Sadako and the Crane statue (Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park, Japan)
73 years ago, on 6th August 1945, at 8:15 AM the United States dropped an atomic bomb called “Little Boy” on Hiroshima, which is estimated to have killed 100,000 to 180,000 people out of a population of 350,000. Three days later, a second atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki, killing between 50,000 and 100,000 people.an atomic bomb was detonated over Hiroshima. Today, 73 years later, the world commemorates the lives that were lost and the unacceptable devastation caused to people and planet.
A survivor of the Hiroshima bombing gave this harrowing account:
"Through a darkness like the bottom of Hell I could hear the voices of the other students calling for their mothers. I could barely sense the fact that the students seemed to be running away from that place. (...) At the base of the bridge, inside a big cistern that had been dug out there, was a mother weeping and holding above her head a naked baby that was burned bright red all over its body, and another mother was crying and sobbing as she gave her burned breast to her baby. In the cistern the students stood with only their heads above the water and their two hands, which they clasped as they imploringly cried and screamed, calling their parents. But every single person who passed was wounded, all of them, and there was no one to turn to for help. The singed hair on people's heads was frizzled up and whitish, and covered with dust - from their appearance you couldn't believe that they were human creatures of this world".
In the current dangerous times today we must redouble our efforts to ensure that such an atrocity does not happen ever again. It should be unthinkable that the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki should ever be repeated, on this poignant anniversary, we must reaffirm our determination to campaign for a world without nuclear weapons
For years the American government refused to release images and photographs, such was the sheer horror that they did not want the world to Know.
Those who did not get incarcented on the spot, were to be traumatised for the rest of their lives.
Hibakusha is a term widely used in Japan, that refers to the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it translates as 'explosion effected/ Survivor of the Light. This post is dedicated to them , we should make sure that the devastation caused by nuclear weapons is never forotten.
Please sign following petition :- https://cnduk.org/actions/time-stop-trident/
Hiroshima; An Acrostic Poem
Horror was dropped on August 6, 1945
Incinerating thousands of innocents
Reason evaporated after deadly poison shed
One bomb released left devastaion
Senseless slaughter, the scorched sin of humanity
Haunting vapors of pitiful sorrow
Insanity blossoming with black rain
Murderous atoms shattered spirits
American weapon of evil, B-29 Enola Gay
Hiroshima; An Acrostic Poem
Horror was dropped on August 6, 1945
Incinerating thousands of innocents
Reason evaporated after deadly poison shed
One bomb released left devastaion
Senseless slaughter, the scorched sin of humanity
Haunting vapors of pitiful sorrow
Insanity blossoming with black rain
Murderous atoms shattered spirits
American weapon of evil, B-29 Enola Gay