Monday 28 January 2019

Question Authority

Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening
terrorising fact that we do not know who we are, 
or where we are going in this ocean of chaos,it has been the authorities - the political, the religious, the educational authorities -
who attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules regulations, informing and forming our minds to view their reality.
To think for yourself you must question authority and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable  open-mindedness, chaotic confused vulnerability to inform yourself ".

- Timothy Leary. 

The definition of "authority" is the power to make orders or make decisions ; the power or right to durect or control" someone or something"
To question authority is to call into question the power or right of that authority to direct or control people or events. Questioning authority asks "Why do I have to do what you tell me I should do? Why can't I do as I plase instead of as you instruct me to?"
The human world is in ruins. It does not seem to be getting any better, with the rise of division, sexism, religious extremism, racism, forces of fascism, xenophobia, homophobia and general intolerance.Then we have the mess that is Brexit, which was supposed to give us an element of control but in effect has left us all powerless, fighting amongst ourselves. The sooner we can withdraw from it all the better. Timothy Leary was right when he urged young people to "drop out " in 1966. His message all the more profoundly true today, in the awful times we live in.
Life in modern society seems to offer us no future. The modern world has failed on all levels. Capitalism and industrialism that is fuelling catastrophic climate change cannot be reformed for the benefit of mankind. 
Have you ever wondered  how a sickening atrocity like the Holocaust could happen. People being blindly compliant and obedient with unadulterated evil. The mantra "think for yourself and question authority" speaks a universal simple truth, which is  that society isn't right, and we have to trust our own hearts and minds at end of the day, no matter what anyone tells us to do. 
It's not easy to stand up for something when it seems everyone else is sitting quietly in blind complacency, and turning ther heads away. But it's up to all of us to continue to question authority, when the needs be, because if we don't, who else will? No species can evolve new features or behaviours if there is no change in their environment and similarly society cannot become more equal and just unless every aspect of it is questioned. Societal progress can only be achieved by those willing to seek out what is wrong and challenge it without swaying to power nor denying reason.
People worldwide are beginning to question their leaders in government and wonder if they are to blame for the mess the world finds itself in. Standing up against injustice. Ultimately the questioning of authority is not only a good thing, it is a necessary thing. It is the ever so precious backbone of freedom, that is essential to all.
Cherish the right to protest . Cherish the right to be different. Cherish the right to question authority.   Or as our Governments carry out policies that ae grotesquely cruel and immoral, just simply relax and keep your heads down and move along with your normal consensus lives, because after all your Government will continue to take care of you, and keep listening to the authoritarians  and everything will be fine. 

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