Saturday 7 April 2018

Friends continue legacy of Gaza sand sculptor killed during Land Day protest

Israeli troops have shot dead seven Palestinian protesters and wounded at least 200 along the Israeli/Gaza  border Gaza medical offficials have said , since last Friday's Land Day demonstrations  raising the death toll to 27 in the week long disturbances.
Last Fridays demonstration was the second in as many weeks planned, a week long sit-in dubbed the Great March of Return.
Its main message is to call for the right to return for Palestinian refugees who were driven from their homes in the territories taken over by Israel during the 1948 war, known to Arabs as the Nabka.
Israel has since drawn sharp criticism internationally for its open-fire orders along the border, including its warnings that those approaching or trying to damage its fences would be targeted. While the world watched they used excessive force, against peaceful protesters firing live ammunition , tear gas and rubber coated steel bullets.
Palestinian Gaza based artist, Mohammed Abu Amir, 19, pictured above, was one of those killed. He was  killed a day after sculpting the words " I will return" on Gaza Beach.
Mohammed was the second member of his family to be killed by Israel. His brother Ehab, 21, was killed in 2008, during a clash east of Gaza City.
Mohammed once said, " Be optimistic, set a goal and plan for your life and make your personality open to others, then you can live happily," will now be able to continue to address the young generation through his work, but they will live on as posts on his facebook account for those who want to recall his sculptures, and though his friends who continue his legacy.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Theresa May and the Conservative Party's Toxic Politics of division that are aided by the media

Theresa May is against so much, just look at her voting record, and what she has done since she became Prime Minister. She is Anti-NHS, Anti-working class, Anti-free school meals,Anti-pensioners,,Anti-students,Anti-homeless people,Anti welfare.Anti- Trade Unions,Anti- Laws to promote equality and Human Rights, Anti - those that seek asylum, Anti- tackling tax evasion
Anti-wildlife, Anti- environment Anti- world peace,Anti- legal aid, Anti- a fairer society, Anti- helping people in financial need, Anti-social housing.Anti- secure tenancies for life, Anti - an unbiased media. The list is endless.
Despite this the media give her an easy ride, while she continues to deliver her toxic policies of division. Capitalism's dedicated servant,  driven by vanity and her thirst for power, who joined up with Northern Ireland's, Democratic Unionist Party in a desperate attempt to cling on to her party's majority in Parliament. As unemployment, homelessness, despair continues to rise, this vicar's daughter shamelessly carries on , leaving the marginalised  adrift ,paying her game of divide and rule, with her plans for Universal Credit, people on welfare payments who are already facing the most gruelling of times, face an even harder one. Her plans will also effect millions of people actually in work too. It's a mess of her own making, one of conscious cruelty.
Tory cuts too mean that spending on local government services in England  has fallen by 33 billion in the past 5 years, and it is the most deprived areas that have been the hardest hit, some facing an overall drop of 20 percent or more in spending. Crippling councils and public services. As a result many local authorities are struggling to provide support for vulnerable children and families, Also as a result of  Tory policies, some 3 million children in Britain risk going hungry in the school holidays when they don't have school dinners, and  austerity has led to around 120,000 deaths.Tory policies really do cost lives, as they callously  keep ignoring the needs of the poor, the disabled and mentally ill. Lest us forget her chaotic approach to Brexit..
This is the world that Theresa May and her party have built. Do do we simply allow them to stagger on, with their wreckage, savaging the NHS, ignoring the homeless, holding down public sector pay, scapegoating Muslims , migrants and attacking disabled people,and recently putting the finger of blame on the Russians for a poison incident, despite having no  proof whatsoever, except in her closed mind, who should have seeked more evidence before placing the Kremlin in the frame. And then there is the case of her party pocketing millions from regimes that back extremism, Saudi Arabia for example, and at same time a small  group of millionaires continue to  bankroll her, for their own interests..
Yet the  mainstream media  generally casually ignores all this,and simply carries on with their rolling attacks of anything that  alternative voices say, for instance that of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn  who gets daily criticized  for anything he says or does, because of their owners own agendas. One of the worst perpetrators in all of this is the rag that goes by the tile 'Daily Mail', a so called newspaper that stood with Hitler and Oswald Mosely's fascists, a paper that only threes years ago ran a cartoon comparing refugees to vermin, that under the editorship of Paul Dacre declares that Corbyn is worse than the BNP. Surely even the most unaware among us, should  begin to question this ongoing narrative.
With news that right wing papers have been secretly recording Jews at religious events to 'prove' their antisemitism, it seems that anything resembling informal,impartial debate has been abandoned.Hence me letting of steam here,. Remember large sections of the billionaire  owned media have spent decades orchestrating  hatred and lies against all sorts of people, muslims, feminists,  the Irish,, LGBT  people, the unemployed, single mums, trade unionists,  immigrants of all stripes (including Jews)  and many more besides.And now we are supposed to believe that they have suddenly a solemn reverence to Jewish people. Antisemtism still needs to be stamped on, wherever it lies, inside the Labor Party and outside, but now seems to be being stirred up simply to attack Jeremy Corbyn, a man who has spent his whole life fighting racism in all its forms.
Billionaire newspaper owners like Lord Rothermore, Rupert Murdoch and the Barclay brothers,living in tax exile, have their own vested interests, and are desperate to keep Theresa May and the Conservatives in power, to allow themselves to keep protecting the status quo and the establishment,which they are part of, now openly displaying their right wing political bias, using their press to frame peoples perceptions and outlooks.
Despite this it has at least led to an explosion of independent media recently. Outlets like the Canary, Another Angry Voice, Evolve politics etc have at least sprung up  to provide a counter narrative to the established media. Independent voices that truly fight for our corner, instead of relaying propaganda on behalf of May and her mates. Sadly though it is is the right wing press, particularly the tabloids, that have the widest reach and so have the biggest impact on our political landscape, imaginations and conversations
Hopefully people nowadays with the onset of social media can see through  all this, and recognise for themselves, the need to continue to question this ongoing narrative, realise that their own futures do not look bright with May still in power, and to read beyond the spin in the daily press.May's government is in paralysis and beyond incompetence. This  is a toxic party, toxic government, but increasingly looking fragile, but still protected by their media. For the  many not the few, enough is enough,  its time, for them  to go. Hopefully they will be severely punished in the upcoming spring local elections. There you are rant over.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Martin Luther King (15/1/29 -4/4/68) His Prophetic Last speech : I been to the mountaintop

