military occupation and suffocating siege. that is currently facing  what amounts to genocide. This catastrophe of the Palestinian people could not continue without the support of Israel by the United States and Britain.
In the June 1967 war, Israel completed the conquest of Palestine by occupying the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. By signing the Oslo Accord with Israel in 1993, the Palestine Liberation Organisation gave up its claim to 78% of Palestine. In return they hoped to achieve an independent Palestinian state on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with a capital city in East Jerusalem. It was not to be.
 On May 7, The Guardian newspaper regretted its support in 1917 for the Balfour Declaration, describing it as its “worst errors of judgment”.
The Guardian of 1917 supported, celebrated, and could even be said to have helped facilitate the Balfour Declaration,” the British daily wrote, adding that the then editor, CP Scott, was “blinded” to Palestinian rights due to his support of Zionism.
The Balfour Declaration is not just history, it's actuality. The Palestinian people still experience this declaration's catastrophic consequences to this day, which bear witness to such a historic injustice due to the persecution, repression, killing, arrests and demolition of homes and properties. that perpetuated one of the longest-running settler-colonial occupations on a land that was and remains exclusively Palestinian.
This painful anniversary coincides with the ongoing crises in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, especially in the Gaza Strip, which is witnessing the escalation of killings, organized terrorism, displacement, and the deliberate destruction of residential buildings, schools, hospitals, places of worship, and infrastructure. The occupying army continues to commit one massacre after another without any accountability. Just today they destroyed an entire neighborhood in the Bureij camp over the heads of its residents! 
These actions constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Israeli occupation. Unfortunately, it highlights the failure of the international community to carry out its duties and assume its responsibilities in putting an end to this Israeli military aggression, providing protection for the Palestinian people, and obliging Israel, the occupying power, to comply with the principles of international law and relevant United Nations resolutions
It is important to note that the UK is currently assisting and providing cover for a second Nakba in which thousands of palestinians killed with the whole world watching one of Balfour's most terrible results. And of all of the nations to stand by and watch, it shouldn't be ours. Britain has played a role in creating this cycle of killing and bloodshed in the middle east. Our country, the former colonial power is jointly responsible for the disaster of the Balfour declaration, and is fully accountable to the atrocities and dehumanizing of Palestinians. But even till this day, the UK has not shown any remorse for the historical sin it had made.
Britain bears a moral and historical responsibility over the displacement and dispossession of millions of Palestinians and should therefore make every possible effort to remedy the wounds inflicted upon the Palestinians as a result of the Balfour Declaration by apologizing to the Palestinian people, and recognizing the Palestinian state on the June 4, lines with East Jerusalem as its capital in support of achieving a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in accordance with the vision of a two-state solution to ensure that future generations of Palestinians can live in dignity.The Israeli occupation should be brought to an end and Israel should be held accountable for its war crimes and crimes against humanity. Short term we should demand an immediate ceasefire.The war must be stopped, and civilians protected. 

Tuesday 31 October 2023

'From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.'


