I am however, a great admirer of the legendary singer-songwriter Woody Guthrie born in Oklahoma in 1912, who has claim to be the first singer-songwriter in the modern sense of writing to express his own personality and perspective.
Guthrie’s social conscience was born during the 1930s, when “Okies” from the arid dust bowl states trailed west to the supposed Eden of California. It was America’s internal migrant crisis, with despised and dispossessed families living haplessly in squalid camps, and Guthrie eagerly took up their cause.
On January 1, 1943, Woody drafted a delightful list of " 33 New Year's Rulin's" he carried a notebook with him everywhere and he would write down everything that he found interesting.
The folk singers list is a great mix of aspirations that range from goals like"work more and better" and "wear clean clothes-look good" to the more philosophical in "keep hoping machine running" "dream good" and "wake up and fight." A feeling of joyful playfulness is evident throughout the list, though his goal to "help win war-beat fascism" is a stark sign of the times - at the end of 1941, the U S was dragged into World War 11 by the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor on Dec 7.
The list is a fascinating piece of social and cultural history. that really gives an insight into what drove this brilliant prolific singer and activist as he mixes the personal with the political, poetic in composition, passionate in composition.They are often shared and re-shared on the internet every year, perhaps because they capture Guthrie's hopeful and optimistic ideals.They still resonate with the times we live today and can also serve as an inspiration at any time of the year when pondering about what to do with our lives.
Take a look at the list here, then see the handwritten document below, complete with Guthrie's original sketches.
1. Work more and better
2. Work by a schedule
3. Wash teeth if any
4. Shave
5. Take bath
6. Eat good — fruit — vegetables — milk
7. Drink very scant if any
8. Write a song a day
9. Wear clean clothes — look good
10. Shine shoes
11. Change socks
12. Change bed cloths often
13. Read lots good books
14. Listen to radio a lot
15. Learn people better
16. Keep rancho clean
17. Dont get lonesome
18. Stay glad
19. Keep hoping machine running
20. Dream good
21. Bank all extra money
22. Save dough
23. Have company but dont waste time
24. Send Mary and kids money
25. Play and sing good
26. Dance better
27. Help win war — beat fascism
28. Love mama
29. Love papa
30. Love Pete
31. Love everybody
32. Make up your mind
33. Wake up and fight

You can learn more about Woody Guthrie’s life and music at woodyguthrie.org.
And here are links to two previous posts in relation to Woody.
It's a very worrying time for all at the moment, but nevertheless I wish everyone the happiest year they can have, especially if you’re
vulnerable, poor, oppressed and afraid or hopeless of what lies ahead
And while not a Resolution maker myself I will try to follow a few of Woody's Read Lots of Good Books, Stay Glad, Dream Good. Dance Better, Love Everybody, Keep Hoping Machine Running,Wake Up and Fight, while Beat fascism should be something we all should try to pursue every day of the year.,
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