Thursday 19 July 2018

Gaza Freedom Flotilla

Four boats from the 'Right to a Just Future for Palestine' Freedom Flotilla Coalition are scheduled to leave Palermo, Sicily,, to break the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza,  carrying medications, surgical gauze and sutures, and to assert the Palestinian  people's right to freedom of movement and their right to a just future. As we mark the 100 years of the birth of Nelson Mandela, we recall his words on his release from prison in 1990. "We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians."
Click on the following  link for the latest news about ther progress. Click "Participants" to see who is on board.Please be ready to inform your MP if the boats are  captured and the participants are  attacked or arrested. Dr Swee Ang, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, author From Beirut to Jerusalem, is the sole British national on board.

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Cowardly Theresa May is running scared of democracy

Theresa May, weak and unstable is currently running scared of British democracy, after she has tabled a motion  proposing to shut down Parliament five days early. They are voting later  on whether to allow MPs to leave five days ahead of schedule, at a time of immense crisis and one of the most critical and busiest periods in recent parliamentary history, it is shameful that she has actually considered this, but shows clearly her own lack of confidence in her own Brexit plans and her sheer desperation, because she is aware her government will simply collapse if she doesn't.
May cowardly and incompetent, having faced 10 resignations from her ranks, in as many days, is afraid  of a  leadership challenge, that will, in all probability oust her, so to avoid this she has already caved into  hardline Brexiteer Tories, is now trying to avoid any further threat,  so has hatched this  plan to send all away on holiday early for the summer to try to avoid the chaos she is currently surrounded by.
The Commons was due to rise for its long summer recess next Tuesday, but Theresa May wants them all to on holiday five days earlier, which will make this Thursday their last day. Its up to the backbone of opposition MP's to vote against the plans and motion for an extra holiday in a bid to make life a little harder for Prime Minister Theresa May
In the meantime I'd urge you to contact your own MPs, we should not allow her to get away with how she pleases, I sincerely hope she faces a humiliating Commons defeat. Here's something I sent to mine earlier.

Dear insert name of your MP
I am writing to ask you to vote against the motion that has been tabled in Parliament to start the holidays early so MPs would break up on Thursday 19 July instead of Tuesday 19 July this year. At a time when Theresa May's Government is in so much crisis, and there is so much that needs to be sorted out currently for the benefit of the whole country.
Yours Sincerely

Further information :-

Monday 16 July 2018

Frank Wain : Inspirational Native American Hip-Hop Artist

Frank Wain is a Sicanhu Lakota, Hip -Hop Artist from He Dog on the Rosebud Reservation in rural South Dakota. An award winning artist and outspoken activist. Frank uses his music and performance to address colonialism, state violence, the legacy of broken treaties, Native American genocide, racism, appropriation and environmental exploitation among other issues affecting Indigenous people today.
Wain uses his music as a way to call out historical wrongs and  uplift American indigenous youth, many of whom struggle from the impacts of poverty violence, suicide and other inter-generational traumas. He has been featured in many publications, and on MTV'S Rebel Music Native America episode.

Rebel Music: Native America : Official trailer

Influenced and inspired by Emiinem, Nas,  John Trudell, Native activist and poet and the Sundance songs and ceremonies of his culture. His sound is unique, while hip-hop based, he also mixes in the sounds of his native roots, and integrates lyrics that are politically outspoken.He takes a beat, weaves in the drums and sounds of the Sicangu Lakota  and powerfully retells American history through the eyes of a group that has been forgotten, capturing a spirit of resistance..
He is very conscious of how his depictions of Native American culture are so often twisted into "poverty porn ""There will be no porn in music video," he tweeted about rhe following video "Aboriginal " in October 2013. "No models. No bling. Just some Lakota people, smiling, riding horses and being a community." The video shows children on the reservation playing basketball, hanging with family, living ordinary lives - lives that are frequently misunderstood and overlooked.

.Frank Wain -  Aboriginal

Frank was raised only by his mother and aunts on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota. His father was absent in his life, but he says his mother made him who he is today and without her he would not be doing what he does. Although he is representative of his culture, his music also deals with trauma that can be felt by those that  are not Native. He has also spoken cadidly about his own personal battles with depression.
The following song speaks of his love for his mother and the struggles they have endured together, this love can resonate with many of us. Though Frank is proud of his identity and writes content geared towards issues relevant to his community, his music also stresses how these situations can also be viewed through a broader lens. These struggles are not exotic nor alien.

Rebel Music ;Frank Wain Performs "My Stone

From a very young age he found it was his responsibility to keep his culture alive  and shed light on the reality of what indigenous people have been experiencing and living for hundreds of years. He attended Colombia University in Chicago, Illinois as a recipient of the Gates Millenium Scholarship. He has said that it was this scholarship that enabled his to began making music. He began producing music in college using his laptop. Since then he has gone on to win several awards for his outspoken and powerful sounds, who has managed to build a large and devoted audience of fans drawn to his heartfelt music.
Currently living in Chicago, aside from creating music highlighting the struggles of  his people in today's society, he is also a youth mentor and social activist and speaks about self- empowerment travelling the world spreading messages of hope through performance and workshops.In 2017 he went on a trip with who he works with to Palestine where he bore witness to their own struggles under settler colonialism.Re-connecting to his own culture  has allowed him to release his revolutionary voice, providing an inspiration to many, using his powerful voice as a political and environmental activist for American Indian rights. while using music as a much needed  force for love, struggle, healing and social change.In an interview he refers to his people as "A people with a past, not a people of the past."
Long may he keep up his good work.

