Thursday 31 May 2018

Stand up for Asylum - Ahmad's Story

Another story of heartbreak and despair. Ahmad, his wife, his elderly parents and younger brother spent three years moving from one neighbourhood in Syria to another in search of safety.Ahmad also spent a year in jail. where he was repeatedly tortured by the Syrian regime. In, 2016, Ahmad arrived in the UK, where he has an older brother. He had hoped to find a chance to rebuild his life in safety and ways to support his family who he left penniless in Turkey. What he found was long months of uncertainty, fear and desperation.
People are forced to flee their homes for many different  reasons ranging from war and violence, to natural disasters and climate change and deserve a duty of care, yet the UK governments treatment of asylum seekers and refugees is institutionally incapable of showing any humanitarian outlook and is simply not fit for purpose when it comes to dealing with these issues, and falls seriously below the standards of a civilised society.This system still denies sanctuary to those who genuinely need it and ought to be entitled to.
The asylum system should mean safety and a new life for people like Ahmad. It needs to change. Join us at #StandUpForAsylum Please email your MP today. to ask them to ask the Home Office to urgently reform the system. Immigration detention is the system whereby the government can detain individuals, supposedly for the purpose of removing them from the UK. We are alone in Europe in being able to detain people without a time limit, with thousands of people detained, not knowing whether they will be held for a few days, a few months, or a few years. If  you would like to change this you can sign up here.

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