This is the last speech given  by Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr, delivered on April 3, 1968 to a crowded church, in Memphis Tennessee. King spoke of the injustice he felt for the city's sanatoriam workers who were on strike protesting low pay and poor working conditions.
Amid the call for African-Americans to boycott businesses that mistreated workers , he delivered a sermon, without notes, that focused on his life and disavowed any concern that he might be killed for his role in the fight for civil rights.
'Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about tat now,' the Rev. Mr King said that evening. 'I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you, But I want you to know tonight, that we as people , will get to the promised land,!'
Now known as ' I've been to the Mountaintop,' the sermon was called King's ' ,most apocalyptic' y King scholar James Washington.
He was assassinated in Memphis, Tennesee the next day, today April 4, 1968. If you listen to the words, it's almost as if he was predicting his own death,  powerfully prophetic.His strong voice still speaking out and touching this age of Trump and rising Bigotry we need voices like King's more than ever. A man who refused to dilute his ideas, with integrity and passion for the causes of equality, justice and freedom, long may we celebrate his brave voice and his powerful legacy.

Sunday 1 April 2018

A Different Drum

I march to the beat of a different drum
Through life keep dreaming on.
Carrying poetry deep in my soul
Following music that I must share,
Standing alone though I try to blend in
Keep on dancing while I listen,
Speaking about the abandoned
To those that are willing to listen,
Beyond political grief, apolitical despair
Finding enough reasons to continue to care,
Beyond man made borders
Discovering gifts of imagination,
Finding principles to guide
Pondering about ways we could all be free,
Falling in holes along the way
Sipping from bottles of mindfulness,
Journeying on with decimating attitude
Unpredictable thought, keeps on beating,
Glittering and glimmering under sunbeams
As rhythms of the heart.keep on beating.

