Sunday 13 December 2015

Tammam Azzam - Freedom Grafitti

The hauntingly beautiful picture above is by Syrian artist Tammam Azzam, with his personal tribute to Gustav Klimt's " The Kiss" which he has retitled "Freedom Graffiti. "Since seen by millions across the globe, as it has been virally shared across social media. It is superimposed  on a bullet ridden, war torn building in Syria. Using Klimt's idealistic vision, from the ashes of destruction, the first thing to rise is creativity, the urge to overcome pain and heal. Love is stronger than hate.
The struggle continues until the face of the earth becomes the face of love. This love needed so much now to lighten the pain and suffering of this country, this artwork a magnificent reminder of the power of the human imagination, leaving a glimmer of hope to those that remain. These shattered lives, need hope, and their homes to be rebuilt again, and an end to their suffering. No more bombs to fall.

Saturday 12 December 2015

John Trudell (b. 15/2/46- 8/12/15) - R.I.P Activist and poet

Sad to hear that John Trudell  that acclaimed Native American poet, recording artist,vietnam vet, actor and activist whose international following reflects the universal language of his words, work and message has passed away from cancer aged only 69. Trudell (Santee Sioux) was the son of a Sastae Sioux father and Mexican Indian Mother. After leaving the military he gave his life to one of full time activism, becoming a spokesperson for the Indian Tribes occupation of Alcatraz Island from 1969 to 1971. He then worked with the American Indian Movement (AIM), serving as Chairman of AIM from 1973 - 1979. He was part of a group of Native American activists who occupied  Alcatraz Island in 1969. In February of 1979, however, a fire of unknown origin killed his pregnant wife, his three children and mother-in law. It was through this horrible tragedy that Trudell began to find his voice as an artist and poet, writing, "to stay connected to this reality".
The filmaker Heather Rae spent more than a decade making a documentary about him, which was released in 2005  Trudell.
The intention was to demonstrate how his political and cultural activities were tied to contemporary history and inspired people.
He has campaigned for the release of the Native American activist Leonard Peltier,  who was  convicted in 1976 for the 1975 shooting of 2 FBI agents at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Many believe this conviction was unjust and like many of his forefathers he has been treated abysmally so  on February the 4th there will be an international day of solidarity for him

Leonard Peltier though imprisoned for over 35 years, aged 71 and in poor health, is still full of hope. Like Trudell he believes that they are stronger than the miserable conditions that unfortunately they find in their reservations, and the terrible poor conditions their communities live among.
A website dedicated to him can be found here.

Trudell himself used a powerful fusion of poetry and music to spread his message. A prolific poet who combined spoken word with music over 12 albums,  and actor who starred in several films. Of himself he declares " I'm just a human being trying to make it in a world that is very rapidly losing its understanding of being human." His writings  that started as therapy have become  acts of war speaking out against injustice in humanity's name, through the experience of his community and that of his ancestors. He became a powerful champion of indigeneous rights and was part of a growing force for change. His voice empowering, inspirational and necessary.

John Trudell  aged 25

"As human beings, we are given the power of intelligence. And, when we understand and respect that power by using it clearly and coherently as part of our thinking process, we will be able to create solutions to the problems that confront us individually and collectively."

- John Trudell, (Oct 12, 2008.)
Here was a man who  felt and witnessed tragedy, who continued to act and think consciously, be a defiant  thorn in the side of authority who refused to be shut up or let his independent voice be drowned out. It is people like him that for me makes me believe in humanity.  With his soft spoken voice his words resonated, and echoed with wisdom, using words as weapons of survival. He also said when he was younger  "he fought for a revolution that he believed would lead to freedom. " Well throughout his life he continued to do so, fighting against injustice, racism . he has burnt his nations flag, this dissenting troubadour  waged his war, remained human, and free.
It is sad to have to say goodbye to this charismatic outspoken  voice of passion and integrity.
So long brother, safe journey, humanity is strong because of voices like John's.

John Trudell : Documentary

A Conversation with John Trudell

John Trudell on Leonard Peltier

John Trudell - Crazy Horse

John Trudell - Cry Your tears.