At a time when expressions of support for the Palestinian cause are facing criminalisation at utterly unprecedented levels across Europe Witnessing  extraordinary restrictions being imposed on virtually all expressions of solidarity: Palestinian flags and kuffiyeh scarves are being banned and protest rallies are being systematically prohibited. I draw attention to the slogan “From the river to the sea.Palestine will be free  ” a  refrain that can regularly be heard :at pro-Palestine rallies across the world.
For Palestinians and pro-Palestinian campaigners.the phrase has been a popular rallying call for decades, signifying what they believe is their right to peacefully return to the land that is now Israel. About 700,000 Palestinians, approximately 85% of the Arab population, were expelled or forced to flee in 1948, when Israel declared independence after the United Nations voted to divide Palestine into Jewish and Arab states. In the 1967 war, Israel expanded the territory under its control and has since occupied the Gaza Strip and West Bank. It has blockaded Gaza since 2007, after Hamas took control of the strip.  
But the phrase has been the subject of global controversy, with some seeing it as antisemitic or even dangerous, especially after it was adopted by Hamas..Many Israelis and supporters of Israel have claimed that the chant effectively calls for genocide and implies the destruction of Israel.  In mid-October, police in Vienna banned a pro-Palestine protest on the basis of the chant, claiming it was a call to violence.  And while London's Metropolitan Police said they would not be arresting protesters who chanted the slogan at a pro-Palestine protest over the weekend, the UK Home Secretary has publicly stated that she believes police should intervene, suggesting that the chant is an "expression of a violent desire to see Israel erased from the world" and recently called the slogan a “staple of antisemitic discourse.”, 
Despite the slogans controversy, the origins of which go back to the 1940s. The chant the river refers to is the Jordan River which lies to the east of the West Bank and Israel while the sea is the Mediterranean Sea, on the west. The area in between consists of 7 million Palestinians who live under Israeli rule.  The entire land between the river and the sea used to be historically Palestine.  Upon the conclusion of the British Empire’s mandate over historic Palestine, the United Nations put forth a proposal to divide the region into separate Jewish and Palestinian states. The plan, which saw 62 per cent of land going under Israeli control, was rejected by Arab leaders. 
Once the British left, the Nakba, or “cataophophe” took place that resulted in more than 700,000 Palestinians being displaced. In 1964, the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) was formed with the aim of representing the Palestinian people and their national aspirations..In the late 1960s, the PLO put forward a visionary idea of Arab-Jewish coexistence in one democracy, arguing for Israel and the Occupied Territories to become “one secular, democratic state of Palestine” based on one person, one vote, where Arabs, Jews, Muslims and Christians would enjoy full equality.
The chant  refers to and  acknowledges the fact that nowhere between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean sea .do Palestinians enjoy full and equal rights, and the slogan means that Palestinians will be free one day to go back to their homes and lands that were stolen from them during the Nakba. They will be free again and not prisoners.
The outrageous and deeply inflammatory intervention from Suella Braverman. offers no help whatsoever to the tragic currently unfolding in Gaza.Yes. ' From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.' is a call for the end of the ethno-supremacist state of Israel but no, it is  not a call for the death or suffering of any Jewish person.Calling for an end to this oppressive system is not antisemitic, rather it is an invitation for Palestinians and Jews alike to imagine themselves as free and equal in this land, liberated from the oppressive power relations that prevail today. Rather than criminalizing the slogan, the British government should be working toward this aspirational future. And the first step is recognizing the present reality for what it is.. Palestinians wanting an end to the occupation is not anti semitic and people supporting Palestinians  currently facing genocide is not antisemitism and expressing solidarity with Palestinians is not hateful.    
'“From the river to the sea represents a political manifesto increasingly recognised around the world: justice for all Palestinians in historic Palestine and in exile. and also' means that Palestinians will be free to live in all of modern Israel, Gaza and West Bank. in freedom and equality/ No different from what Israeli Jews want. So, a a unitary state with equal rights in Palestine-Israel is the obvious compromise. Unless one side refuses to share,
In these  perilous times in Israel-Palestine. with Israel’s retaliatory bombing of Gaza  wreaking destruction on the already besieged strip and killing a ballooning number of civilians. Emboldened settlers in the West Bank, backed by the army, are seizing the opportunity to escalate their attacks on Palestinians., '“From the river to the sea”serves to remind us of  the fragmentation of Palestinian land and people by Israeli occupation and discrimination. who  since 1948 have been divided in a myriad of ways by Israeli apartheid policy.
There are Palestinian refugees denied repatriation because of discriminatory Israeli laws.There are Palestinians denied equal rights living within Israel’s internationally recognized territory as second-class citizens. There are Palestinians living with no citizenship rights under Israeli military occupation in the West Bank. There are Palestinians in legal limbo in occupied Jerusalem and facing expulsion. There are Palestinians in Gaza living under an Israeli siege. All of them suffer from a range of policies in a singular system of discrimination and apartheid, a system that can only be challenged by their unified opposition. All of them have a right to live freely in the land  liberated from all  forms of occupation discrimination, and oppression,  from the river to the sea.