Frank Wain - What makes the Red Man Red

Frank Wain - Oil 4 Blood

Let Them In - Soul Inscribed; featuring Frank Wain
all proceeds going to


"I stand for the power of art to bring about healing and change for the communities we call home." 

-Frank Wain

Saturday 14 July 2018

Trump rally. What an amazing day

Yesterday, I was at one of the most diverse, vibrant demonstraitons, I have been to for years, proudly joining over 250,000 people as we stood together against the divisive, bigoted, climate-denying,  policies of Donald Trump. It was the biggest protest against Trump outside the US to date, despite the vitriol of our slogans and chants, the mood was a festive one of jubilation and defiance rather than aggressive, as we basked in glorious sunshine, in a carnival of resistance. A very special day as our humanity was shared.
People  young  and old from many  different walks of life, gathered at Portland Square from around 2 pm, marching to Trfalgar Square for a mass rally, that featured  politicians including  Jeremy Corbyn. Labour leader, and David Lammy Labour MP, and columnist Own Jones..
In a video posted on Twitter, Corbyn described the Trump administration policie "as putting the lives and wellbeng of millions of people at risk."
He also criticised Theresa May for her "red carpet welcome" despite Trump "tepeatedly trampling on the most basic fundamental rights that all of us hold dear." Adding 2our democracy comes from popular action, our right to demonstrate in this Square was hard fought for and hard won, the rights of women to vote was hard fought for and hard won. We're asserting our rights to demonstrate and live in a world that's not divided by misogony, racism and hate." To huge cheers he said "We come together becuse I wish to live in a world of peace, not war. I wish to live in a world where refugees are not blamed for th wars that they are victims of, When we divide ourselves by xenophobia we all lose, when we unite around common objectives we can all win."
Together we managed to show our solidarity, with those marginalised groups that have born the brunt of Trumps  regressive points of view managing to make international headlines. At the same time we managed to send a clear message to our own government  that we wont accept or tolerate the dangerous actions of the US president., or allow them to become the norm and acceptable, at the same time  making it loud and clear that he was not welcomed.Accusing him of creating a culture of racism, intolerance and misogony via his vile policies of targetting minority groups.
As the rally came to a close, people cooled  down from a long hot day of protest by splashing in the fountain in the middle of Trafalgar Square, and despite the bus that took us to London and breaking down, and getting gridlocked, meaning that we did not get back till about this morning, I believe a positive day was had by us all, a truly momentous occasion of political significance..
When we fight back together, in solidarity, we are more powerful, our love will always trump hate.
The huge turnout was a huge victory to everyone fighting racism, sexism and austerity. My thoughts are with those marching again today against supporters of fascist Tommy Robinson who are gathering in central London.

Friday 13 July 2018

Arty Party Together Against Trump

Short post, off to catch bus to London. As Theresa May courts and hold hands with Trump, for  those who can't get to London, you can still raise your voices. Give Trump no welcome,  remember, no one is illegal, no borders are necessary. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. Resist, resist with all your might. For those in West Wales, please attend following :-

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Love Trumps Hate/Mae Cariad yn Trechu Casineb

July 13th is coming
Catch a bus and protest
Greet orange man
With  freedoms voice
Cast out intolerance
That is accountable to no one
Flaming and flaunting fear
Daily releasing sad delapitdation
Let's weave together in unity
Be a speck that proudly stands
Sing together with one voice
Our bubbles shifting together
Hands together, raised high
Cries refusing to be silent
Collectively not frightened
Speaking in different tongues
Against racism and bigotry
Offering no welcome
To a narcissistic clown
Our love will triumph hate
We will loudly drown

Monday 9 July 2018

Strong and stable Tories?

As Theresa May clings on in power weak and unstable, we are increasingly seeing signs of the Conservative governments fragility, as Brexit Secretary David Davis has done what he's been predicted to have been considering to do, and resigned. Departing just days after Theresa May secured the cabinets backing despite claims from her critics that it was "soft".
With Boris Johnson following suit after  2 years of embarrassing Britain as foreign secretary, we should be  asking ourselves,when have the Tories ever done anything good  for the country. Everything that they ever do is for their own benefit and self interest, and never for the rest of us, with their cruel and callous policies.Davis has now being replaced by Dominic Raab, whose own track record is simply astonishing, even for a Tory ttps://
We are now seeing Tory hardline Brexiters rallying as many MP's as possible to demand by letter Theresa May's resignation, because staying in the EU single market is a complete anathema to them, clear signs of a party in complete division. As May and  her government faces a race against time to  find a solutions to the Irish border question, it clearly shows the Tory's to be in the grip of total chaos, which will hopefully trigger the collapse of their grip of power too.Theresa May's Tories are in a whole heap of trouble, as we witness how weak the ruddy lot of them are, the most fissile and disloyal bunch we have seen in living memory.This not a government of strength but one of utter weakness, what future do they have whilst they seem so unfit to govern at all.
At such a crucial time of the Brexit process, in which EU leaders have warned us that time is running out to get a deal sorted. The UK is supposed to be due to leave on 29 March next year. As their actions continue to be marked by incompetence and farce, and  as Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has pointed out "threatens our economy, businesses, jobs and communities."It is time for all the Tories to go as soon as possible for the greater good of all, Theresa May and co simply have no authority left, as they continue to cause so much irreplaceable harm to our country, as they show themselves to be in utter disarray and utter shambles.