Friday 24 August 2018

Other human beings are not our enemies - Thich Nhat Hanh

" People kill and are killed because they cling too tightly to their own beliefs and ideologies, When we believe that ours is the only faith that contains the truth, violence and suffering will surely be the result. When you act with compassion and non-violence, when you act on the basis of nonduality, you have to be very strong. To no longer act out of anger, you don't punish or blame. Compassion grows constantly inside of you and you can succeed in your fight against injustice, Other human beings are not our enemies. Our enemy is not the other person. Our enemy is the violence, ignorance, and injustice in us and the other person.
When we are armed with compassion and understanding, we fight not against other people, but against the tendency to invade , to dominate , and to exploit.
To develop understanding, you have to practice looking at all living beings with the eyes of compassion.  When you understand, you cannot help but love. And when you love,you naturally act in a way that can relieve the suffering of people.
Understanding and Love are not two separate things, but only one."

- Bhuddist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh

We are currently living in tumultuous times, because of this, there is a tremendous amount of suffering going on, that is releasing and generating endless amounts of fear,anger and hatred, that is breaking many a heart in two.
Our  real enemy is not man, or other human beings, it lies in our ignorance and discrimination  that drives our fears. It is not wrong to feel anger, but many of us have simply forgotten  to take care of it, and  arm  ourselves with the energy of compassion or understanding, that has the enormous capacity to heal the world,

Tuesday 21 August 2018

The question of BBC bias and how to complain.

Sometimes watching the BBC news,  I have to awake myself  up from the utter pointless of it all. Fawning  reports about the Royal  family, minus their excesses, combined with  its  lack of impartiality on reporting on Gaza.and the West Bank that often sees it valuing Israeli lives above those  of Palestinians. That often then fails to reflect the imbalance between what it terms "the two sides" Israel and the Palestinians. I am not a member of the Labour Party but I  also see a  daily clear and consistent bias against it's leader Jeremy Corbyn, laced with a vitriolic right wing wing rhetoric, carefully edited into incoherent sound bites, though the BBC will claim otherwise. In light of this, it's worth pointing out that Margaret Hodge's daughter, Lizzie Watson is actually Deputy Editor of BBC News, which might explain a complete lack of impartiality when it comes to the recent Corbyn /Hodge row. This is surely a clear conflict of interest.
For further info on how the BBC is packed to the rafters with right wing elements, and those with vested elements, see the following from Marcus Moore who has worked with the BBC for over 30 years, really is rather interesting reading Whether right or left , their most obvious political bias is one that  keeps concentrating on the Westminster bubble that often forgets the rest of us.This combined with them reporting Government policies as facts, that sees ministers barely challenged .All journalism is biased to a degree but the BBC  no longer seems to represents all the British people, only serving the vested interests of those who are already doing  alright.  So  if we don't  complain about this bias and inaccuracy, nothing will ever change.
A lot of people  are not very familiar with doing online complaints to  the BBC,but  it really is  quite simple, and  can be quite  effective. They have a duty to reply to complaints to protect their so called independence  If you ever wish to want to make a complaint,  click on  the following  link, it's so important that we continue  to to hold them to account.
You will be given some simple instructions,  and after reading and you are completely satisfied with your response, you can then  submit your complaint. Some time later usually within a few  hours , you will receive  an automated acknowledgement, and in  due course, this could be a few days, weeks or even months, depending on the subject matter.  you will  then receive a reply. All this keeps  the BBC busy, and allows us the opportunity to hold the BBC to account and stops us all from being taken for granted.

Monday 20 August 2018

Finding Comfort

To protect my energy, must learn drugs and alcohol do not mix
That it's ok to go back to sleep, it's ok to leave phone of the hook,
It's ok to let go of the past, ir's ok to refuse permission
It's ok to take the key and let it run, follow wildflowers of the heart,
Refuse to judge one self, toss away the shame of guilt
Raise my voice and speak out, disobey the rules,
cleanse eyes, tae back what's been stolen
Abandon labels, refuse to be characterised,
To protect myself from life's surprises, I have poems in my palms,
That help me chase away the darkness, escape from fragmented prisons
Even when slightly crazy, can change all my phases,
In love with music too, can find rhythms to guide me
Feel freedom blowing in the wind , allow me to deeply breathe,
Fight harder, become stronger, as I wash the dirt from my skin
All the avenues of healing lie within,  helping break down all walls,
Finding the unknown of possibility, pathways of change
Remembering that on life's battlefield, the future remains unwritten.

