Showing posts with label # Thirst for Justice # Empowerment # Hope # Healing # Accountability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label # Thirst for Justice # Empowerment # Hope # Healing # Accountability. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Thirst for Justice

Picasso's "Dove of Peace"

Apparently when we stop drinking  alcohol , and  I haven't had a sip  for  64  days now,  dopamine levels begin to stabilize, reducing feelings of sadness and hopelessness, thereby fostering  hope and happiness. 
OK will say even when pissed I  tried to stay  positive  but  the state of the world currently still leads me almost  to the pits of  despair, the heartbreaking story of  Shaban al Dalu for instance  and because of Western capitalism and climate inaction, the people on the planet are suffering as a result. I personally can't  simply  look away,  pretend these things are not happening while these stark reminders of global injustices go on and these disparities continue to widen. 
For those of celebrating the killing of civilians, their no better than those they claim to be fighting against. There is no joy or glory in death and killing. May they drink their bitterness, but hate will never quench the thirst for justice.
Whether drunk or sober,  we all have the power to  change this daily  tragic discouse. There is a lot of injustice in the world, but one thing we can always remember “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” 
The world is not poor. It is extremely unequal, and the global economy is organized around exploitation and accumulation rather than around meeting actual human needs. We can correct  this inbalance  and we  cannot afford  any one of us to  give up  on hope as  Paulo Freire  once said. 

"Hopelessness is a form of silence, of denying the world and fleeing from it. The dehumanization resulting from an unjust order is not a cause for despair but for hope, leading to the incessant pursuit of the humanity denied by injustice.

We cannot solve every problem, fight every battle, or heal every wound. But we can choose our ground. We can pick our cause. We can find that one area where our passion burns brightest ,everyday  we can make a difference, by holding powers to  account with  our simple  individual actions of  resistance,  carry  on promoting  peace, whlst opposing  genocide and war. 
The Israeli far-right government and U.S. leaders are perpetuating the annihilation of Palestinian lives! Native Americans, African Americans, and now Palestinians, when will the insatiable thirst for blood and land finally cease? 
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, and whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.
Jutice isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. It's not something we beg for; it's something we demand. 
The streets currently echo with our cries for justice, but are ignored and drowned out by those in power, so we stand up and get louder..
Each time we stands up for an ideal, or act to improve the lot of others, or strike out against injustice, we send forth a ripple of hope. True justice heals wounds, holds wrongdoers accountable, and uplifts the oppressed. We must keep demanding justice.

Blessed are the poor in spirit 
Blessed are the meek 
Blessed are they who mourn
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice 
Blessed are the merciful 
 Blessed are the pure in heart 
Blessed are the peacemakers 
Blessed are the persecuted.  Matthew 5:6