Wednesday 29 November 2023

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People 2023

Today  is International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People; a platform and a poignant reminder of the ongoing Palestinian struggle for human rights, peace and self-determination.Called for originally in 1977 by the UN General Assembly as a commemoration of the day the UN adopted the resolution on the partition of Palestine in 1947. 
The resolution on the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People also encourages Member States to continue to give the widest support and publicity to the observance of the Day of Solidarity." UN official statement reads. 
The day reaffirms solidarity with the steadfast people of Palestine and helps keeping the Palestinian cause live and present in the international events and the global conscience,
The UN has organised an exhibit to commemorate the Palestinian Nakba  a deeply traumatic event which took place during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war
During this time more than half of the Palestinian people were expelled from, or fled their homes and became refugees. The Nakba, which means “catastrophe" in Arabic, refers to the mass displacement and dispossession of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Before the Nakba, Palestine was a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society.
However, the conflict between Arabs and Jews intensified in the 1930s with the increase of Jewish immigration, driven by persecution in Europe, and with the Zionist movement aiming to establish a Jewish state in Palestine.  As early as December 1948, the UN General Assembly called for refugee return, property restitution and compensation.and has also  said that the Nakba serves as a reminder that close to 6 million Palestinians remain refugees to this day, scattered throughout the region. 
Now, 76 years after partition, Israel has violated international law despite countless UN resolutions relating to Palestine, and has slowly attempted to occupy all of Palestinian land while the rights of the Palestinian peoples continue to be denied.
Today, Israel is also waging one of the most violent wars on Palestine in decades,with the aim to ‘eliminate’ Hamas. Israel announced war against Hamas after it launched an attack on Israel on October 7 and killed about 1,200 people. In retaliation Israel has killed at least 20,000 Palestinians in Gaza , the vast majority being women and children. and tens of thousands injured, while homes, schools, hospitals and basic infrastructure across Gaza have been flattened..unprecedented brutal aggression, in which humanity has been slaughtered every day for more than fifty-four days.
The 2.1 million residents of Gaza. a tiny enclave wedged between Egypt, Israel and the Mediterranean Sea . have previously suffered through four previous wars, and this fifth one is the most devastating yet. The grim death count continues to grow. The UN has strongly condemned the killing of civilians and has repeatedly called for "an immediate humanitarian ceasefire" in the densely populated enclave.  According to UNICEF, people under the age of 18 — which the organisation classifies as children — make up almost half of the Palestinian population in Gaza.  "Gaza is becoming a graveyard for children," UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres has said. 
Τhe massacre in Palestine, the brutal and unacceptable bombing of the hospitals, the killing of a child every 10 minutes, are crimes which are committed with the provocative tolerance and support that Israel receives from the USA, the Uk the European Union and the rest of their allies. 
The root cause of this situation is the occupation and illegal settlement of the occupied Palestinian territories by Israel and the continuous, daily crimes and the blockades of Gaza that have been committed against the Palestinian people for decades.
The massacre of Gazans, as well as their steadfast resistance to occupation, has generated a global movement in solidarity with Palestine,with millions around the world  organising to show they reject this mass murder and challenge the complicity of our governments and institutions in the Israeli war machine and the apartheid regime which powers it. and is on many fronts is trying to end worldwide support by politicians and corporations for Israel, especially in the West.
Although the circumstances of Palestinians have changed over the years, their core demands for liberation and return – and the need for resistance and solidarity to achieve this – have not.The tenacity of Palestinians in struggling for their most basic of rights, and the continued solidarity of people across the world in response, offer a ray of hope that neither alarming rightward drift of Israeli politics nor the bleak geopolitical landscape can diminish. The ongoing challenge for Palestinians, and those engaged in their struggle, this 29 November, is to translate this sentiment of hope into tangible structures capable of moving towards a different political reality. Today and everyday  lets  re-affirm our solidarity with all Palestinians in historic Palestine and their right to self-determination' with Palestinian political prisoners (women, men and children) in Apartheid Israel's jails, and with the millions of refugees struggling to make their legally guaranteed right of Return a reality.
This Wednesday November 29, groups around the world will hold actions in solidarity with the Palestinian people, Now, more than ever, we should be standing in solidarity and allyship with the Palestinian community to support them in their enduring fight for freedom and justice.
In Britain, the Palestinian Youth Movement and the Youth Front for Palestine are organizing shut downs of Fisher German offices across the country. Fisher German is the landlord for the Shenstone and UAV Engines’ factory site, which they rent to Elbit Systems, an Israel-based weapons company which is supplying weapons for the genocide in Gaza. “The weapons manufactured on Fisher German’s premises are the very same weapons being used to carry out the zionist genocide against our siblings in Gaza,” state the organizers.
We must \also urgently advocate for the extended pause in  the conflict  in  Gaza to evolve into a sustained ceasefire, a crucial step towards a just and lasting solution to the conflict. The four-day long humanitarian pause, extended for two days just hours before hostilities were due to resume, has seen more than 60 hostages freed who were taken to Gaza after Hamas’ 7 October attack, and more than 150 Palestinian prisoners freed from detention in Israel. The pause is set to expire tomorrow, amid reports of mediators negotiating a further extension. Now, among widespread fears for the people of Gaza that this pause will only be brief, a sustained humanitarian ceasefire is the only option to end bloodshed. 
In drawing attention to the struggle of the Palestinian people we cannot but remember the firm stand that the United Nations took against racism, against the evil of Apartheid and supported the liberation struggle of the people of South Africa. 
At the time his people were liberated, the celebrated leader of the liberation struggle for South Africa Nelson Mandela made a profound statement, which resonates around the world to this day.  He said: “For many years the United Nations stood firm against racism. Because of that a worldwide consensus was built against this unfair system. We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.” 
Today on International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People wherever you are in the world you can activate your solidarity by joining and sharing existing campaigns that can put an end to Israel;s impunity. Apartheid is still a crime against humanity. 
The international community must take serious and decisive action to stop the grave Israeli violations against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and the entire occupied Palestinian territory and work on lifting the injustice and suffering of the Palestinian people. From the rivers to the sea, Free Palestine!

