Monday 11 February 2013

Free Samer Issawi

Samer Issawi is currently living his last hours inside an Israeli prision hospital after over 200 days on an open-ended hunger strike demanding justice and his freedom since July 29th 2012. Being illegally detained without charges or given a fair trial since July 2th 2012. He is still placed in solitary confinement.
There have been many more Palestinian hunger strikers before him; Khader Adnan, Hana Shabi and Mahmoud Sarsak.
They have gone on hunger strike to allow their voices to be heard. Protesting against the inhumane conditions that they live in. Using nonviolent means to express their plights. In 1943 their was Ghandi and in the 1980s their were the Irish hunger strikers, which at the time got a lot of attention in the  world wide news and drew a lot of support, but today the international media is ignoring the plight of the Palestinian hunger striker.
Back in October 2011, Issawi was released as part of the Shalit prisoners exchange deal, and they were told their would be no restriction on their movement, however eight months after his release, Issawi was re-arrested in Hizma. Israel claimed that he had broke the terms of his release by leaving Jerusalem, yet Israels own maps show that Hizma is within the borders of the municipility of Jerusalem. Proving that Israel never abides by any agreement or treaty and ignores all international laws. This has happened to many other Palestinians released under the prisoner exchange agreements.
Samer's life now hangs in a thread, back in December 24th he released a short message via his lawyers ' My detention is unjust and illegal, just like the occupation is. My demands are legitimate and just. Thus I will not withdraw from the battle for freedom, waiting for either victory and freedom - or martyrdom.'
His condition is now critical, having lost more than 80lbs  of weight, vision worsening day by day, continuous diarrhea, acute B12 vitamin deficiency,excruciating pain , vomiting blood, with great difficuly breathing, but still he remains shackled. Still bravely battling on for his freedom and for that of others.I have raised the issue with my local M.P , perhaps you could do the same. Remember too the company G48 that provides equipment for the prison administration. G48 realises that they are used in non-humanitarian ways against Palestinian prisoners. It must be held accountable  for its responsibilty to these prisoners and its partnership to the occupation in its inhumane practices.He is currently living his last hours, this plight of administrative detention, is  barbaric and must stop. He has a right to live , to not die without a charge. His situation  is urgent and critical and is the worst since he started his strike. According to the Red Cross he  is in his last dying moments.Still hungry for freedom.
Samer himself has lost many family members over the years, murdered by the Israeli occupation. In 1989 his grandmother Fatima was shot by the Israeli Occupying Forces.Hunger strikes have proven to be an effective means for Palestinian Political prisoner to protest. They are protesting against the inhumanr conditions that they are forced to live in. These non-violent hungers have arippling effect on all Palestinian prisoners. Their movement has commenced  many detainess passing away and others gaining freedom. Their protest a peaceful weapon of resistance  has been largely ignored by the B.B.C  using cruel and bizzare excuses for doing so I urge you to write or subit a complaint on line about their lack of reportage on this issue, which clearly shows a form of bias.
I for one will not forget them.

Captive Bird - Fadawa Fagan

The echoe of your melody reaches us, flying over narrowness with love, over the bars.

Captive bird, blend of darkness and pain.

Sing, yes, because if the iron deprives you of the vast sky.It will never be able to shut our ears.

Sing, yes, because the grip of the night never closes the way of hope.

Your song reminds me of your times bent from the sands of time. When with  a light step, you would  free

your wings, to the cloister shadow of jasmine, they were leading you to the womb, and you told us about the

dreams, and the pride and the strength you would laud, and closer you would get the stars to the ground,

and we listened to the fiellds made green by you, the splendour of hillocks, and the whisper of perfumes,

pride without rising,unless you win. .

Sing bird for u, from prison, over the humiliation and beyond the darkness, a horizon still full of dreams.

A sun yet readily ambush. White glory of light sings happily, sings a future homeland for our dreams,

sings of vivid dreams not lost. Sing yes, for the hope is always there, the road is still and radiant,

although around us, the anger of the night thickens.

from Nablus 1st March 1917 till 12th of December 2008

Poem translated by  Elettra Luisa

Hunger - Doc Jazz ( Free Samer Issawi)

song dedicated to the courageous Palestinian hunger strikers among those held in so called administration detention by the occupation  forces of the Zionist entity that calls itself 'Israel.  This song was inspired specifically by Samer Issawi on his 199th day of hunger strike at the upload of this video.

Production by Doc Jazz - The Musical intifada

Join the Free Samer Issawi Campaign on facebook

Check out and disseminate the Free Samer website

and the Free Samer Issawi website

Check out to learn more about Palestinian prisoners

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