Saturday 28 October 2023

Beyond the Storms


In these maddening days
Paths of confusion and disorientation,
Somber times of  utter sadness
Hopes blighted instead of gladness,
As bombs fall with a litany of despair
Forces of oppression, releasing depression,
Triggering tears and so much pain
Leaving minds brimming with anxiety,.
There are many lessons to be taught
Places to escape to in mind and spirit,
Following musical trails, other voices
Oceans of sound, offering surrender,
Where we can be wild and free 
Can't be controlled or destroyed,
Avenues where peace can be inhaled
Enabling us to laugh together,
With woven vines of passion
For complications to leap forward,
Through slivers of nature's dewdrops
Beyond the missiles and the bullets,
Allowing miracles to keep unfolding
Offering respite, calm and healing, 
Quintessence to be delivered
Cancelling out menace and injustice,
Releasing an anarchy of love
That keeps refusing to be tamed.

Thursday 19 October 2023

Vigil for Peace in Gaza

A vigil with candles and placards will be held on Saturday from 4 pm to 6 pm by Cambrian Quay Cardigan near the Otter to grieve for those affected by the recent conflict in Gaza, to allow our community to symbolically come together and peacefully take a moment in time to collectively grieve for all civilians that have died in Israel and in Gaza, and to hope for a peaceful resolution as soon as possible. 
Stressing that the violence in Israel which caused civilian casualties is not excusable, while acknowledging that this happened in the context of the decades-long oppression of Palestinians.
It is difficult to comprehend the horror to which so many civilians have been subjected to in recent days, and I fear for the fate of those caught up in the conflict. I am also concerned about the impact that the situation is having on those of Israeli and Palestinian heritage living in Wales. 
We must  condemn the attacks by Hamas. The taking of innocent lives, and the barbarity with which civilians have been treated can never be justified, and support calls for the international community to intervene so as to impose a ceasefire so that humanitarian aid can flow into Gaza and for the hostages held by Hamas to be released. 
Ordinary Palestinians have been let down by the international community and have suffered years of violence and injustice. Collective punishment of innocent civilians cannot be justified and will do nothing to bring about peace in the region.
More than 1 million Palestinians have been displaced, and the Israeli military under Netanyahu's extreme party continues to bomb and starve millions of people trapped in Gaza. So many deaths and so much violence with no clear end.  We must demand a ceasefire in Israel and occupied Palestine. We cannot be complicit in this violence. 
But our government’s leaders continue to dehumanize Palestinians and encourage the Israeli military’s relentless bombing of Gaza. We must do everything we can to bring all families home safely, and to protect everyone in the region no matter their faiths or ethnicities.
As Israel’s brutal assault on besieged the Gaza Strip continues, our political leaders are enabling its war crimes. We must put pressure on all politicians to speak out, it is clear that a ceasefire and an end to the siege in Gaza is the only way to guarantee that there is no further loss of civilian lives and that aid reaches those who need it. All are welcome. Heddwch/ Peace.

Friday 13 October 2023

Crying out for Succour

As the future is submerged with despair
Forces of disarray tearing each other apart,
Deteriorating. degrading and destroying
Delivering blossoming grief, so suffocating,
With two countries.side by side suffering 
One far more, with daily iniquity and cruelty,
While bombs rain down with twisted agony
Creating so much sadness and brutality,
Out of the bowels of malevolence and carnage 
There is a pallid light struggling to shine,
Carried  through the continuing darkness 
To infiltrate broken minds and hearts,
In these times of sadness and madness
Pain numbing deep inside, instead of gladness,
Let our poems keep on delivering illumination
In orange and bronze, at least autumn has arrived,
Allow things of goodness continue to inspire
From the tiniest bug to this beautiful planet itself,
Everything is tied together by the thread of life
We must use this to embroider carefully,
Among life's cruelty allow love to sustain
To distinguish and vaporise the pain,
Against the rages and ravages of war 
Under the stars and guiding moonlight
Empower voices to be used for peacefulness ·
Fill your soul and mentality with tenderness,
Breathing in silence, realise all life is precious
Sparkling with countless harmonious grace,
At daybreak the hourglass releases tiny diamonds
Beyond  prisms of blackness, sparkling in abundance,
Cycles of smiles and laughter, scattering all the hate
Enabling  hope to rise, before it's too bloody late.