Saturday 31 March 2018

Anniversary of Poll Tax Riots that led to Margaret Thatcher's downfall

On  31st March 1990 people took to the streets of London and fought  back against Margaret Thatchers'  hated  and controversial  ideological driven 'Community Charge', which was first  introduced in Scotland in 1989, and the following year  the flat rate tax was then introduced in England and Wales in 1990, which forced people to pay a flat tax to fund local services irrespective of their wealth or income, leading to a massive backlash, and widely condemned at the time by social campaigners as it meant the rich now paid the same rate of tax as the poor. The main objections were the fact that the same amount was paid by everyone, regardless of their ability to pay, and that liability was determined by being on the electoral roll. Thus it was dubbed the 'Poll Tax'. Thatcher was famously stubborn,  and refused to reconsider.
She should have, because ,the introduction of the poll tax was widely unpopular from the outset, and increased when tax rates set by many local councils turned out to be much higher than initially predicted resulting in Thatcher's increased unpopularity. Local groups opposed to the tax , known  as Anti-Poll Tax Unions sprung up across Britain, encouraging non payment, organising protests, and resisting bailiffs. But I remember the Labour Party at the time  shamefully announcing at their 1988 conference that they would not support those who refused to pay.
However despite of this failure a number of groups were created by activists on the left to support the non-payment of the tax and assist those who experienced legal troubles as a result of non-payment. The most important of these groups was the All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation (ABAPTF), organised by Militant, which used the local trade unions to help build a campaign of non-payment. The Socialist Workers Party, the other major far left organisation in Britain at the time, had a much more ambivalent attitude towards non-payment and the ABAPTF, which allowed Militant to become the dominant group campaigning against the Poll Tax. Outside of the Trotskyist far left, several anarchist groups also supported non-payment, especially the Anarchist Communist Federation who produced a pamphlet called Beating the Poll Tax (ACF 1990). People were encouraged not to stump up the money under the slogan "Can Pay, Won't Pay."
On this day, over 250,000 people sweeped into London, for many people it was not a case of wanting to demonstrate, it was a case of having too. There was no choice, this cruel tax would have seriously impacted on peoples lives.Most people on the day of this demonstration, arrived unaligned - ordinary people, families, pensioners, the unemployed, students, black  and white, all united as one to fight against this immoral tax.
The overriding opinion of the time,is that what started as a peaceful protest, with an almost carnival feel to it against an illegal tax was quickly turned into a bloody battle  by uniformed thugs acting under Thatcher's orders, with aided and abetted by agent provocateurs.Police shut an over-full Trafalgar Square at 2.30pm and blocked off either end of Whitehall, leading to a mass sit-in near the entrance to Downing Street.  After requests to move along were ignored, they began to arrest demonstrators.
 At 4pm, the use of  charged mounted police aggravated the situation, leading to many peaceful bystanders  with heads streaming with blood. A very frightening experience. as mounted police began to push marchers out to the corners of the square, skirmishes began. Police vans were struck and officers were pelted with building materials, while a fire broke out at the adjacent South African embassy.
Later, police pushed demonstrators out of Trafalgar Square, sending some towards Soho and away from their transport near the river.  Some marchers, angered by police tactics, overturned and set cars alight, and smashed a number of shop windows.some looting began, and small groups began skirmishing with police, such was the anger and rage unleashed. I for one will never condemn the anger unleashed on this day in 1990, it is the inevitable  result of what happens when you push people to far..
By the end of the day, 339 people were arrested (mainly for public order offences) and 86 people were injured. Out of 2,198 police officers on duty, 374 of them had been injured, with 58 requiring hospital treatment. Materially, there were around 250 reports of property damage as well,  the cost of which was later estimated at £400,000.
To this day many people  lay the responsibility of the violence that happened on this day, firmly on the shoulders of Thatcher and her government. Despite the demonisation of the protesters in the mass media,  people still refused to pay, the campaign  flourished, culminating in millions of people's non payment, bailiffs  were resisted, courts unable to cope because of opposition and active resistance as more and more people said "can't pay, won't pay"
It would see the Poll Tax  becoming uncollectable  and unviable and eventually being destroyed, the tax was abolished in 1993 some £2bn in arrears.Thatcher’s popularity was at an all time low, the poll ratings of the Tories were dire and sections of the Tory Party – representing the interests of the ruling class – decided she had to go along with her “flagship” policy. It was Thatcher’s refusal to back down over the poll tax that ultimately brought her downfall..
Thatcher resigned in November 1990 and on 21 March the poll tax was abolished , and Thatcher's  successor John Major announcing its replacement by the  more progressive council tax, which at least took some account into peoples ability to pay, which  is  still in operation to this day. In her own memoirs she cited the abandonment of the poll tax as “one of the greatest victories for these people [the working class – especially anti-poll tax campaigners] ever conceded by a Conservative government.”
Many years  later, the same simmering resentment towards the Conservative Government still exists. It seems that the tories have still not learnt from  their past mistakes,with  the introduction of  , universal credit and other horrors. The resistance to the  Poll Tax is  a reminder to all people who say it is impossible to fight back and that with clear. purpose and united mobilisation, it is possible to  defeat the forces of reaction

Police charge at crowd in Trafalgar Square

Poll Tax Riot 1990

Thatcher Poll Tax Riots 1990

Friday 30 March 2018

Palestinian Land Day:The Scent of Longing.