Monday 27 November 2023

Pulsating Forces

Beyond the pain and sorrow
Let our hearts keep beating,
Seizing sources of hope
Allow your soul to awake,
Inhaling  the breath of poets
Whether they be living or dead,
Destroy the days of dread
Feelings of madness in head,
Remember the revolution 
Only survives if we are one,
Away from the killing fields
The daily horrors endured,
In gentle ripples of anger
Allow faith to be restored,
Laced together with humanity
Quiet rivers running free,
Shivas breath reaching
Allah's truth teaching,
As a silent god keeps glancing
Gleaming through the windows,
While the pipes of pan soothing
Softly whistles through the trees,
And the thirst of the universal  
Gasping, reaches upwards to the sky,
Epiphanies of love keep delivering
In essences of truth and justice,
Tear away fatuous fibres of division
Let all things be bright and beautiful,
Comprehending the extremes,
Finding brand new beginnings,
Remembering existence is resistance 
Silence can make us complicit,
With every second, every minute
Every hour, of every day,
In every act of survival
Keep absorbing your truth.

'Don't be a Sucker' Anti-Fascist film from 1947

In 1943, the Army Signal Corps produced Don’t Be A Sucker. Containing anti-racist and anti-fascist themes. this short 17-minute film was intended to boost the morale of U.S. soldiers by helping them understand the dangerous appeal of fascism. Four years later, the U. S. War Department shared the film with the general public, hoping to explain the ways that fascism might take root in the United States.
Created as a warning against creeping fascism and racism in the United States, the movie illustrates the divide-and-conquer method employed by German Nazis. 
The movie begins by profiling a young man named Mike who has just arrived in the big city. Noticing a crowd of people gathered around an angry middle-aged man standing on a soapbox, Mike stops to listen to the man’s speech. 
 “I happen to know the facts. Now, friends, I am just an average American. But I’m an American American. And some of the things I see in this country of ours make my blood boil. I see people with foreign accents with all the money. I see Negroes holding jobs that belong to me and you. Now I ask you, if we allow this thing to go on, what’s going to become of us real Americans?”  “What are we real Americans going to do about it? You’ll find it right here in this little pamphlet. The truth about Negroes and foreigners. The truth about the Catholic church.”  
Mike follows along with the speech, nodding his head with each rhetorical beat, saying “it makes pretty good sense to me.” But the speaker continues to rant.  “I tell you friends, we’ll never be able to call this country our own until it is a country without… Without Negroes and foreigners. Without Catholics. Without Freemasons.”  
At this point, Mike hesitates. “What’s wrong with Masons? I’m a Mason.” 
The rest of the film dissects the speaker’s arguments, discussing the history of fascism, the need to preserve the rights of the minority, and the value of liberty.
In August 2017, the short film went viral on the internet in the aftermath of the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and various copies have been uploaded to video-sharing sites since then
This film is not propaganda. To the contrary, it teaches how to recognize and reject propaganda, as was used by the Nazis to promote  bigotry and intimidation. It shows how prejudice can be used to divide the population to gain power, and attacked racial and nationalist stereotypes, stressing human features that united rather than divided different peoples..
Though  this video is over 75 years old, the cautionary tale is more important than ever and feels strangely timely today, serving  as a prescient warning. for us here  in the UK,  and perfectly explains Nigel Farage, Suella Braverman, Tommy Robinson and the right wing  mentality. Please Don't Be a Sucker: don't fall for fascism ·

Thursday 16 November 2023

Remembering the life of Jewish British writer, poet and political activist Anna Mendelssohn (1948 – 16 November 2009)