Wednesday 11 October 2023

Call for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza Now

As of this morning, at least 2,200 Israelis and Palestinians have been killed and many thousands wounded.  Usually, when a war breaks out in Israel/Palestine, the United States quickly calls for restraint. But yesterday when Biden spoke, instead of calling for a ceasefire, he pledged U.S. involvement in Israel's pursuit of revenge and intention (already underway) to commit war crimes.The first shipment of U.S. weapons and the USS Gerald R. Ford, the world's largest warship, have already entered the fight. Biden and Congress are planning to provide additional funding for Israel's military.  
I'm absolutely astonished at the number of people who don't know that Israel has been occupying Palestine since 1948 in breach of international law. An average of 10,000 Palestinians are killed or injured by Israel every year, including hundreds of children, and what's becoming abundantly clear is a huge section of the western world not only supports this, but wants more bloodshed.
It's truly chilling. All violence is  abohrent. so is apartheid. Gaza’s 2+ million population are mostly children, who live under blockade in what Israel’s own former intelligence chief has called an open air prison. The overwhelming majority live in poverty. Many suffer lifelong psychological and physical trauma. Egypt has closed its border crossing with Gaza, Palestine. Israel has closed its border crossing with Gaza, Water turned off and today the Gaza Energy Authority announced that it  had run out of fuel. Gaza's sole power plant will stop working at 2pm local time. Soon all services vital for the survival of the population, including hospitals, will no longer function. Hamas is not the people of Palestine. Real people are living this. It's utterly heartbreaking.
Whatever is left of their hospital system is about to collapse entirely. With over a 1000 dead (hundreds being children), the wounded now have no treatment and aid has been shut off from all directions. Without electricity, the few voices from the ground will also disappear. What little remains of the now cut off water supply will dry up.
The power crisis is unfolding against a backdrop of escalated military actions, with both sides suffering casualties.The residents of Gaza are finding themselves amidst a worsening humanitarian situation, with the electricity cut-off adding to the difficulties .
The situation in Palestine-Israel is growing more and more dangerous, with total casualties now in the thousands. The situation is now so dire that some are warning of potential genocide in Gaza.
International agencies and humanitarian groups are calling for the restoration of electricity and the establishment of aid corridors to ensure the delivery of essential supplies and services. The situation highlights the complexities and the ripple effects of the ongoing conflict on basic amenities like power.  As the hostilities continue, the power cut-off in Gaza stands as a stark reminder of the far-reaching implications of military confrontations. The current scenario underlines the necessity for de-escalation and dialogue to address the humanitarian challenges and work towards a sustainable resolution of the conflict.
Violence leads to violence. Hamas’s attack was appalling, but so is the daily violence of Israeli apartheid. Israeli forces are carrying out relentless attacks reducing entire neighborhoods to rubble.at least 950 people have been killed, many more are trapped under the rubble. As the death toll mounts, we  must urge Israeli forces to make every effort to spare civilian lives. 
The brutality of Israel’s response is already clear and  now despairingly Keir Starmer is cheering on the cutting off of food, electricity, water and medical aid to Gaza. Intentionally starving civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to survival, such as drinking water. 
Under 4th Geneva Convention collective punishment is a war crime. 1,000,000 children in Gaza. Indiscriminate bombing and starving Palestinians of food, water and electricity is collective punishment. 
But instead of condemning these war crimes, Western politicians are cheering them on. It should not be controversial to oppose the killing of both Palestinian and Israeli children. It should not be controversial to oppose war crimes.No government should be endorsed to deliver collective punishment to innocents and cut off power and water to hospitals.  You can't utter these words and then call for international law to be maintained in the same sentence. It's unethical, immoral and disgusting.
Should Starmer as a former human rights lawyer. simply not be  horrified by the appalling toll of civilian deaths in  the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel and be calling for a ceasefire an an end of all hostilities, the protection of civilians, and a just resolution in accordance with international law!
There is no military solution to this conflict. No amount of bombing, no ground invasion, no height of collective punishment, will make anyone safer anywhere between the river and the sea.
Gaza, an open-air prison, under blockade and siege for 16 years, is at a breaking point. Medical personnel and aid workers are facing huge barriers to delivering desperately needed supplies to the over two million who are trapped there. We need a humanitarian corridor into Gaza to protect civilian lives.  Palestinians have the right to live in dignity and peace, the right to movement, and as refugees, the right of return.
The Israel-Palestine issue is not complicated; an apartheid regime abuses and oppresses an indigenous ethnic group who don't have the same rights as others. The only reason anyone thinks it's complicated is because they assume if it were simple, the news would've told them so.
The Palestinian flag by the way is a symbol of struggle, suffering and survival against tyranny. It is a symbol of hope for a better future, one of freedom and peace.Waving that is a statement of solidarity.
We should all mourn the hundreds of people killed across Israel and Palestine over the past few days and we need a concerted effort for peace and justice in the region.We need urgent de-escalation, an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the establishment of a dialogue to restore the historical rights of the Palestinian people and negotiation towards a free Palestine and  to an end of occupation and siege in order to end this tragic cycle of violence and a means in achieving a just and lasting peace.