30th March, is the day when Palestinians commemorate Land Day, marking  over 50 years of Palestinian land confiscation and dispossession, Since Israel occupied the West Bank 50,0000 homes and structures have been demolished to make way for over half a million Israelis to settle in Occupied Palestinian Territories. These settlements have been condemned by the United Nations in 2016 as 'a fragrant violation of international law.' Yet they continue to grow. My local Amnesty International Group, have been giving out leaflets  today asking people to sign a letter to the Foreign Secretary asking that the UK bans the sale of Israeli settlement products in UK markets and stops companies in the UK from operating in settlements or trading in settlement goods.
March 30 has been a day of resistance of Palestinians worldwide since 1976 when Israeli forces carried out a lethal and brutal military attack on unarmed Palestinians who were peacefully protesting against Israeli Apartheid land grab policies , their expropriation of 2,000 hectares of land surrounding Palestinian villages in the Galilee. Six Palestinians were killed and more than 100 were injured when Israeli forces crushed the protests. Every year since, Palestinian communities in Israel and the occupied territories have gathered to commemorate these events,remember those fallen, highlight Israels ongoing seizure of Palestinian land, and to reaffirm their connection to the land and their struggle for justice, standing united against oppression .
Palestinians are planning a massive demonstration beginning today through to May 15, the anniversary of the Nabka -"the catastrophe when more than 750,000 people were driven from their homes to make way for the creation of Israel. Israeli officials have threatened to respond with lethal force.Today many people across the globe will stand in solidarity with Palestinian resistance to Israel's ongoing land expropriation, colonisation, occupation and apartheid. Four decades after the first Land Day demonstrations, Israel continues its theft of Palestinian land. Israel continues to expand its illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, forcing Palestinians from their land.Still killing people, six confirmed so far today, many more injured, peaceful marchers met with snipers and a newly developed form of tear gas, simply for defending their land.
As a supporter of the Palestinian struggle for freedom I will continue to join other people of conscience in supporting the global led Boycott, Divestment and sanction (BDS)  campaign, intensifying our collective efforts to hold Israel accountable for its crimes against the Palestinian people.Respecting today the Palestinians inside Israel, the Israeli-Occupied Territories of the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza, and those in exile, who mark Land Day and view it as an assertion of the Palestinians' right to return to their homeland.

This day has inspired me to pen the following poem.

The Scent of Longing

In a land of occupation
Blood flows, as do tears.
But from the earth
Liberation grows,
In the dream of clouds
Confiscated land returned,
The scent of longing
Carried forward,
From ancient olive trees
Hangs the gift of self determination,
Despite great dispossession
Nourishment released to hearts,
To proud Palestinians
who still cling steadfast to their land
Where every name has its own poetry,
Walking with dignity in their eyes
From the rivers to the sea,
With quest for freedom ongoing
This place where passion never fades.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Buffy Sainte-Marie - The War Racket

Buff Sainte Marie - The War Racket , A Song about the people making big money from the guns and bullets killing and maiming people in Syria, Yemen, Venezuela, Turkey, the US of A etc etc. A powerful indictment of  the military industrial complex, a message that the world needs to hear right now.
After a career in music spanning 50 plus years, the 77 year old singer songwriter is still using her voice for change. Respect.

Animation by Kurt Swinghammer

Buffy Sainte - Marie- The War Racket

Ooo you're slick – you investors in hate
You Saddams and you Bushes; you Bin Ladens and snakes
You billionaire bullies; you're a globalized curse
You put war on the masses while you clean out the purse

and that's how it's done war after war
You old feudal parasites just sacrifice the poor
You've got the cutting edge weapons but your scam's still the same
as it's been since the Romans: it's the patriot game
It's the war racket

You twisters of language; you creeps of disguise
Your disinformation; like worms in your eyes
You privileged bankers; you gambler thieves
You profit on war; there's less money in peace

That's how it's done time after time
Country after country, crime after crime
You pretend it's religion and there's no one to blame
for the dead and impoverished in your little patriot game
Honey, that's the war racket

Got the world's greatest power and you team up with thugs
Make a fortune on weapons, destruction and drugs
But your flags & boots & uniforms start to all look the same
when both sides are killing in the patriot game: it's the war racket

And that's how it's done, and you've got our sons
in the crosshairs of horror at the end of a gun
and your national anthems start to all smell the same
when all sides are dying in the patriot game
It's the war racket

And war is never, ever holy
It's just a greedy men's dream
And you two-faced crusaders: both sides are obscene
War's not made by God: War's made by men
who misdirect our attention while you thieves do your thing

And that's how it's done
About every 30 years
The rich fill their coffers
The poor fill with tears
The young fill the coffins
The old hang a wreath
The politicians get photographed with their names underneath

It's the War Racket
It's the patriot game
It's the war racket

Writer: Buffy Sainte Marie, from the album:Medicine Wheel