Monday 24 June 2013

Arthur Ponsoby (Lord Ponsoby of Shulbrade , 16/2/1871- 23/3/18) - Live in the Present

                           Arthur Ponsonby, writer and social activist

' It cannot be too strongly emphasised that it is the journey that really matters, not the destination. There is higher remuneration and richness of experience to be gained for those who notice and explore the beauties and interests of the roadside in every stage of a journey than for those who blindly pass them by unnoticed in their eagerness to reach the expected though uncertain pleasures of some distant popular centre of attraction. The summit of the mountain may be dissapointing; it is the arduous climb to reach it which gives real satisfaction. . .
Now  is the greatest of moments, the most real thing of which we can be aware, and the whole colour of your life depends on this important now. To seize it as an opportunity means bracing oneself up for action, decision, bite , endeavour. Action is the finest narcotic for grief and bereavement; action dispels lassitude, and action resolves into their true proportions the petty irritations which disturb the even tenor of all our lives.'

From ' Life Here and Now '

I would add that at this moment governments of the world seem to go in the opposite direction of all that we know to be true, as people wake up and protest against their corruption, as a species we have outgrown governmental control.Follow your desires, fulfill your needs, escape from pain.

Saturday 22 June 2013

Friday 21 June 2013


The chambers of the sun
break through the mist
light releases, hugs the earth
makes space within our hearts
as we follow chords of immediacy
sing out abundant songs
pause and remember
as rippling currents point the way
feeding thirsty roots
casting shadows of peace
against the darkness of seasons sap
the roads lead on and on
as nature continues to carry us
releasing seeds, leaves, and hope
making things stronger 
feeding love that grows
as we struggle and renew
all things are possible.

Happy Summer Solstice,

Thursday 20 June 2013

World Refugee Day

On this day
Don't forget the 6 million Palestinian Refugees around the world.
Some 31% of Palestinian refugees in the West Bank and Gaza live below the poverty line, according to statistics issued by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.
This is reinforced by a young population of which 41% are under the age of 15, compared with 39.7% of the non-refugee population in the West Bank and Gaza strip.
Meanwhile 27.9% of over 15 year olds are unemplyed, compared with 19.8% of non-refugees.
However, the illiteracy rate among Palestinian refugees is lower than non-refugees, with a rate of 3.7% of those aged 15 and above, compared to 4.3% of non-refugees.
While 86% of refugees owned their own housing units, only 15.9% owned private cars. 10% less than non-refugees.
These statistics were released to mark International Refugee Day and show that as of 1 January 2013, there were 5.3 million UNRWA registered Palestinian refugees.
Of the total 40% are in Jordan, 24% in Gaza strip. 17% in the West Bank, 10% in Syria and 9% in Lebanon.
According to UNRWA'S website, when the Agency satrted working in 1990, it was responding to the needs of about 750,000 Palestine refugees.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

A Slow Burning Fuse

                                                   Sao Paulo, Brazil, 13/6/13

                                                   Turkey, now.

Voices tail us
roaring on the wind,
in a rainbow breath
on the squares of continents,
people united, under flags of resistance
brandishing patents of indignation,
where  crumbs become waves
and the air fills with fire.and rage,
Poisoned by legislators, and politicians tongue
calls for justice, weave comrades together,
and with clenched fists, the people sing
tides, follow no order, but it's forces soar,
Passionate defiance stirring throughout the land
People united by struggle, one just worthy cause.
as the barriers and fences come tumbling down
the fury of the masses  cannot be contained,
a slow burning fuse, fuelling  pulsations,
when, there is nothing left to lose.

Nice Page,here inspiration for above poem!/TheSlowBurningFuse?fref=ts

Monday 17 June 2013

The Voices Of Austerity The Cold Hard Truth (With Music)

Everything  you need to know about what's going on with the powers that be in the U.K.
Listen, understand it and share it....
Good people of the world.

Click on picture to enlarge

Sunday 16 June 2013

The Termites may win - Herbert Noyes (b ? d1917)

Herbert Noyes was an Anglican priest in the last quarter of the 19th Century and first two decades of the 20th Century.

MILLIONS of years ago it was a point of issue whether Man or the Termite should possess the earth. Both being, in their natural state, the most helpless, unprotected, and weaponless of all creatures that walk - or crawl - the victory was in doubt, until, some aeons later, the ant came to the recue to the man and drove the Termite underground.
In entomology the Termite belongs to the order Isoptera, but is commonly known as the "white ant," because, as some humorist has observed, it is neither white nor an ant.
The life of the Termite is beyond all human comprrehension. Neither hereditary or evolution can adequately explain the miracles wrought by it. No scientist has ever put forward any reasonable explanation of the Power which guides their destiny - though no man can say what the last may be - is to me beyond doubt.
In a few thousand years, when the names and theories of our scientific teachers of today have faded from human memory, the Termite, secure in the fact that its total destruction is an economic impossibility, will be relentlessly pursuing his endless warfare against man and all his works. Empires and kingdoms, civilisations and creeds will dissapear, leaving no more vestiges behind than those which have preceded our own vaunted progress, but the inscrutably directed civilisation of the Termite, disdaining all mechanical aids, will remain to mock all our explanations.

Reprinted from Wit & Wisdom:
A medley of life and laughter,
London Burke Publishing Company Limited