Anna Mendelssohn, was a Jewish  British writer, poet and political activist.whose poetry has also appeared under the names Anne Mendelson and Grace Lake, who was born near Manchester in 1948. Anna also wrote fiction, drama, and life writing; and was also a visual artist, musician, and translator. 
She came from a left-wing political family,amd  was the daughter of Maurice Mendleson, a market trader from Stockport in Cheshire. According to Peter Riley, writing in The Guardian, her father was from a "working class Jewish" background,who fought on the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War, and was a Labour councillor in Stockport.Her mother had worked with Holocaust survivors and  was an activist with Manchester International Women for Peace. Both were involved with the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. 
Anna was educated at Stockport High School for Girls, where she became Head Girl. She was reported to have been a "brilliant and unruly pupil"Mendelssohn was the first of her family to attend university when she enrolled at the recently opened University of Essex in 1967 reading English and American literature,.There she encountered radical poets such as Tom Raworth and Ed Dorn, who reportedly led a party of students, including Mendelssohn, to Paris during the May 1968 protests. That same month, Essex students shut down the campus to protest a visiting lecture from chemical defense scientist Thomas Inch, who worked at Porton Down, the world’s oldest chemical weapons research facility. Mendelssohn appears in footage of the occupation included in British Sounds (1969), a film that London Weekend Television commissioned from Jean-Luc Godard but then refused to screen because of female nudity. She left  without a degree in 1969..
Anna was working for dispossessed groups in London in 1970 such  as the Claimants’ Union and working  for  the  underground press.she moved into a house in Stoke Newington with a mixed group of activists. They were aligned with an urban guerrilla movement called The Angry Brigade a small, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist left-wing group who took aim at various representatives of the ruling class or establishment..They were more moderate than some of their European counterparts, such as the Red Army Faction.76 Their actions were organised according to the tenet that ‘we attack property not people’. No-one was killed or badly injured by Angry Brigade actions whose small, purely symbolic bombs were planted at different locations: embassies, politicians’ residences and a BBC van at a Miss World beauty pageant. 
The Angry Brigade’s high-profile bombing in 1971 of the house of Robert Carr, the Conservative Minister responsible for the Industrial Relations Bill, precipitated a large-scale police investigation into British counterculture. Over the next year the police raided up to forty organisations including the offices of the International Times, the International Marxist Group and the International Socialists. Communes and squats were also raided. According to the radical newsletter Conspiracy Notes, a partisan and therefore not wholly reliable source, the police confiscated private address books, diaries and letters, and detained scores’ of activists for questioning. In order to cope with the scale of the operation, the Bomb Squad was formed, the original counter-terrorist policing force in Britain. After following a paper trail of cheque fraud and various tip-offs, on the 20th August 1971 Anna Mendelson (then going by the name of Nancy Pye) was arrested along with Jim Greenfield, Hilary Creek and John Barker at 359 Amhurst Road, Stoke Newington, London.
In the days and months that followed, a further four (Kate McLean, Stuart Christie, Angela Weir and Chris Bott) were arrested on the same charge - conspiracy to cause explosions. Together, they became known as the Stoke Newington Eight.
Along with John Barker and Hilary Creek, Anna courageously defended herself at the Old Bailey/ Though she pleaded innocent in what was then the longest criminal trial in British history. Mendelssohn was convicted and sentenced to ten years tin London;s notorious  Holloway Women's Prison.She always maintained that this was a gross miscarriage of justice.(a position she defended throughout her life) Her impassioned and eloquent self-defence at the Old Bailey is still remembered with pride by her then comrades.
It seems clear that the police planted incriminating evidence, with one of the defendants saying afterwards “they framed a guilty man”. Angry Brigade bombings took place after the trial.
Anna was quietly released on parole in November 1976, just four years after the end of the trial, partly as a consequence of her teaching her fellow inmates literacy and drama. The news was not disclosed by the Home Office until 13 February 1977, causing a storm of press coverage which one reporter described as "scandalous and distasteful".The issue was raised in Parliament with Home Secretary, Merlyn Rees, saying that Anna was no longer a danger to society; William Whitelaw criticised the decision and asserted that protection of the public and police morale came first.
Anna moved to Cambridge to live with friends as a condition of her parole, and remained a Cambridge resident for the rest of her life.[ Her father gave an interview to BBC Radio explaining that prison had had a terrible effect on her, making it impossible for her to concentrate. He also said that she had taken no part in the bombings and that she and the other defendants were "good young people" who tried to help others.
