Across the UK, millions of farmed animals are crammed into tiny cages with no personal space. Rabbits for example are denied their most basic needs such as solid ground under their feet, room to move, fresh air and sunlight, and grass to eat. They are kept in cages that are barren, cramped and deny the animals space to move freely, unable to express their natural behaviours or adopt normal postures such as lying stretched out, sitting and standing with their ears erect (species typical “look out” posture) or rearing up to explore their surroundings. They cannot move normally or comfortably, and some don’t even have enough space to perform a single hop. This is bad for their mental well-being, and the lack of exercise can also lead to weakened bones. It is cruel and completely unnecessary as well as being unaccepteable.
As a result of all this the Easter bunny is threatening to go on strike in protest at the Governments lack of response to the followng petition, that calls on the UK government to end this inhumane practice by banning all cages for farmed animals.
There's not a moment to lose so please add your name to the following and show the Easter Bunny that humans do want to stop cruel caged farming, he's counting on your support.
Hi Dave - It's Janet here (from the bookshop). Could you check out your Facebook messages please urgently - as I've sent you one. Ta.
ReplyDeleteum no meessage recieved, hope all ok.