Friday 31 January 2020

Flags, Knobs and Broomsticks.

After Farage twit and Widdecombe
Waved their joke shop little flags,
And others  cried and held hands
In excruciating cringeworthy scenes,.
Singing Auld Lang Syne
With not a whiff of dignity,
Not in my name many declaring
Of this tin pot slippery shower,
In these moments of separation
A shocking disgrace to the nation,
As relationship with EU remains uncertain
Many still hoping, this not the final curtain,
The idea that Brexit will solve what's wrong
Will be revealed as fantasy through and through,
In peoples hearts, hope remains, but others fearing
What will happen next, as history is wiped away,
Painfully questioning what now has been decided
The rising tide of xenophobia closing in on our shore,
Afraid of nationalism, egotism, infused perfusion
Hatred and division mongering instead of kindness.


  1. Prepare for Victorian values going back in time,shameful arrogance, cant stand that Farage and his ancient cronies,

  2. yes, but they will not get rid of ours, we keep alive for now, flowering among the darkness, they will not stop our roaring, our streets will continue to be alive with songs of love, hope and rebellion, beyond this crazy world, we will hold on, speak aloud, welcome neighbours, share our love, in our poetry we will quietly store some weapons, as it goes on and on, the quiet revolution
    remains undiminished, agents of hope, still among us, slowly at times, it seems, but these divided times we will overcome.

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