Saturday 18 August 2018

Benjamin Zephaniah - Revolutionary Minds

Just got latest  timely cd from pioneering dub poet ,Rastafarian and fervent campaigner for social justice issues Benjamin Zephaniah through the post entitled Revolutionary Minds his first foray into music for over a decade. It actually was released last year, but have only just managed to get a copy. It really is a tour de force,  essential listening for the times we live in, a solid piece of creativity that drives on home messages of hope, liberation, economic and political corruption rampant racism, fascist patriarchy in this world of struggle and desperation.
Zephaniah is strongly influenced by the music and poetry of Jamaica and what he calls "street politics". His poetry, books and plays have captivated hearts and minds, fuelling imaginations and winning him a legion of fans all over the world.Though his music is lesser known than his written work it is no less fervent. Created alongside his accomplished producer and collaborator The Sea, 'Revolutionary Minds' album is a deep selection of dub-reggae juggernauts, the essence and style of which fully reinforce the messages projected through Zephaniah's powerful lyrics and strong righteous rhymes it really paints a picture of  the world we live in right now.
The first track Earth Liberation Sound gets the ball rolling, as Benjamin speaks on civil odedience and the impact it has had in the past and the present,with  presence of a youthful  voice chanting  about revolutionary minds.

The following track Revolutionary Minds  is essentially the heart of the record, speaking on issues such as "women shall not be property" and "no one shall be judged by the color of their skin." in which the actor Matt Damon reads the words of the late American historian and activist Howard Zinn. "The problem is not civil disobedience, the problem is civil obedience."

 The next track President is a strong message aimed at the presidents of the world, describing the outcome of their hostile laws and policies.It is abundently clear who Sephaniah has foremost in mind when he unleashes his anger "Dear Mister President, you suck presidentially. Just run, run  as slowy as you can, and take your arms trade with you."

More Animal Writes speaks about the environment we live  amidst corrupt cops and their arbitrariness.
Cool Piece speaks about the conditions affecting women through violence and the impact of street life.
In the  song 'In This World, he makes it perfectly clear that most dangerous thingin the world is not beinga revolutionary, but it is in our passivity;"We live in a world where they say we communicate more, but.the world stayed silent when the slave trade was making money, the world stayed silent when the Nazis started to kill trade unionists, people with disabilities, homosexuals, left-handed people and Jews, and now in the age of the global village and  mass communications, the world is staying silent as the Palestinians are annihiliated."

In the poem What Srephen Lawrence Has Taught Us, originally witten in 1999. the artist reminds his listeners of the death of the young British man who was mudered in 1993. This case unveiled institutanised racism in Britain and questioned the judicial practice of double jeapordy with regard to murder cases. With incidents  of police violence still happening, it reminds us that we are still witnessing a never-ending tragic cycle. Almost 25 years later his murder reminds us that we live in a world where freedom and justice are not rights that can be taken for granted.


One of the greatest poets of his generation, who has  published 24 books,  he still delivers and packs a mighty punch with his  profound truth, who still manages to hold his heart on his sleeves. Revolutionary Minds is the soundtrack to the modern revolutionist, that will make you feel empowered, hopeful, galvanised to make a difference and get up and dance,whilst helping us mash down babylon. Try and get hold of it if you can, you will not be disappointed.The CD is accompanied by a 12 page booklet of Zephaniah's intensely conscious lyrics, allowing for his work to be read as poetry in addition to being enjoyed as songs.
At a seemingly tumultuous and divisive period in our society, 'Revolutionary Minds' revitalises the neglected art of the protest song. By reviving this discipline at this particular point in time, Zephaniah shines a critical light on to a range of activity that currently is taking place around the globe, providing a strong voice to the disenfranchised and displaced. One can listen or buy a copy here ;-; 
His autobiography  The Life and Rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah is also out  now, which is a truly extraordinary life story which celebrates the power of poetry and the importance of pushing boundaries with the arts.