After her release,In 1983 she changed her name by deed poll to 'Grace Lake' (Sylvia Grace Louise Lake) to  avoid  exposure to  her  past  and published much of her poetry under that name.Anna subsequently withdrew from political groups and devoted herself entirely to art and writing. She spent some time in Sheffield, where she started a family and had three children. Anna moved to Cambridge in about 1985, studying poetry at St Edmund's College, Cambridge,She became opposed to technology and disliked judgments based on rationality in favour of those based on an artistic judgment, which led to her life becoming increasingly disconnected from the rest of society.
Such a lifestyle meant she was not greatly interested in seeing her poetry published, but others thought that her work deserved a larger audience. From the early 1980s, Anna composed nineteen poetry collections and published in journals receptive to her experimental, charged lyrics, among them, Parataxis, Critical Quarterly, and Jacket. Her work appeared in seminal anthologies including Denise Riley's Poets on Writing (1992), Iain Sinclair's Conductors of Chaos (1996), and Rod Mengham and John Kinsella's Vanishing Points: New Modernist Poems (2004).
Often situated within the British Poetry Revival, Anna retained a marginal, if constant, presence in the poetry community in Cambridge, England, where she lived from 1983 until her death in 2009.
Anna's poetry is bound up with her prison experience, the poverty that came with release and her severe ill health.
In 1988, struggling to cope with the demands of single parenthood and simultaneous academic study, she gave permission for her children to be temporarily fostered. They were never returned to her care. The following year, she sabotaged her finals exams, writing out a screed on the university’s childcare provision, and once more failed to graduate.. 
Like her life, Anna's poems are shaped by modes of refusal. Her texts often hover on the edges of communicability, yet testify to a consistent belief in the transformative power of aesthetic form;.
Labelled surrealist and ludic, Anna's poems draw thematically and stylistically on an expansive lineage that encompasses an international array of post-1850 avant-garde figures such as Charles Baudelaire, Gertrude Stein, Anna Ahkmatova, Nâzim Hikmet, Federico García Lorca, and Tom Raworth. 
Closely attuned to the fraught legacy of the female vanguard writer, as well as to disparities of class and race, her poems are impassioned, acute, probing, allusive, and unparalleled. Part aesthetic treatise ("a poem is not going to give precise directions"); part antipolitical manifesto ("the war is too close / for revolution to be understood"); part lament ("softly the sound of woe / gallops"); part celebration of the possibilities of poetic noise and possibility, replete with "scoopydoo sounds", "night[s of] pouring gold", and "high walk[s] into fantasy", 
Anna's writing resolutely resists containment or category and become her form of resistance to state power, patriarchy and middle-class feminism. Grammar and punctuation are often unconventional in the poems and the absence of linear narratives or arguments make them difficult to paraphrase. Her voice, though, is loud and clear. It is indomitable, restless and fierce, with sardonic one-liners and cryptic allusions counterpoised by a tenderness and a solipsism that protect the rage from self-destruction:  “crowds / locked invisibly leading their largely miserable lives /in stiff cultural patterning”.
 A poem beginning “This is the reason why I do not conform” refers to “people without minds”.The language twists and turns, “goes forwards by backwards” as she says, and barely conceals feelings of fear, hurt and trauma. The reader will often be uncertain of what is being said, confused even, and political concerns are more often on the periphery than openly stated: 
Politics destroy art. / That is to not to say that / my art is not political, it is / highly political, but it is not /politics. 
She had no time for predatory males, whatever their ideological leanings, and was able to use the word ‘gentleman’ without sarcasm.  Well-heeled women who spout feminist notions but at no personal cost earn only her derision.  
 In 1997 she officially reverted to her original name of Anne Mendleson but called herself 'Anna Mendelssohn', the name under which she published her principal work, 'Implacable Art', and  used for most of the remaining years of her life
Mendelssohn collapsed in February 2009, and was subsequently diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour on her cerebellum. As the tumour developed, she became incapacitated by it and dependent on hospital care, being almost unconscious for the last two weeks before her death on  the 16th of November 2009 at  the age of 61..
She left behind nearly 800 notebooks and thousands of loose sheets, among them, coffee filters, napkins, and pizza box linings, on which she inscribed everyday musings, research, poetry, and visual art. Taken together, undated loose-leaf pages such as Untitled (“The world of poetry inhabits and moves in a world of its own”) and Untitled (“my eroticism is stirred by paint”) reveal the complexity of her poetic style and interior life.
In 2010, her vast archive of writings and drawings was generously donated by her three children to Special Collections at the University of Sussex.
An anthology of writing that celebrated Anna Mendelssohn.  “I’m working here” by Anna Mendelssohn is published by Shearsman Books in 2022. Anna Mendelssohn  is increasingly acknowledged as one of the most important poets of her time.

