Monday 7 November 2022

Beyond Perimeters of Evil

Some with outrage
Talk about invasion
Contemptuous bastards
Void of compassion or reason
Do not raise voices in sorrow
When innocent people die
They are my reasons why I cry
Believe in a world of no borders
Embrace the gift of other cultures
Where all given warm welcome
With congenial conditions
No hostility only respect and grace
It's time for walls of division to fall
Different parameters of reality
Time to dispel all the pain
Close the centre for cruelty at Manston
Inhumane, immoral and unjustified
Where treatment is beyond contempt
Keep on fighting uncruel darkness
The dog whistling racist xenophobia
Challenge hateful rhetoric demonising
Those seeking safety, belonging and home
Celebrate the benefits they bring to us
Lets talk about diversity, equity and inclusion
No person born in this world is illegal
Escaping war and poverty is no crime
Give your love allow faces to smile
Allow hope to blossom, no more desolation.


  1. Excellent poem Dave, keep the pen to the paper comrade.

  2. cheers comrade
    will try my best

  3. Wonderful poem Dave. Says so well what a lot of us are feeling.

    1. thank you kindly for letting me know much appreciated