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Friday 17 August 2018

Aretha Louise Franklin ( 24/3/42 - 16/8/18) - Respect, Rest in Power

Aretha Franklin who passed away  in Detroit, Michigan aged 76 on Thursday from pancreatic cancer  was a soul freedom fighter, musical legend an all encompassing guiding light, icon for feminism, a social justice pioneer and trail blazing activist for the civil rights movement. Born and raised in the segregation era to preacher and civil rights activist Clarence L. Franklin, who helped organise the 1963 Detroit Walk to freedom, ahead of his good friend Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr's March on Washington, her own mother was herself an accomplished pianist and singer, who died when Aretha was ten years of age, it was  just after her death that Aretha  began singing gospel music in her local church.
In 1967 she released "Respect" which became an anthem for the racial and gendered political movements of the time, something that was not lost on her, who said of the song in her memoit Aretha; From These Roots : " It reflected the need of a nation, the need of the average man and woman in the street, the businessman, the mother, the fireman, the teacher - everyone wanted respect."Franklin wrote. It would become one of the battle cries of the civil rights movement,and would take on monumental significance.
Franklin would also make pint of putting into her contract that she would never perform before racially segregated audiences. Her activism went beyond the lyrics of her songs, as she applied her wealth and platform to help fund many social  justice campaigns.
A clear example of her commitmentto civil rights was when she offered bail to recolutionary activist Angela Davis in 1970, after Davis, a member of the Communist Party, was accussed  of aasiting in a courtroom takeover that ended in  four deaths. In an interview at the time she advocates not only for Davis, but for black liberation.
" Angela Davis must go free." Franklin aid. "Black people will be free. I've been locked up 9 for disturbing the peace in Detroit) and I know you got to disturb the peace when you can't get no peace. Jail is hell to be in. I'm going to set her free if there is any justice in our courts, not because I believe in communism, but because she's a Black woman and she wants freedom for Black people. I have the money; I got it from Black people - they've made me financially able to have it - and I want to use it in ways that will help our people."
A fierce musical talent not only in sensitive and dynamic vocal  interpretation but also as a skilled pianist and arranger, who used her voice to advocate for racial equality,that enabled us to believe in the possible,that can empower us  to create some kind of lasting change in the world. Even long after the civil rights era, Franklin was very much invested in the modern social justice movements for equality, including Black Lives Matter.
Aretha Franklin demanded and deserves respect from all of us, because of this I believe that alongside her many great artistic and cultural achievements, it will be forever given. Her integrity and her music will live on and we  will always love her. As she once said "We all require and want respect , man or woman, black or white,. It's our basic human right. " Aretha Franklin continues to  leave behind a legacy that has touched the lives of many, and will continue to inspire. many more to come. May she rest in power.

Aretha Franklin - Respect

Thursday 16 August 2018

Charles Bukowski ( 16/8/20 -29/3/94) - Death

Henry Charles Bukowski,   the quintessential bard of the barroom and the brothel, a direct descendant of the Romantic visionaries who worshiped at the altar of personal excess, violence and madness was born 78 years ago today..In my eyes he was simply a genius, of understated emotion. I owe him a lot of debt and gratitude, his writing  still continues to influence, and he is one of the main reasons I attempt to write myself. This post inspired by him  are simply some old words of mine regurgitated.
Born  in Andernach, Germany in 1926,as Heinrich Karl Bukowski, ,his father was a member of the U.S Army that remained in Germany, after WW1, and his mother bought him to the United States at the age of two, Bukowski wasa slight child with a poor complexion,who was often bullied by his peers and beaten by his father,who believed in a heavy hand when correcting his child's faults. He began writing at  a young age, and was first published in the 1940's, he would spend the next 20 years,working in a series of menial jobs, while immersing himself in the world of booze and hard living. His life perhaps, is not one you would want to emulate, but his insistence on being himself , and then using that to his advantage is a quality worth borrowing.
At the age of 49, after years of heavy drinking and debauchery, he struck a deal with Black Sparrow Press that allowed him to quit a work ethic that he was not comfortable with, in a post office, to focus full time on his writing. The result was over 30 poetry collections, 6 novels and two feature films based on his life and works, making him one of the most prolific writers of the 20th Century.
In novels and short-story collections like "Notes of a Dirty Old Man" (1969), "Post Office" (1971), "Factotum" (1975) and "Ham on Rye" (1982), Bukowski relied on an alter ego named Henry Chinaski, a down-and-out writer with a fierce dedication to women, drink, gambling and failure.
Mr. Bukowski wrote the screenplay for Barbet Schroeder's "Barfly," in which Mickey Rourke portrayed the poet in his younger days.
His work was marked by an emphasis on the ordinary lives of poor Americans, the act of writing, alcohol, relationships, failure, depression, gambling, life and death, and drinking and more drinking. He was a poet who wrote without pretence, privilege or sheen, embracing what so many of us try to avoid. He was heavily influenced by the geography and atmosphere of his home city of Los Angeles, and all the senses that he witnessed and devoured. He once said in a magazine interview that he began drinking at 13 to dull the pain of being beaten continually by his father
He lived alongside  his words, alongside the margins of societies edge, with the down and outs, the wrecked, the outsiders, the hopelessly abandoned, the walking wounded. Beyond the literary schools, his work emerged  to break all traditional rules, against all that is conventional, beautifully sinful, uncompromising, but  never hypocritically  righteous, releasing poetry of such passion that I believe still matters today. Utilising free verse and spontanaeity, despite the idolation that was bestowed  upon him, he joined no clichés, refusing acceptance  into any literary community, in true essence of his rebellious spirit.
Blunt and outspoken,he was not concerned with anything beyond what he was, and he didn't need you to agree with him, he saw the ugliness of the earth, and was not afraid to express his ways of seeing. Remembered because of the rawness and roughness and the many manifestations of ugliness that he saw in life, I try not to forget, the beauty and tenderness that he shared too. In simple language, he simply used the inner rhythm of his voice, to release what I have realised to be a form of magic, no cleverness or pretence disguised, just a raw undiluted life affirming truth , filled with his brutal honesty.
He died in  San Pedro, California on March 29, 1994 at the age of seventy-three, shortly after completing his last novel, Pulp, but his spirit and his words of pain and laughter live on, speaking a universal truth. His posthumous work has been almost as prolific as the work published in his lifetime, at least 24 volumes of his poetry, nonfiction has been published  since his death alone,and no one can assume there are more works out there waiting to see the light.
Going against the grain is a battle, and it's not an easy one to win, in the end we all face death,few have captured the complex dilemma than he did,  he once said " We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorised and flattened  by trivialities, we are eating up by nothing "So today I raise a sweet cold glass of beer to my lips in his honor,  cheers Mr Bukowski. Happy birthday.