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Magnitude of Fear

In times of darkness
Tears rolling down cheeks,
The screams of children
Created by genocidal intent,
Rage difficult to compress
Mind and hearts broken,
Grief shattering lives
Justice buried and denied,
Morality dissipated
Destruction released,
Ignorance leading the blind
As humanity is besmirched,
A land soaked in blood
It''s people clothed with anxiety,
Sadness overflowing
Caused by hellish terror,
Feelings of death
Hang' upon the air,
Beyond our anger
Our collective pain,
Energy sapped
Emotions stirred,
Spirits drained 
Fury unbridled,
Rustling leaves
Clutter skies,
Beseeching the grey
In emerging light, 
Where souls shift
Towards peace.

Thursday 9 November 2023

Suella Braverman Does Not Speak For Me


The longer Israeli genocide goes on, the louder we must continue to call it out and stand in solidarity with Palestine. Ignore Nazis like  Suella Braverman. Together we can end the suffering of countless civilians. So many lives depend on us.
The Home Secretary has written a shocking article in the Times and accused police of “double standards” and “playing favourites” with protesters as a pro-Palestine march on Armistice Day looks set to go ahead in London.  She said: “I do not believe that these marches are merely a cry for help for Gaza.  “They are an assertion of primacy by certain groups — particularly Islamists — of the kind we are more used to seeing in Northern Ireland. Also disturbingly reminiscent of Ulster are the reports that some of Saturday’s march group organisers have links to terrorist groups, including Hamas.”
It's the latest in a long line of behaviour that seems more focused on grabbing headlines, than actually helping people up and down the country. Braverman is out of control, she could not care less about public safety. She's completely driven by her own agenda and ambition, but where is the PM. did he sign off on this inflammatory rhetoric. Why is he too weak to sack her? . 
Braverman  is an utterly irresponsible, dangerous racist, vile, poisonous, deranged  and the most  useless Home Secretary this country has ever seen, attacking the police, smearing  pro palestinian protestors and inflaming tensions in Northern Ireland. Not to mention her complete inhumanity by saying homelessness is a lifestyle choice or her nasty anti-immigrant, anti-refugee dog whistling rhetoric.
She is absolutely repugnant. A soulless far right wing fanatic.Many remember Enoch Powells “rivers of blood” speech and the trouble and division it caused. Braverman  seems intent on doing exactly the same stirring up the far right groups and individuals not just in her own party but across the country.
A Home Secretary is supposed to be responsible for the nation's security and wellbeing. Sadly, this vile UK incumbent instead is a shameless enabler of hate and division who has no place in UK political life.There is a vicious aspect to this person which also does not belong in society and needs locking up. 
She does not speak for me. Every day that she remains in post is another day of shame for this decaying government and spineless prime minister Surely for the sake of security and to prevent further damage she needs to be removed from office? Now.
Enough is enough. Please sign the following petition to sack Suella :-

Tuesday 7 November 2023

King's Speech 2023


Panto season has started early this year. an unelected parasitic, nonce-protecting  King with 23 luxury residences including multiple palaces sits on a gold throne  and reads out a list a measures  from a unelected Prime Minister of a corrupt party on what they will do to continue supporting fascism, inequality,unaccountable power. while depriving the British people of their liberties, targeting the right to strike and protest. and destroying the planet. that will do nothing for the poor, the hungry or the homeless.  It will never be not ridiculous that this guy sits there  while wearing enough jewellery to make a large dent in solving health inequalities would they be sold .talking about the cost of living crisis for the rest of us. His crown travels in a separate car by the way. Utterly grotesque. Can this antiquated, antediluvian  ritual of Kings Speech truly represent UK  2023.  Anyone still believe  we are living in a Democracy?
Ahead of the speech, anti-monarchy protesters gathered outside parliament with placards which read: "Not my king!". They could be heard booing the King as he left parliament for Buckingham Palace once he had delivered the speech. Campaign group Republic organised the anti-monarchy protest outside Westminster,  Around 500 people turned up for the protest and a statement on Republic’s Twitter/X account said: “We’ve just told Charles that he’s not our King at the State Opening of Parliament!  “500 republicans have today turned up to protest for democracy and the right to elect our head of state – thank you all for the amazing support.” Writing on Twitter/X, Republic CEO Graham Smith pointed out that the BBC had made no mention of the boos on its live blog.
The Kings Speech was an opportunity to set out a vision for the future: to bring down energy bills, cut emissions and restore nature. Nothing was said in the Kings Speech today about the severe hardship millions of families are facing.the cost of living crisis, energy costs  NHS Crisis. poverty. Despite the emphasis on crime, there was no mention of the recent pro-Palestinian protests that have been taking place across the UK, and which Ms Braverman has described as "hate marches".  Her controversial plans to restrict the use of tents for people who are homeless were also not raised by the King.The government is also continuing its attack on freedom of speech and expression through the Economic Activity of Public Bodies Bill.  Uniquely shielding Israel from criticism amid allegations of war crimes in Gaza is deeply concerning. It is also clear mental health is not a priority for this Government. No mention of the Mental Health Act being reformed. To name just a few of the current serious  issues. No investment, no help, and nothing was said about how the UK government plans to fix this.  It’s not right that families are having to turn to food banks.. 
The King's Speech just served as a vehicle for Rishi Sunak to further his desperate pursuit of short-term political point scoring, at the expense of the public,The most vulnerable in society failed yet again. This is what Charles should have been said today," My government is full of crap, has run out of ideas, and lacks integrity, professionalism and accountability. A general election is what the people want and what the country needs.;" Hang on though where's the bloody opposition, The country;s  fucked. .It's time to fight back and continue to question the relevance of the monarchy.

