Saturday 23 December 2017

20 of the worst comments by Tory MPs in 2017

for links to news articles about all 20 comments go here ;-

They are simply rotten , as simply as that , and currently more concerned what color passports will be post brexit , at  the cost of £500 m blue is their color, They just want us all to live in an isolated monolingual mono cultural country of poverty and despair, where the hardest  hit struggle to suvive, who simply want some sense and reason to come back into  our lives. But the self seving elitist thieving Tories keep releasing their conscious cruelty with their deliberate punitive policies, leaving the country bedridden with austerity, suffering the fall out from cuts to services,which at end of day are purely ideological. Their Christmas gift to Britains poorest children is to get rid of their free school meals.
This is Conservatism in a nutshell. There is no such thing as a fair society under a Conservative Government. How do we stop them, we keep pushing, fighting back, for a fairer society, for the many not the few, we have to stop them in their tracks.  If you can,  have a merry christmas, do not them steal  any hope or joy that you may have stored within. Kick out the Tories.

Thursday 21 December 2017

The Pagan Roots of Christmas :Happy Winter Solstice

It's come round again, the time some of us celebrate  the Festival of Yuletide, others the Birth of the Sun and, for Christians, the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is a mixture of both ancient and modern traditions adapted through the ages to meet the needs of the ruling class of the time, be it Roman aristocrat, feudal lord or modern capitalist, ts roots go back into the dawn of the human experience of winter in the Northern hemisphere. People gathering around the fire to keep warm, and feasting to raise their spirits in the cold and dark; and looking forward to the return of the sun and the spring.Some people forget that many of the traditional Judeo-Christian winter holiday activities have their origins in Pagan worship, and this is particular true of Christmas which coincides with Yule. 
Although Christians had the goal of spreading their religion across Europe, they were still quite fascinated by many of the customs and ways of the pagans. Clearly they were fascinated enough to pick up a few of those beliefs and traditions and adapt them as part of Christian celebrations! 
At the time, all of these different groups shared one big celebration that just happerned to fall around Christmas time – the winter solstice. People living in the northern hemisphere celebrate winter solstice (or the shortest day of the year) smack bang in the middle of December, and this is why Christmas just so happened to fall around the same time as many existing pagan holidays. 
Yule is associated with reindeer, mistletoe, pine, holly and the fox. It's colors are red, green, silver and gold. Gold is the color of the god and silver is the color of the goddess. Mithras, the Sun King, the Baby Sun God, Apollo, or the Great Mother can be invited.
The Yule tree has in fact been in traditions thousands of years before it became known as the Christmas tree in the 1840s. Dating  back centuries before Jesus Christ, pagan cultures brought evergreen trees, plants, and leaves into their homes upon the arrival of the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, which occurs in the northern hemisphere between December 21st and 22nd. Evergreen trees were seen as a symbol of continual life,  especially at the time of the Winter Solstice. Allowing wood spirits to keep warm in the winter months. Bells and trinckets were hung in the limbs to chime when an an appreciative spirit was present, food and treats were hung on the branches for the spirits to eat. Sometimes, these trees were  decorated with things  that symbolized the person's wishes for the New Year , such as coins, lights and corn, which were meant to bring wealth, sunlight and a bountiful harvest, respectively. A five-pointed star, the pentagram , symbol of the five elements, air, fire, water, earth, and aether (or spirit) was placed atop the tree. Decorating  the tree meant looking forward to spring and the fruit it would bring.