Monday 9 October 2023

Remembering Loukanikos : Symbol of anti-austerity resistance

Loukanikos,  a  much loved ginger mongrel  known internationally  as the 'Riot Dog'  died peacefully in his sleep on 9 October 2014, aged around 10. His name translated into English as 'sausage'. More than just a dog, he was a protector and a beloved comrade facing down riot Police daily as demonstrators took to the streets  of Greece against the police murder of Alexandros Grigoropoulos, a 15 year old Greek student  who was gunned down in cold blood in the center of Athens, and later against austerity measures.
His presence on the "front lines" of anti-austerity protests in Athens became one of the defining images of the crisis. Throughout the 2011 protests, the mongrel was a constant feature on Athens' streets - barking at riot police, narrowly avoiding being kicked in scuffles, and trotting past blazing missiles thrown by the demonstrators.  
Loukanikos, was usually  to be found at the thick of all the action in front of the crowds, charging and yelping alongside protestors when they confronted  police on the streets of Athens The canine became a symbol of resistance in Greece after he was pictured facing off with riot police and surrounded by tear gas during various demonstrations. 
Protesters said he would often stand with them during bouts of unrest and protect people by grabbing tear gas canisters and pushing them away..And in this way, Loukanikos became a symbol of urban revolution in Athens and a mascot for the protestors inspiring so many to keep up the struggle.in Greece and around the world.
So legendary was this noble creature that he had a bar named after him in Madrid, and. in 2011 Time magazine listed  Loukanikos as one of its personalities of the year.
Loukanikos  retired from h which explains his death at 10 years of age.is duty as professional protester in summer 2012. The family in charge of him had considered it was too dangerous for him to continue taking part in protests and clashes with riot police As it turns out, the chemicals and the beatings he had taken by the police on more than one occasion had damaged his health.
This valiant defender His system had been damaged by tear gas and policemen kicks, and he had been greatly weakened, which explains his death at 10 years of age. Loukanikos now rests under the shade of a tree, atop a hill in Athens. . Let's continue to remember this  courageous four legged revolutionary and symbol of anti-austerity resistance,
The following song  "Riot Dog," was written in his honour by American singer David Rovics.

David Rovics - Riot Dog

Wednesday 4 October 2023

Here be Monsters

Heinous creatures pretending to be human
Snakes in disguise. scattering their poison,
Self absorbed. peddlers of division
Vampiric entities treating all with derision,
Killing the country. spreading cruelty and hatred
Releasing narratives of calculated debasement,
With a cockney rhymimg chancellor Jeremy Hunt 
Alongside racist Suella Braverman, what an affront,.
Like a horror show unfurling before our eyes
Collectively in rancid sickness,spreading lies,
Lining their own pockets. reeking of depravity
While forcing the vulnerable into further poverty;
With wickedness perpetrate deeds of unreason
It is after all their parties conference season,
All together turn into a hideous nightmare
Dark fibrillating hearts of total despair. 
The Tories are crooks, thieves and swindlers
Just like the witch Thatcher, their evil goddess, 
As they continue to  release extreme rhetoric
We witness the wreckage of Tory's sociopathic,
Fickless.brimming with hateful hollowness
Battering the electorate with facile bollocks.