Thursday 2 November 2023

106th anniversary of the infamous Balfour Declaration


 Lord Arthur Balfour
On this day, 106 years ago, one of history's most unjust declarations was made, when on November 2, 1917 the British government issued the  Balfour Declaration, which laid the foundation for the establishment of a Jewish state at the expense of the indigenous Palestinian population. The ramifications would be seen up until the present day and is regarded as one of the most controversial and contested documents in modern history. The genocide we are witnessing in Gaza today is a direct result of these colonial efforts. 
It was named after Lord Arthur James Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary during the Word War 1, who on an order by United Kingdom’s Prime Minister at that time, David Lloyd George,sent an official letter  to Baron Walter Rothschild (the 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Zionist community, who accepted it on behalf of Great Britain and Ireland.
The document was quite short, consisting of only 67 words in three paragraphs. However, the impact was enormous: the declaration was the beginning of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which has not ended.The immortal words of the letter said the following:

His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by jews in any other country."

The Original Letter of the Balfour Declaration

With the Balfour Declaration, London was seeking Jewish support for its war efforts, and the Zionist push for a homeland for Jews was an emerging political force. In 1917, Jews constituted 10% of the population, the rest were  Arabs. Yet Britain recognised the national rights of a tiny minority and denied it to the majority This was a classic colonial document which totally disregarded the rights and aspirations of the indigenous population. In the words of Jewish writer Arthur Koestler: “One nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third.”And in the words of the late Palestinian academic Edward Said, the declaration was “made by a European power … about a non-European territory … in a flat disregard of both the presence and wishes of the native majority resident in that territory. 
 The indigenous Palestinian population’s political and national rights were ignored in the Balfour Declaration, not to mention their ethnic and national identity. Instead, Great Britain promised not to “prejudice the[ir] civil and religious rights,” and referred to Palestinians as “non-Jewish communities in Palestine.” The percentage of Jews living in Palestine in 1917 did not exceed 7%, yet the British attempted to rewrite history in order to justify their colonial policy.
It was a shock to the Arab world, which had not been consulted and had received promises of independence of its own in the post-war break up of the defeated Ottoman Empire. The Palestinians have always condemned the declaration, which they refer to as the "Balfour promise" saying Britain was giving away land it did not own.
The Balfour Declaration constituted a dangerous historical precedent and a blatant breach of all international laws and norms, and this  act of the British Empire to “give” the land of another people  for colonial settlement created the conditions for countless atrocities against the Palestinian people. Balfour, in a 1919 confidential memo, wrote: 
 “Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age old traditions, in present needs, in future hopes, of far greater import than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land”  
For all those that celebrate the Balfour Declaration. Balfour was an antisemite and wanted to migrate Jews out of Britain to solve the "Jewish problem".  Arthur Balfour wrote about the Zionist movement that it would “mitigate the age-long miseries created for Western civilization by the presence in its midst of a Body [Jews] which it too long regarded as alien and even hostile, but which it was equally unable to expel or to absorb.
The discriminatory language used by Sir Arthur Balfour and seen in the Balfour Declaration and the British Mandate reveal the prejudiced rational behind British foreign policy in Palestine. A month after the Balfour Declaration on 2 December 1917, the British army occupied Jerusalem. In 1923, the British Mandate for Palestine came into effect, and included the entire text of the Balfour Declaration. Through the Mandate, Britain would go on to rule Palestine for three decades.
The Mandate for Palestine constituted the entire legal framework for how Britain should operate during its occupation of Palestine. Despite this, the Mandate made no mention of the Palestinians by name, nor did it specify the right of Palestinians to nationhood. Instead, it was during its rule in Palestine that Britain sought to lay the foundations for the creation of a ‘national home for the Jewish people’
By the end of the 1920s, it became clear that this ambition would have violent repercussions.Between 1936 and 1939, thousands of Palestinians were killed and imprisoned as they revolted in protest against British policy.
The British response took a heavy toll on the livelihoods of Palestinian villagers, who were subjected to punitive measures that included the confiscation of livestock, the destruction of properties, detention and collective fines. During this time, British forces’ are said to have carried out beatings, extrajudicial killings and torture as they attempted to quell the uprising. To this day, there are still the ‘Tegart Forts’ in Palestine built and named by Sir Charles Tegart who had been stationed in India to punish those fighting against the British Raj and then later stationed in Palestine to control any Arab dissent.
For Palestinians, Britain’s three decades of occupation in Palestine was a turning point in the country’s history, laying the foundations for what would become decades of occupation, displacement and insecurity.
