Thursday 22 September 2022

The Awen of Twilight ( A Poem for the Autumn Equinox)

The Autumn Equinox arrives on Thursday, September 22, 2022, at 9:04 P.M. EDT in the Northern Hemisphere. The equinox occurs at the same moment worldwide.
Equinox comes from Latin aequus, meaning “equal,”and it is at this exact moment that day and  night are equal in length, but from now on the nights will start to become longer as the dark half of the year unveils its secrets on the journey through the wheel of the year and the cycle of the natural world moves towards completion.
In Welsh lore, the god Mabon was the son of the earth mother goddess, Modron. Mabon celebrates the autumn equinox and is a time of honouring the spirit world, the changing seasons and celebrating the second harvest.
Mabon is the second of the three Pagan harvest festivals, which include Lammas/Lughnasadh and Samhain.Often rituals  giving thanks for a plentiful harvest and recognises the need to share the Earth’s fruits in the coming winter months were performed at this time. Have a blessed Mabon. I offer you the following poem. 

The Awen of Twilight
There is a chill on this magical day
As I watch golden leaves, tumbling from the air,
The world so simple among autumn's splendour
Light and dark equal for all to share.
A point of sacred balance we can feel
Moments of understanding, time not to fear,
Releasing specks of joy, instead of sorrow 
Mother Earth calling, Mabon returning.
A time for focusing on life, death and rebirth 
To consider where we are and where we need to be,
As we honour those past, hold on firm to the present 
The seeds of life that never fade away.
While wild winds whistle out our number
Nothing is ever wasted with Dame nature,
As she shapes and colors shifting mood
Embrace her untamed rippling allure.

Among dancing spirits and earthly aroma
Intimately connected, retaining vigour,
Lets harvest hope, trust the changing seasons
Be grateful to all you hold dear.
While darker days approach ahead
Illuminate the paths you tread with reason,
Release the years frustrations and disappointments
So we can step over the threshold with trustful intention.
Acknowledging the great powers around us
Within us too, keeping us safe and well,
Respecting all the cycles of life
Surrender in awakening, appease the gods.

May our blessings be rich and  bountiful
Granting us peace, embers of warmth and protection,
Enchanting, keeping us believing, sharing dreams
As we wait for Spring's flowers to raise from slumber.

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