Saturday 30 September 2023

Remembering Muhammad al-Durrah, 23 years on


Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the deliberate killing of Mohammed Al-Durrah, a Palestinian child. While he was hiding in his father's arms pleading for their lives, the Israeli occupation forces shot him two days after the Al-Aqsa Intifada began..I remember him and the 1000s of  other Palestinians killed by an occupying force as the world watches.
On September 30th 2000 Mohammed Al  Durrah and his father were filmed crouching behind a concrete block along one of Gaza streets as Israeli army soldiers showered them with heavy gunfire. Moments later, the terrorized boy collapsed dead on his father’s lap whose attempts to shield his son from live ammunition proved to be futile.
This incident became one of the most evocative events of the occupation and haunting images of the intifada. Jamal al-Durrah and his 12-year-old son, Mohammad, were filmed by Talal Abu Rahma, a Palestinian cameraman freelancing for France 2, they are seen with their, backs pressed against the wall, Jamal’s arm attempting to shield his young son whose mouth is oval with what must have been a paralyzing fear. And then the shots. After an emotional public funeral, the 12 year old became a symbol of the struggle of the Palestinian people against a ruthless occupier.
Jamal al-Durrah , who was also badly wounded, said his son died for “the sake of Al-Aqsa Mosque.” His mother Amal added, “My son didn’t die in vain. This was his sacrifice for our homeland, for Palestine.” 
As the BBC reported at the time: “For 45 minutes, Mohammed’s father tried in vain to shield him from gunfire as they crouched against a concrete wall near Netzarim in the Gaza Strip. The boy’s father waved desperately to Israeli troops, shouting: “Don’t shoot.
After initially taking responsibility for killing Mohammad, a bogus Israeli army investigation concluded that the killing of Mohammad was a hoax, that Palestinians were to blame, that the France 2 journalist who shot the video was part of a conspiracy to ‘delegitimise Israel’.The Prime Minister’s office released a document  officially denying Israel’s responsibility for the death and stating that the 
footage was staged.But the boy did die in conflict and his own father could not save him.In 2013, a French court vindicated Abu Rahma and France 2 after they were accused of staging the video,.
Abu  Rahmeh told the Al-Monitor news website that his French employer had posted on YouTube the entire raw video to put an end to attempts to discredit him through claims that the footage was staged.
The footage of al-Durrah was popular because it captured human emotion, he said: “It moved the world and whoever saw it because it reflected a real human emotion of a father unable to protect his young son.”
Abu Rahma, who has won numerous awards for his work, including the Rory Peck Award in 2001, is now based in Greece, where he, his wife and nine year-old son are residents. He works between there and Amman, Jordan. He has been banned from returning to Gaza since 201
Here is a report by the Guardian newspaper on the case:-

Thousands of other Palestinian civilians died too and he symbolized their plight. The footage, became the most potent symbol of the Palestinian resistance against the decades-long Israeli occupation.Drawings and pictures of the scene were painted on walls across many parts of the world in support of the Palestinian cause.
The fact remains that Israeli soldiers still do kill little Palestinian boys on a regular basis,with impunity sometimes just for throwing rocks. Human rights groups’ reports are never short on distressing details: 954 Palestinian children were killed between the Second Intifada in 2000 and Israel’s war on Gaza, the so-called Operation Cast Lead in 2008. In the latter war alone, 345 children were reportedly killed.
Palestinian children  live a reality of apartheid and structural violence, where they could be gunned down at any time without any serious prospect of accountability killed by an occupying force as the world watches
Years years later, we should remember this terrified boy, remember his name and all the other innocents since trapped in the fogs of war and occupation.
In Gaza, the protracted humanitarian protection crisis continues to have a significant impact on the well-being of children and families. Successive conflicts have resulted in thousands of deaths, created high levels of psychosocial distress, and eroded public infrastructure. To date, the international community has failed to ensure proper protection of Palestinian children from the political violence of the Israeli government and settlers. 
Israeli military's continuous offensives and its complete disregard for international law have frustrated any meaningful efforts toward implementing comprehensive protections for Palestinian children. Children remain the most vulnerable and are paying the heaviest price of the conflict. They must be protected from violence, exploitation and grave violations and the international community must demand an end to Israel’s illegal military assaults and systemic impunity by investigating allegations of war crimes and holding the perpetrators accountable.