When the UK eventually decided to withdraw from from Palestine in May 1948  when the Israeli state was established. By this point, the Zionist paramilitary army was ready with a plan to colonise Palestine and the newly established United Nations was ready to take over the role of legitimising the occupation. 
This time is known by Palestinians as the Nakba or ‘catastrophe’, when large-scale ethnic cleansing, saw more than 700,000 Palestinians lose their ancestral homes. Hundreds of Arab villages razed to the ground and 15,000 Palestinians  killed in several massacres. Much of these events took place whilst streets of Palestine were still being patrolled by tens of thousands of British soldiers.
To this day, there are more than 5 million Palestinian refugees registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in the occupied Palestinian territories, Lebanon and Jordan as a result of the Nakba in 1948 and the displacement that followed the Israeli occupation of Palestine in 1967.
Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem have now been under occupation for over 50 years, devastating the lives of millions of Palestinians.
The catastrophe of the Arab Palestinian people in 1948 continues today at the hands of Israel, using the same old policies and laws established by the British such as land confiscation laws, home demolitions, ‘administrative’ detention, deportations, violent repression, and the continuation of the expulsion of about 7.9 million Palestinians who are denied their basic national and human rights, especially their right to return and live normally in their homeland. Today, the State of Israel, backed by the military and diplomatic might of the United States, continues this century-long pattern of denying the Palestinian people their right to self-determination. In violation of international law, Israel refuses to allow Palestinian refugees their right of return to the homes from which they or their ancestors were forcibly displaced by Israel during the Nakba in 1948; denies Palestinian citizens of Israel their equal rights; and imposes upon Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip a brutal military occupation and suffocating siege. that is currently facing  what amounts to genocide. This catastrophe of the Palestinian people could not continue without the support of Israel by the United States and Britain.
In the June 1967 war, Israel completed the conquest of Palestine by occupying the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. By signing the Oslo Accord with Israel in 1993, the Palestine Liberation Organisation gave up its claim to 78% of Palestine. In return they hoped to achieve an independent Palestinian state on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with a capital city in East Jerusalem. It was not to be.
 On May 7, The Guardian newspaper regretted its support in 1917 for the Balfour Declaration, describing it as its “worst errors of judgment”.
The Guardian of 1917 supported, celebrated, and could even be said to have helped facilitate the Balfour Declaration,” the British daily wrote, adding that the then editor, CP Scott, was “blinded” to Palestinian rights due to his support of Zionism.
The Balfour Declaration is not just history, it's actuality. The Palestinian people still experience this declaration's catastrophic consequences to this day, which bear witness to such a historic injustice due to the persecution, repression, killing, arrests and demolition of homes and properties. that perpetuated one of the longest-running settler-colonial occupations on a land that was and remains exclusively Palestinian.
This painful anniversary coincides with the ongoing crises in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, especially in the Gaza Strip, which is witnessing the escalation of killings, organized terrorism, displacement, and the deliberate destruction of residential buildings, schools, hospitals, places of worship, and infrastructure. The occupying army continues to commit one massacre after another without any accountability. Just today they destroyed an entire neighborhood in the Bureij camp over the heads of its residents! 
These actions constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Israeli occupation. Unfortunately, it highlights the failure of the international community to carry out its duties and assume its responsibilities in putting an end to this Israeli military aggression, providing protection for the Palestinian people, and obliging Israel, the occupying power, to comply with the principles of international law and relevant United Nations resolutions
It is important to note that the UK is currently assisting and providing cover for a second Nakba in which thousands of palestinians killed with the whole world watching one of Balfour's most terrible results. And of all of the nations to stand by and watch, it shouldn't be ours. Britain has played a role in creating this cycle of killing and bloodshed in the middle east. Our country, the former colonial power is jointly responsible for the disaster of the Balfour declaration, and is fully accountable to the atrocities and dehumanizing of Palestinians. But even till this day, the UK has not shown any remorse for the historical sin it had made.
Britain bears a moral and historical responsibility over the displacement and dispossession of millions of Palestinians and should therefore make every possible effort to remedy the wounds inflicted upon the Palestinians as a result of the Balfour Declaration by apologizing to the Palestinian people, and recognizing the Palestinian state on the June 4, lines with East Jerusalem as its capital in support of achieving a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in accordance with the vision of a two-state solution to ensure that future generations of Palestinians can live in dignity.The Israeli occupation should be brought to an end and Israel should be held accountable for its war crimes and crimes against humanity. Short term we should demand an immediate ceasefire.The war must be stopped, and civilians protected. 

