Showing posts with label #Stuff the Platinum Jubilee # Queen Elizabeth II # Privilege # Power # Abolish the Monarchy # Democracy # News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Stuff the Platinum Jubilee # Queen Elizabeth II # Privilege # Power # Abolish the Monarchy # Democracy # News. Show all posts

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Stuff the Jubilee

The Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II is being celebrated this coming weekend to mark the 70th anniversary of her accession on 6 February 1952. The celebration plans were formally unveiled in full by Buckingham Palace on 10 January 2022.The Platinum Jubilee will run from Thursday June 2 to Sunday June 5. £28 million is helping fund a whopping 70,000 lunches, 1,458 public events, 2,000 street parties and a massive concert inside Buckingham Palace. All this occurring at a time when millions are currently living in poverty, unable to put food on the table and struggling to pay bills and 1000s are sleeping on the streets. But we are being encouraged to celebrate the Queen' whose fortune is £370mn while millions rely on Food Banks to survive and more are about to be pushed into absolute poverty by soaring, profit-driven, inflation.
The jubilee is all about encouraging the view that the majority of people have to bow down and show deference to our ‘superiors and betters’. The queen and the rest of her family stand at the top of a dung heap of privileged and wealthy people.
Let's not forget that the Queen gained her wealth in the first place from empire and robbing the public purse.I just feel like there is a real grossness to this state driven Jubilee celebration fanfare. People are skint, getting even more skint and full of worry and we are supposed to go out and celebrate 70 years of unadulterated, unaccountable wealth, privilege, power and exploitation?
Imagine what you could do with the £28 million of government money that is being spent on the celebrations? First you could help out the 2.4 million adults who, according to a new report, can't afford to eat everyday. Then there's the 5.6 million on Universal Credit. And it might be worth thinking about how to support the 1.3 million people who could fall into absolute poverty next year, including half-a-million kids. But no, instead of helping ease the pain of the cost of living crisis, Boris and his buddies are hosting one of their legendary parties - at least this time it's legal and we're all invited. The excuse? Not a leaving do, this time, but 70 years of her royalness, Queen Elizabeth II, lording it over us. There once seemed little chance that Elizabeth would even become Queen, as she was third in line. But this all changed when her uncle, King Edward VIII, a Nazi sympathiser, abdicated and married Wallis Simpson—another Nazi sympathiser,
For me and many others, the Queen is the figurehead for a family run cabal of elitists whose core business is the preservation and expansion of their status, wealth and privillege which they see as their birth right.Their most important job is to make you agree that it "is " their birth right. Don't buy into it. I'm as sick of the Platiimum Jubilee as I am of the Tories, A hereditary monarchy has no place in a modern functioning democracy.
In unbelievably desperate stuff by the Tories.They are undertaking an Imperial measurement review to mark the Jubilee. Does anyone really care? What next, food rationing and shillings-Labour MP Angela Eagle at least had the tenacity to say it was a "pathetic" attempt to "weaponise nostalgia"  
I find the whole thing outdated and ridiculous at this point, while we’re looking looking looking at services crumbling, food shortages, food banks, and there’s going to be a massive big party for empire.The monarchy represents a $28 billion empire made up of various lands and properties, such as the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall. Yet, the monaarchy still relies on taxpayer funding in the form of the sovereign grant 
The amount of taxpayer’s money they’ve spent protecting Prince Andrew is just crazy, and when the Queen could find £12 million, of no doubt our money, to give to her very dishonourable second son, to give to a woman he claimed he'd never met is shocking,
The government says they want us to “come together" to celebrate this "historic milestone”, but seems they are ignoring the growing republican sentiment among young Brits. Queen Elizabeth II's monarchy is losing support in the 70th year of her reign as more than a quarter of Brits now want to abolish the royals. Anti-monarchy campaign group Republic warned of "a huge problem for the royals" as research that the organization commissioned from pollster YouGov showed a decline in support. Historically, the monarchy has enjoyed overwhelming public approval in Britain. But data collected between April 30 and May 2 showed a rise in the number of those who place democracy above tradition. 