Most ancient cultures in the Northern hemisphere would celebrate the winter solstice in some way, and more often than not this would involve the use of plants, a common symbol of life, fertility and rebirth. Although the specific practices were different in each country and culture, the symbolization was generally the same, to celebrate the return of life at the beginning of winter's decline and to make them think of the spring to come.
Similar belief systems could be found in agricultural pagan societies in Europe.Winter marked a point of sickness from their sun gods, the solstice marked the points of transition after which the deities would start to recover.Evergreen boughs and trees were therefore a common part of winter solstice celebrations.Midwinter  houred the dark womb  of the mother, who is preparing to give birth to the new child of light. The old sun has died, and the new sun is about to be reborn, The new sun is a male child, and the energies of the male and female are combined at Midwinter.
The winter solstice was a huge part of pagan life. As they were primarily agricultural people, Pagans could stop farming through the winter, and instead devoted themselves to worshipping their various gods and celebrating with those around them. As winter in the northern hemisphere tends to be a dark, cold, and hungry period of time, the winter solstice was celebrated to help keep people entertained and enjoy themselves until the sun rolled around again.e year’s harvest and the chance to enjoy the company of loved ones and rest from toiling the fields. 
However these traditions came under fire with the rise of Christianity, the Church desperate to abolish pagan customs. In the third century CE, the decorating of homes with evergreen boughs was strictly prohibited by church authorities and decorating or bringing a tree into ones home to celebrate the holiday was actually frowned upon by by many  puritanical Christian denominations  for being seen as decadent and dangerously pagan, Oliver Cromwell himself preached against them as ' heathen traditions', until  that is in  1841, Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's German husband had a Christmas Tree set up in Windsor Castle. Subsequently increasing their popularity.
Also  in addition to the decorated tree, many other Christmas customs have their roots in early Pagan cultures and traditions. Caroling, gift exchanges, and mistletoe all originated from classical Pagan traditions. The mistletoe especially is steeped in pagan ritual, as it was often used by the Celts as a symbol of sexuality, fertility and abundance. Burning the Yule log was done to give strength to the sun, and a wreath served as a symbol of the Wheel of the Year, and the suns passage through the sky. Tradition states that the ashes of a burned Yule log should be saved for a year as a protection amulet, and a piece of this year's log should be kept to start the next years log,
Gift giving comes from  the Roman celebration of Saturnalia, which was a weeklong event at the end of the year honouring  the god of death. Friends and family members would give each other tokens as expressions of love.
So when you look at a decorated Christmas tree, the star hanging on top, and if you  exchange presents, take a moment to reflect on their pagan origins, and what the spirit of this tradition was and is all about. This evening I hope to listen to music and sit by  a warm fire,  and in the wee hours of the morning will gaze at the moon and stars, contemplate  dear departed ones. anyway that's enough of me rambling 
In the midst of  turbulent times it feels easy to fall into despair, but there is also an abundance of hope if we choose to see it. Stay safe out there, everybody.and enjoy this time in any way that speaks to you.. can. And if you just can’t manage it this year, keep holding on. Seasons greetings, happy Winter Solstice and bright blessings. Heddwch// Peace.

References ;-

Wicca - Vivienne Crowley

Everyday Wicca - Gerina Dunwich,

Celtic Rituals, an authentic guide to anciet Celtic Spirituality -  Alexei Kondratiev, New Celtic Publishing

The Pagan Book of Days ; A gude to the festivals, traditions and sacred days of the year - Nigel Pennick

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Merry Crassmess ( a little rant )

This Christmas  try cut down on consumption
release  some compassion, instead of greed,
avoid the Queens speech, seek alternative news
seeds of another society, that takes away the blues,
in this winter of discontent, its time to rise
keep on planting the seeds of insurrection,
because their  trying to break us in pieces
in the name of austerity, and government lies,
making people, beg, borrow and steal
people in charge treating its citizens like garbage,
as media shields us from  cruel reality
makes some think everything is fine,
the future must change, we must continue to fight
those that dictate, what we can say or what we can do,
beggers all of us, refusing to take the crumbs they give
merry crassmess to all, another world is possible.

Pleased to say this can also be found here :-

Tuesday 19 December 2017


Words written
touching, reaching out,
joining dots, rearranging
releasing free thought,
on overiding trains
of existence,
as time passes
beyond the misery and anger,
happiness can be brief
yet can be so bloody beautiful,
fleeting moments can truly satisfy
in a world at times ,we don't want to see,
if you can, keep dancing
move your precious feet,
keep listening, keep talking
release care and understanding,
show some solidarity
follow paths of peace,
beyond world's dissilusionment
scatter your individuality.

Monday 18 December 2017

Bingo Wings - Home for Christmas

Bingo Wings (AKA Cosmo and Flapsandwich - AKA half- Hungarian half-Welsh tecno-folk duo Sandor Dus and Jason Phillips) provide this years Yule no#1 hit, and for a cracking cause too. Raising money for Boomerang Homeless charity based in Cardiff, that helps prevent families and people becomming homeless and continues to support the homeless at present and helps guide them to a better future.  Its a take on Jona Lewies classic christmas number  Stop the Cavalry, changing the chorus to Stop Austeity and highlights what seems to be the worst winter in recent history for rough sleepers. The single follows news of police taking rough sleepers sleeping bags, and news of deats of young people.
Listen, like share and if your able chip in some solidarity. Available here :-

Friday 15 December 2017

Captain Ska - Sons and Daughters

Nicked, but had to share. The music industry has for too long been in the hands of those  who only care about making profits. Every now and again people organising together can take back some control - Liar, Liar . Rage Against the Machine, the NHS choir, Ding Dong The Witch is Dead. all hit high up in the Top 40s and reflected a big political mood shift in the country. We now have a chance to do this again this Christmas and say that we've had enough of this vicious government, a better world is possible. Kick the Tories out.
Download this song today on all major platforms,  please help get this song into Christmas charts, all proceeds will be split between Foodbanks and the People's Assembly. 
Links here -





Thursday 14 December 2017

Beyond the desolation

Watch as leaves blow around
remember nature, continually awakens
a powerful current, that forever embraces
releasing petals of real change
new ideals, new visions
drowning  old ones in their path
following freedoms breath
carrying nourishment
winds that rise against  oppression