Monday, 29 June 2009
Senior police officers admit that some inexperienced officers used"INNAPPROPRIATE FORCE" on the G20 protests of april 1st and were clearly quite scared 2,500 officers with only 2 days of training a year,christ knows what they would have benn like had they actually been in bloody control.beggers belief does it not?
Sunday, 28 June 2009
police behaviour at GTO
finally today according to article in janes police review -the uks best sellin lifestock title "police behaviour at the G20 protests could have been caused by the frequency used by the officers airwave radios interfering with their brainwaves" mmm always thought there>d be some kind of rational excuse.
Steven Wells alias seethin wells Rage In Peace (10 May 1960 – 24 June 2009)

Wells was born in Swindon but moved to Bradford when young. The son of a company director, he attended Hanson comprehensive school in Bradford,but left with minimal qualifications in 1977 and later worked in a factory and as a bus conductor. It was at this time that he became involved with punk rock, including the radical socialist Leeds art-punk band The Mekons.
He was a support act to various northern English punk bands, such as The Fall, Delta 5, The Mekons and Gang of Four, along with fellow ranting poets Attila The Stockbroker, Swift Nick, Little Brother, Mark Miwurdz, and Porky The Poet. Acerbic and witty, he seemed to cut out the bullshit that seems so prevalent nowadays.No such thing as a perfect human being, though oh no,but he used to cut down to the chase and take no prisoners.Am more upset about this than fuckin michael jackson.
Although Swells initially made his name as a poet, his real strength was as a stream-of-consciousness prose writer. His book Tits-Out Teenage Terror Totty is a sustained assault on the idea of what the novel should be, and it is stuffed with his crazy word play – brilliant turns of phrase like ‘a pol potpurri’. After his move from London to the USA, Swells was writing for the Philadelphia Weekly, and some of the best writing he did came in the last few years of his life and concerned his illness. His last ever column for the Philadelphia Weekly was published here . you can find links to other pieces by him HERE
His anger should be suitably celebrated. Fuck the bnp and any other closet racists, lets celebrate our differences/ This blog is inspired by people likeWells, no time now for cutting corners,gotta try more to do it myself and possibly inspire others .Steven Wells a true original and inspirational. let him rage in this age of mediocrity . We have to try and keep burning.Tomorrow feels like 1979 again, the nations turning blue. Sorry if there a tear in my eye but .rage rage against the dying of the light try and keep dancing.
Although Swells initially made his name as a poet, his real strength was as a stream-of-consciousness prose writer. His book Tits-Out Teenage Terror Totty is a sustained assault on the idea of what the novel should be, and it is stuffed with his crazy word play – brilliant turns of phrase like ‘a pol potpurri’. After his move from London to the USA, Swells was writing for the Philadelphia Weekly, and some of the best writing he did came in the last few years of his life and concerned his illness. His last ever column for the Philadelphia Weekly was published here . you can find links to other pieces by him HERE
His anger should be suitably celebrated. Fuck the bnp and any other closet racists, lets celebrate our differences/ This blog is inspired by people likeWells, no time now for cutting corners,gotta try more to do it myself and possibly inspire others .Steven Wells a true original and inspirational. let him rage in this age of mediocrity . We have to try and keep burning.Tomorrow feels like 1979 again, the nations turning blue. Sorry if there a tear in my eye but .rage rage against the dying of the light try and keep dancing.
Often deluded
a little insane
stomach pumped forever now
returned to never never land
perhaps he's doing his moonwalk
or something unpaltable
out in deep space
as the music dims
his mansion empty now
street drugs apparently not his thing
like most addicts prescribed by doctor
apparently he did not drink water
or take a rest, kept on dancing till the end.
don't stop until you get enough,
we are the world he cried
his porcelain face frozen permanently now,
to some perhaps, he's still alive
for many others a voice of discomfort
that was protected for too bloody long.
a little insane
stomach pumped forever now
returned to never never land
perhaps he's doing his moonwalk
or something unpaltable
out in deep space
as the music dims
his mansion empty now
street drugs apparently not his thing
like most addicts prescribed by doctor
apparently he did not drink water
or take a rest, kept on dancing till the end.
don't stop until you get enough,
we are the world he cried
his porcelain face frozen permanently now,
to some perhaps, he's still alive
for many others a voice of discomfort
that was protected for too bloody long.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
no entry
No entry,
dim mynediad
always want to look inside
wear a belt full of possibilities,
throw myself out when i decide.
just makes me want to slither in
into the forbidden place
that i'm not supposed to go.
Monday, 15 June 2009
gerald winstanley (19 /10/ 1609 – 10/09/ 1676 - To know the secrets
" To know the secrets of nature is to know the works of god...And if you would know spiritual things,it is to know how the spirit or power of wisdom and life,causing motion or growth,dwells within and governs both the several bodies of the stars and planets in the heavens above;and the several bodies of the earth below,as grass,plants,fishes,beasts,birds and mankind.For to reach god beyond the creation,or to know what he will be to a man after the man is dead,if any otherwise than to scatter him into his essences of fire,water earth and air of which,he is compounded,is a knowledge beyond the line or capacity of man to attain to while he lives in his compounded body."
Sunday, 14 June 2009
IOLO MORGANWG - That will do the trick!

iolo morgannwg,that will do the trick
a bit of opium in our tea,
lets put on our best suits and go to chapel.
Ah eisteddfodau a nice old trick,
put on the leeks lace mine with laudenum and a bit of rye,
don't mention the bloody daffodils, make mine a double.
a bit of opium in our tea,
lets put on our best suits and go to chapel.
Ah eisteddfodau a nice old trick,
put on the leeks lace mine with laudenum and a bit of rye,
don't mention the bloody daffodils, make mine a double.
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