There's nothing to mourn  about death any more than there is to morn about the growing of a flower. What is terrible is not death but the lives people live or don't live up until their death. They don't honor their own lives. They shit them away. Dumb fuckers. They concentrate too much on  fucking , movies, family fucking. Their minds are full of cotton. They swallow God without thinking. Soon they forget how to think, they let others think for them. Their brains are stuffed with cotton. Thy look ugly, they talk ugly, they walk ugly. Play them the great music of the centuries and they can't hear it, Most people;s deaths are a sham. There's nothing left to die" - Charles Bukowski


Charles Bukowski - Death 

Look he said 
You’ve got spider traps all along this wall 
It’s fascinating
He was outside my door peering at the stucco wall 
I said come on in
He said no way and he got a twig and found some ants 
And he said Bukowski I’m going to make this ant run the gauntlet 
The phone rang and I answered the phone
And while I was talking and listening he said
Bukowski he said he got away from the first spider 
Now the second one is out and he’s got the ant by the rear legs 
Listen Linda I said
I’ve got a visitor and also my toilets stopped and the shit is coming up through the tub 
Bukowski he said
Now the spider is throwing a net over him 
He’s weaving around and around 
Now he’s moving in Bukowski
Now he’s got him
The landlord came in
It will take a little while to clear it up he said
He was talking about the shit 
Alright I said
Linda I said 
Shit and death is everywhere
I’ll call you back she said 
Now I’ve got a spider said my visitor 
And I’m giving him to the ants 
I walked outside 
For Christ’s sake kid will you stop playing this spider ant game
Lets go for a ride 
the landlord gets very nervous when he plays with the plumbing
Look he said
The ants are chopping the spider’s legs off one by one
Good strategy I said 
let’s go 
We drove down to norms and had breakfast
My friend commented continually on humanity
He didn’t think they were much
I didn’t argue 
My friend was a great admirer of earnest Hemmingway
I drove him to Hollywood and Normandy and let him out 
When I got back the shit was still in the tub
I didn’t want to take a bath anyway

Tuesday 14 August 2018


I believe in the many not the few
for all brothers and sisters to live in love
beyond  rising tides of  hate and envy
a world being painted darker still
by forces of fascism and intolerance
as we stand on the precipice
of a rumbling volcano
that heeds not the plea of humanity,
we are akin now to a flock of sheep
heading forth to danger
without a shepherd to guide
but with careful navigation
beyond the ignorance of our ways
we can find safer pastures to graze
follow peaceful rivers - unafraid,
forces of negation do not dissapear
if we simply ignore them
torrents of  poisonous tongue
keep releasing deep from bedrock
swastika eyes  now roaming the land
lets keep growing with compassion
in unison expel streams of division.