According to the poll. 54% of people in the UK are not interested in the Queen's Platinum Jubilee The poll showed 54% were not very (29%) or not at all (25%) interested in the event with just 11% 'very' interested, and the press have said12-million people across the UK are planning to celebrate the Jubilee. That’s good. It means 56-million people are planning to ignore it.
The monarchy is not just a feudal hangover. Our cuddly home-grown royals are not just symbolic figureheads. They are class inequality personified, brutal colonial history justified , the embodiment of nation and an obscenely expensive reminder of what is rotten in our society, Their lifestyle costs the taxpayer heavily, their powers are unaccountable and they see privilege as a birthright . In today's world nobody should have the right to amass so much wealth and call themselves superior when so much of the world; population is struggling to survive.
The Monarchy at the end of the day supports capitalist class rule over the rest of us. As the historian Christopher Hill wrote: “Charles II was brought back because this was necessary for the possessing classes, threatened by social revolution. The only thing we need less than a Jubilee celebration is a Queen, who apart from reaching such a grand old age of 96 .I have no respect whatsoever for. Pro fox hunting. Yuk. Parasites and animal abusers every last one of them. The monarchy invites its subjects to pretend that an arbitrary inbred mob is somehow better than anyone else, thus suggesting an intrinsic limitation on success and possibility of power for the general populace. 
It's reputation is damaged by its errant members, whether Andrew’s friendship with the paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, or Harry and Meghan pretending to be everyman whilst courting the world of celebrity The public has also witnessed this family ruthlessly do everything within their power to hold on to archaic traditions while rejecting modernity It sure has a peculiar set of values. Minor slip ups such as marrying the wrong person can be met with zero tolrance. On the other hand, it can be incredibly forgiving of those accused of sex offences, not forgeting the whiff of racism and colonialism that lingers alongside them. Spending £200 million on a bloody new royal yacht doesn't help matters either.
And as the late great Nye Bevan once said " Royalty in the propoganda apparatus that is, has four functions; to foster the illusion of national unity; to prescribe the hierarchy of honours and titles by which representatives of the workers are subjected to the most insidious forms of corruption; to supply a fertile source of diversion; and above all, to intervene at times of acute political crisis and exert its influence in favour of the existing order."
In the interests of balance, any coverage by the media should make it clear that a significant proportion of the country are staunch republicans, and don't feel that the family represent us in any way, shape or form.
Today a quarter to a third of the British population fvour a republic, still more whn the Queen leaves the mortal realm.
The idea that any human being deserves to have a role within a state institution purely because of their bloodline is offensive for the same reason it’s offensive that we live in a world where some people are born into wealth and others into poverty. It is more than than time to end this symbol of privilege once and for all and confine the monarchy to the dustbins of history. The abolition is well overdue , particularly following the recent procurement of Parliament. When a Queen conspires with a tyrannical Prime Minister to silence parliament we are reminded that monarchies are simply an impediment to democracy. MPs are effectively banned from criticising in Parliament a protected medieval relic although fawning is encouraged. So the case for discussing whether we need a monarchy, or that Charles must win a public vote to succeed his mother is suppressed and he’ll be crowned automatically to avoid debate,
The Monarch is the head of the Armed Forces, the Church of England, and Parliament, and owns the British Overseas Territories to which British subjects do not have an automatic right to live and work. While it is generally held that the Monarch does not exercise their sovereign powers to interfere in political matters, they have the ability to do so and this in itself undermines trust in this country’s democratic institutions.
We all love a fairytale but the function of the monarchy is to condition us to accept inequality and to adore those who exploit and sneer at us. Stuff that fairytale.Stuff the jubilee. Abolish the monarchy. Down with the Crown Feed the poor,
As you can tell I for one will most definitely not be celebrating the Queen's long reign this weekend.Hope people enjoy their four day Bank holiday weekend though, and my thoughts will be with all those struggling currently with financial difficulties. I will end this post with a link to 5 events and protests people are throwing against the Platinum Jubilee, thankfully this country isn't totally a nation off sheep:- .