Wednesday 3 June 2020

We Should All Be Antifa Now.

We are currently collectively  grieving. The brutal police killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, David Mc Atee, Sarah Reed, Tony Mc Dade, and so many other lives that have been wrongfully stolen. and the miltarized police escalating across the USA show us once again that people are not truly free. and  if you are not anti fascist you are part of the problem. Now is the time to dismantle the systems of white supremacy, colonialism and privilege that  continues to destroy and strip  Black communities of their dignity, and too often their lives.
We need to demand justice and support the fight now, not just today, which is specially important, but next week, next month. until the fight is won.The sad truth is that police kill or commit violence against unarmed Black men almost every day , not  just those times when it is caught on camera and is covered in the news. In all of 2019 there were only 37 days when police did not kill someone.We must be unified as a movement for justice, racial justice, economic justice, social justice, everywhere for as long as it takes, standing in solidarity with all victims of police violence and structural racism and oppression.
The uprisings demanding justice, risking their health and safety to rise up  against  police brutality and systematic violence against Black people, are echoing across the world right now. Silence is not an option, it's up to us to demand change , demand  the end of racist violence and racial  inequity, our solidarity should lead the way in these dark times, not ignorance. We must honestly acknowledge that our society has constructed an elaborate system of legal , economic and social codes that perpetuate systematic racism, rooted  in the barbarism of our collective history  of genocide, enslavement and Apartheid. And that people,  especially white people benefit from this system.
To realize the systematic change, we need as individuals to recognise  our role in collective mass denial. This mass denial allows us to live in a society where people of color today are negatively and disproportionately impacted by every societal measurement of well being. In health, education, poverty, housing, state sanctioned violence.
White  people must , without  pausing actively follow the direction  of Black, brown and indigenous voices doing what they can to destroy and dismantle the systems of institutional racism currently in place. The continued  murder , of Black, brown, and indigenous  people shows us that so much more needs to be done. It is  so important to recognise  that it is not just in the United States where black people face institutionised violence , targetting  and incarcernation. While Trump is threatning  protestors for social justice with army intervention, while our own  government  remains shamefully silent, while in the name of profit, the UK continues to sell riot gear, tear gas and rubber bullets to  suppress a peoples rightful anger and dissent that deserves global condemnation.
I would urge you to write to your MP as a matter of urgency.
Attending a protest in person is maybe not an option  for some amid Covid -19, but that does not mean you can't contribute to the anti-racism movement in other ways. We can no longer be silent. now is the  time to do everything in our collective power to be vocally anti-racist, anti- fascist, with love and fierce resistance.Without justice, there can be no peace.
Eager for an enemy to blame whilst ignoring root causes of the protests rocking his nation, President Trump on Sunday signalled that he was preparing to label those  associated with the Antifa  (anti-fascist) movement as " domestic terrorists."
 A move in a complete distraction  would simply  be unconstitutional , you cannot make illegal a peoples autonomous rage, or a  peoples  continual rage against an unjust system. We  must all be antifa now keep supporting  the black lives projects, however we can, supporting those who put their bodies in front of police lines, unafraid to to make sure the ugliness and violence of racism never goes unopposed.  let us continue to be ever vigilant and continue to speak out against racism and fascism everywhere.

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