Monday 23 September 2024

A pro-Palestine protester disrupts a speech by UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool


A pro-Palestine protester disrupted a speech by UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool on Monday, criticising the party for not ending arms sales to Israel as it wages a devastating war on Gaza and shouts  “We are still selling arms to Israel .I thought we were voting for change, Rachel [Reeves]." whilst highlighting her connection to three organizations in the UK that fund the Israeli army, before being  grabbed  by  the neck, agressively manhandled and dragged out of the conference hall by Labour Party aides for  his fundamental right to protest the Labour Governments complicity in Israel's genocide of Palestinians..  
A reminder, Reeves  previously received £75,000 from Israel lobbyist Victor Blank  and  the  UK government is still exporting parts for F-35 jets that are bombing Palestinians in Gaza. 
  "This is a changed Labour Party. A Labour Party that represents working people, not a party of protest"   Reeves smugly replied. Rachel - The Government should represent all people not just those who fit into Labour’s narrow definition of ‘Working People’.
The indifference with which she dismisses someone voicing genuine concern with our country's complicity in genocide is frightening, she  said this to an an applauding hall full of  morally bankrupt people,who  actually  gave her  a standing ovation,and  jeered the protestor,anindication of this party’s dark rightward lurch under Keir  Starmer who  seem more than happy to support the genocide of working class Palestinians.
Campaign group Climate Resistance claimed responsibility for the protest.  Sam Simons, a spokesman for the group said: “Labour promised us change – instead we’re getting more of the same. The same pandering to the fossil fuel industry; the same arms licences that are fuelling a genocide in Gaza, and the same austerity that sees the poorest hit hardest.   “It’s time for Labour to start putting the needs of people before the interests of profit. That means immediately stopping arms licences to Israel, blocking new oil and gas, and standing up for the communities already being devastated by the climate crisis.”  Former Labour Party  leader Jeremy  Corbyn said, " The brave protestor at Labour conference demanding an end to all arms sales to Israel reminds me of the party member who was dragged out of conference in 2005 for protesting the war in Iraq.  Who was on the right side of history?"
 "After 13 years people are crying out for change. " Reeves said last year. She and her party hypocritically talking about change but it's clear to me that all we are getting is the same old same shit! it's disgusting that this government continues to send arms licences to Israel as it carries out a genocide and displays  no space for free speech, compassion or international law. The Labour Party is no longer a party of protest, now the party of genocide, now the party of food banks, now the party of poverty, now the party of big business, now the party of gifts and lobbyists.
Horrific violence continues to cause unimaginable death and destruction in Gaza but the UK Government is still allowing most  arms sales to Israel despite a partial suspension It must immediately stop all arms sales, to end the UK’s complicity in this humanitarian catastrophe. Demand action,  please sign the following petition:

 Pro-Palestine protester dragged out after disrupting Labour Party conference

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