Tuesday 31 October 2023

'From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.'


At a time when expressions of support for the Palestinian cause are facing criminalisation at utterly unprecedented levels across Europe Witnessing  extraordinary restrictions being imposed on virtually all expressions of solidarity: Palestinian flags and kuffiyeh scarves are being banned and protest rallies are being systematically prohibited. I draw attention to the slogan “From the river to the sea.Palestine will be free  ” a  refrain that can regularly be heard :at pro-Palestine rallies across the world.
For Palestinians and pro-Palestinian campaigners.the phrase has been a popular rallying call for decades, signifying what they believe is their right to peacefully return to the land that is now Israel. About 700,000 Palestinians, approximately 85% of the Arab population, were expelled or forced to flee in 1948, when Israel declared independence after the United Nations voted to divide Palestine into Jewish and Arab states. In the 1967 war, Israel expanded the territory under its control and has since occupied the Gaza Strip and West Bank. It has blockaded Gaza since 2007, after Hamas took control of the strip.  
But the phrase has been the subject of global controversy, with some seeing it as antisemitic or even dangerous, especially after it was adopted by Hamas..Many Israelis and supporters of Israel have claimed that the chant effectively calls for genocide and implies the destruction of Israel.  In mid-October, police in Vienna banned a pro-Palestine protest on the basis of the chant, claiming it was a call to violence.  And while London's Metropolitan Police said they would not be arresting protesters who chanted the slogan at a pro-Palestine protest over the weekend, the UK Home Secretary has publicly stated that she believes police should intervene, suggesting that the chant is an "expression of a violent desire to see Israel erased from the world" and recently called the slogan a “staple of antisemitic discourse.”, 
Despite the slogans controversy, the origins of which go back to the 1940s. The chant the river refers to is the Jordan River which lies to the east of the West Bank and Israel while the sea is the Mediterranean Sea, on the west. The area in between consists of 7 million Palestinians who live under Israeli rule.  The entire land between the river and the sea used to be historically Palestine.  Upon the conclusion of the British Empire’s mandate over historic Palestine, the United Nations put forth a proposal to divide the region into separate Jewish and Palestinian states. The plan, which saw 62 per cent of land going under Israeli control, was rejected by Arab leaders. 
Once the British left, the Nakba, or “cataophophe” took place that resulted in more than 700,000 Palestinians being displaced. In 1964, the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) was formed with the aim of representing the Palestinian people and their national aspirations..In the late 1960s, the PLO put forward a visionary idea of Arab-Jewish coexistence in one democracy, arguing for Israel and the Occupied Territories to become “one secular, democratic state of Palestine” based on one person, one vote, where Arabs, Jews, Muslims and Christians would enjoy full equality.
The chant  refers to and  acknowledges the fact that nowhere between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean sea .do Palestinians enjoy full and equal rights, and the slogan means that Palestinians will be free one day to go back to their homes and lands that were stolen from them during the Nakba. They will be free again and not prisoners.
The outrageous and deeply inflammatory intervention from Suella Braverman. offers no help whatsoever to the tragic currently unfolding in Gaza.Yes. ' From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.' is a call for the end of the ethno-supremacist state of Israel but no, it is  not a call for the death or suffering of any Jewish person.Calling for an end to this oppressive system is not antisemitic, rather it is an invitation for Palestinians and Jews alike to imagine themselves as free and equal in this land, liberated from the oppressive power relations that prevail today. Rather than criminalizing the slogan, the British government should be working toward this aspirational future. And the first step is recognizing the present reality for what it is.. Palestinians wanting an end to the occupation is not anti semitic and people supporting Palestinians  currently facing genocide is not antisemitism and expressing solidarity with Palestinians is not hateful.    
'“From the river to the sea represents a political manifesto increasingly recognised around the world: justice for all Palestinians in historic Palestine and in exile. and also' means that Palestinians will be free to live in all of modern Israel, Gaza and West Bank. in freedom and equality/ No different from what Israeli Jews want. So, a a unitary state with equal rights in Palestine-Israel is the obvious compromise. Unless one side refuses to share,
In these  perilous times in Israel-Palestine. with Israel’s retaliatory bombing of Gaza  wreaking destruction on the already besieged strip and killing a ballooning number of civilians. Emboldened settlers in the West Bank, backed by the army, are seizing the opportunity to escalate their attacks on Palestinians., '“From the river to the sea”serves to remind us of  the fragmentation of Palestinian land and people by Israeli occupation and discrimination. who  since 1948 have been divided in a myriad of ways by Israeli apartheid policy.
There are Palestinian refugees denied repatriation because of discriminatory Israeli laws.There are Palestinians denied equal rights living within Israel’s internationally recognized territory as second-class citizens. There are Palestinians living with no citizenship rights under Israeli military occupation in the West Bank. There are Palestinians in legal limbo in occupied Jerusalem and facing expulsion. There are Palestinians in Gaza living under an Israeli siege. All of them suffer from a range of policies in a singular system of discrimination and apartheid, a system that can only be challenged by their unified opposition. All of them have a right to live freely in the land  liberated from all  forms of occupation discrimination, and oppression,  from the river to the sea.

Saturday 28 October 2023

Beyond the Storms


In these maddening days
Paths of confusion and disorientation,
Somber times of  utter sadness
Hopes blighted instead of gladness,
As bombs fall with a litany of despair
Forces of oppression, releasing depression,
Triggering tears and so much pain
Leaving minds brimming with anxiety,.
There are many lessons to be taught
Places to escape to in mind and spirit,
Following musical trails, other voices
Oceans of sound, offering surrender,
Where we can be wild and free 
Can't be controlled or destroyed,
Avenues where peace can be inhaled
Enabling us to laugh together,
With woven vines of passion
For complications to leap forward,
Through slivers of nature's dewdrops
Beyond the missiles and the bullets,
Allowing miracles to keep unfolding
Offering respite, calm and healing, 
Quintessence to be delivered
Cancelling out menace and injustice,
Releasing an anarchy of love
That keeps refusing to be tamed.