Wednesday 4 February 2015

"Let Them Freeze!" – Politicians in Frozen the Musical

Thousands will die from living in cold homes. Millions have to  make the desperate  choice between heating and eating. It is a national scandal. It is time to take action to help end  this cold home crisis.
1 person every  7 minutes freezes to death of related illnesses  as a result of being cold.
Here is a song  for our disgusting government. It is time to wake them up. In 2000 political parties promised  to end this scandal. 15 years later it is cleared they  failed. They  must be forced to commit the money to end this home crisis once and for all.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Royal Family : Stop pushing weapons to dictators

The Times newspaper reports today that Prince Charles " doesn't  like being used to market weapons and now sidesteps such activities where possible. " He has a funny way of showing it, at the end of the day he is nothing but a hypocrite.He is  about to go on  another little jaunt to the Middle East made at the request of the government. After  he recently  visiting Saudi Arabia, the arms company BAE systems  announced it had finished their latest multi-billion  pounds weapon deal.
Yes it's business as usual for members of the Royal family often seen dancing for autocratic rulers,  to be seen at sumptious dinner parties, where the Queen  entertains despots, torturers, dictators and murdering tyrants across the globe.
Daily they release their nauseating displays of wealth, power and privilege,  they are not powerless and  are certainly not harmless. The royal family also profits from  uranium and other components of the war machine through Royal Ordnance sales and exports.Instead of prancing around the international stage acting like arms dealers, toadying up to Friends of oppressors, perhaps they should start promoting human rights. At the moment I do not understand at all, why we offer them any respect at all.  It is time to start making peace profitable too. 

Inheritance - Heathcotte Williams, montage -Alex Cox

Palestine is not your Charity case

Palestine is not your charity case, your charity will not stop his bullets. There is only one side here. The beast  with the gun  and all his ilk must go.  The lioness has courage  and full rights, the west simply does not understand.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Langston Hughes (1/2/02 -22/5/67) - Dream Deferred

Happy birthday James Mercer Langston Hughes, pioneering African-American  social activist, novelist, playwright and Harlem Renaissance poet. He confronted racial stereotypes, and protested social conditions, he supported the Scottsboro boys, stood proudly with the anti fascists in the Spanish Civil War, and strongly opposed the McCarthy witchhunts,   and was to become known as a peoples poet. He was also one  of the earliest innovators, of the then new literary art form called jazz poetry,  the following poem of his was written 1951.

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore-
And then run
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over-
like a sugary sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like  a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

here's an animated google doodle celebrating his birthday and his poem ' I dream a word.'

Thursday 29 January 2015

France: Migrants, Asylum Seekers Abused and Destitute

Asylum seekers and migrants living in destitution in the port city of Calais experience harrassmet at the hands of French police. The abuses include beating and attacks with pepper spray as the migrants and asylum seekers walk in the streets or hide in trucks in the hope of travelling to the United Kingdom. We should not forget these ongoing  methods of repression against migrants that continue to happen on a daily basis. 
Also when European politicians from the extreme centre parties justify the deaths by drowning in the seas surrounding Fortress Europe on the grounds that this will dissuade people fleeing in search of a better life, We should not fail to notice why these people are here in the first place, humans trying desperately to escape conflict ridden countries trying to escape suffering,  fleeing from extreme poverty, seeking refuge  from violence and  persecution.We should remember who actually creates these unfair conditions in the first place. Is it not time to create and enforce a fair, coherent and humane asylum system. We must stop these individuals from being dehumanised. Often their journeys fraught  with danger, with at least 23,000  people estimated to  have lost   their lives trying to reach  Fortress Europe since 2001.
No person should be illegal, no borders are necessary.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Holocaust Memorial Day 70th anniversary lest we forget

A film made by Pembrokeshire animator from Newport  by the name of Gemma Green-Hope to mark the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz- Birkenau .We should never forget this legacy of heartbreak, those that died in these Nazi Concentration Camps. The  gays, slavs, poles, Anarchists,  Communists, gypsies, Jehovah witnesses, resistance fighters ,trade-unionists, those with mental or physical illnesses, who did not fit into the Nazis warped  view. Today I remember all the precious human lives  lost during this holocaust. It would be so sad to forget even one precious life extinguished so ruthlessly. The past still tragically around us, in continuing crimes against humanity.

Naima Shalhoub - Ferguson-Gaza Blues

Nina Simone said " that it is an artists  duty to reflect the times.", I take that call seriously"

Lebanese-Amercian singer perfoms her song  paying homage to the struggles of Ferguson and Gaza