Wednesday 20 June 2018

Donald Trump must end the separation of migrant families.

Between October 1, 2018, and May 31, 2018, at least 2,700 children  have been split from their parents. 1,995 of them were seperated over, the last six weeks, April 18 to May 31, indicating that at present, an average of 45 children are being taken from their parents each day. Migrants who have been crossing the hot southern desert into the U.S seeking security and safety from gangs and drug cartels. The UN says the use of detention and family seperation runs counter to human rights standards and principles.
This has seen the United States , under an Orwellian  policy of 'zero tolerance' immigrant children being ripped from the arms of their mothers and fathers and placed in detention camps. This is the same country, who has invaded a number of states across the globe in the name of freedom, human rights, democracy and equality, but we are currently seeing the real face of the USA, and with their President warning that migrants will 'infest' America, some are saying Holocaust parallels are impossible to ignore. Currently speaking wikipedia is listing Trump's detention centers as concentration camps.
The  heartbreaking sight  of children being held in metal cages, in extreme heat by day, extreme heat at night  is America's shame, what the Trump administration is doing to these families is simply barbaric.Church leaders and figures across the political spectrum have expressed their outrage.This
outcry has increased  after an audio recording  captured distraught  minors, apparently between  four and ten, screaming "Mami" and"Papa" hours after they were removed by their parents.
Parents who have fled trauma and persecution are now having to endure the unfathomable terror of not knowing if they will ever see their children again.
Taking children away from their parents can risk  re-traumatising children who have already sufferred the trauma of violence and persecution in their native countries, as well as the arduous journey to seek safety. The idea that children can be protected by tearing them away from their families is cruel and unnecessary, defying all sense of logic and humanity. None should be treated so cruelly .Punishing people seeking safety and dignity goes against all values of dignity and compassion.
Donald Trump must end this human rights violation now and when he lands in the UK on July 12, we should make sure he is not given any welcome.
Please sign the following  :-

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

- 'The New Colossus' by Emma Lazarus. Written on the statue of liberty.


Bowing to immense pressure. Trump has abruptly reversed  and signed an executive order halting his administration policy of seperating children from their parents when they are detained illegally crossing the U S border. A dramatic turnaround for him, who had been insisting wrongly, that his administration had no choice but to seperate families apprehended  at the border because of federal law and a court decision. In my opinion Trump is still an exceedingly dangerous man, out of control drunk on power.

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