Sunday 20 June 2010


Place no reliance
on the speck of surface
where dust likes to crawl.
Remember when variations began
before reasons turned fallacious,
and our appettites grew enormous
when we queued up all morning
for our places in the sun.
Datura metel
Scopalamine Soda,
unusual dilations
scatter new fabrics of meaning,
that are often oblivious to danger.
Remember nothing is owed,
so join the circle of unusual ideation,
sometimes there are landing spaces
where no one dares to dream
and we all stand convicted.
Once we went to far,
now we return
beneath the noon- high sun
the future is lazy
tomorrow  already yawning.
In the distance a rainbow
artistically rearranged.
We get lost and await new recruits
announce our love,
abandon  commitments.
This is all we can do
forever, forever
on and on.
Much rememberence
dreaming and turning
by a  broken ticket machine
a reminder of better times.
Out of our depths
with passionate ideas,
slowly releasing
as the stars and moons collided
running wild with imagination
becoming inspired ,
and in the morning
answering the pulse
of rythmic emotion
incendinary fragments
proof of  reality.


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  2. cheers, thanks for passing by.