Home page for John Trudell here

" No matter what they ever do to us, we must always act for the love of our people and the earth. We must not react out of hatred against those who have no sense. "- John Trudell

Friday 11 December 2015

Save N.H.S Nurses bursaries

My partner has been stuck in Glangwili General hospital for last 5 months, looked after by an amazing compassionate dedicated staff. That help deliver a personal touch, that doctors  have not the time to.
It saddens me though that our cruel Tory Government are  planning to force nurses  into debt of at least £51,000 by making them pay the entire bill for their training, even though nurses at the moment spend 50% of their training time working for the N.H.S on clinical placements and their starting  salary is £22,799 as spelled out in George Osborne's spending review last September.
Ask your MP to stand up for the N.H.S and its nurses. This plan will make recruitment even  harder for the N.H.S, and putting the N.H.S workforce under increased pressure, but that is probably the Tory's big plan. Already there is a crisis with more patients and less staff, with the service stretched to breaking point and running out of cash.
Nurses are already underpaid for the life-saving work they do and now the Tory's want to allow them to start their career in debt, if they are not put of training altogether.
These bursaries offer a lifeline, allowing individuals  to attend university and meet their extensive and demanding clinical placement hours.
It allows nurses to devote their ability to care, the plans will mean  that many people from poorer backgrounds will be unable to fulfill their dreams. 
The Tory's are trying to destroy our beloved  health service, their plans are simply unfair and wrong, we cannot allow them to achieve their aims, working with health workers and the unions we must  fight together to stop this from happening. Their plans are simply unfair and wrong and disgraceful.
Nurses are the N.H.S's pride, our lions, I am extremely grateful for all that they do.

Petition doing the rounds can be signed here, please do and share :-

Keep the N.H.S Bursary

Thursday 10 December 2015

Theresa May's plans to abandon a British Bill of Rights

Theresa May is preparing to abandon plans for a British Bill of Rights after Britain leaves the European Union, Government sources have suggested.
Ministers have confirmed that the Government's plans to scrap the Human Rights Act have been shelved until after Brexit.
However sources say that  the plans may now be abandoned entirely because Brexit will significantly strengthen the sovereignty of British courts.
This  could have huge implications for rights protections in the UK and across Europe, Theresa May plans to take the UK out of the European Convention on Human Rights.The  Prime Minister plans to fight the 2020 election on a platform of leaving the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The PM plans to “lift and shift” rights protections so people in the UK can only seek rights protections in UK courts.  If correct, this would be the first time that any major party has promised to take the UK out of the ECHR altogether.
The ECHR is an international treaty which the United Kingdom signed up to after World War II. It contains a list of human rights and fundamental freedoms necessary to live a dignified life. The UK was instrumental in drafting the treaty and was amongst the first signatories in 1950. It came into force in 1953.
The government had promised to replace the Human Rights Act with a “British Bill of Rights”, but those plans appear to have been put on the back burner since the UK voted to leave the European Union earlier this year. The Telegraph reports that May “has decided that she cannot start that fight with the prospect of negotiating Britain’s exit from the European Union set to dominate Parliament over the next few years.”
The report goes on: A senior Government source said: “We would have been looking at having a huge row with a Parliament to get through the Cameron plan and we might even have failed. A clean break is by far the best option and, if we put it in the manifesto, even those Tory MPs who are squeamish about the idea will have to get behind it. A manifesto pledge also means the Lords will have to let it through eventually. All the signs are that the Prime Minister is up for this.”

The 2020 Election is still just under four years away, and much could happen between now and then – particularly given  the uncertain politics of Brexit. This report could be no more than a “balloon” being raised to see how people react. It could also be no more than an attempt to address concerns to the right of the Tory Party that the Bill of Rights plans seem likely to be seriously delayed.

However, May has advocated ECHR-withdrawal before, so this would be a consistent move. If it is true, then it could signal a very significant change to UK human rights protections, as well as a potential major blow to the Convention system which the UK helped create.
Human rights  do exactly what they say, they are rights that belong to all people by virtue of being human. We must continue to stand together for the protection of human rights, for the protection of all.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Marking first Palestinian intifada of December 1987

On December 8, 1987, 16 year old Palestinian schoolboy protestor,Hatem Abu Sissah is killed by Israeli soldiers, he had simply gone to join with hundreds of others, demonstrating against their ongoing occupation. On December 9th an Israeli truck crashed into two vans carrying Palestinian workers, killing  4 inhabitants. It would act as a final straw and catalyst for the days of rage that were to follow.
 It would ignite the first intifada in Israeli-occupied Palestine, a popular uprising that would see many Palestinians uniting in a campaign of resistance against the Israeli occupation. Spreading initially from the Jabaila refugee camp,  throughout the occupied territories, the Gaza strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. It would lead to a general strike, refusal to pay taxes, a boycott of Israeli institutions and riots which lasted until the early 1990s.
In Arabic intifada means to rise up or to shake off. It would embody the struggle of the Palestinians to win basic freedoms long denied by Israel, against policies of exclusion and domination, against a background of oppression.and the denial of basic freedoms.
In the days and years that followed, almost daily clashes with Israeli soldiers would occur and would  catapult the Palestinian cause onto the international stage and into the hearts of millions of television viewers across the globe as they resisted a colonial military power that had been occupying their land by force since 1967. While the First Intifada is largely reduced to images of Palestinian boys throwing stones at Israeli tanks, women were at the helm of resistance. 
It would result in a total of 1,489 Palestinian lives being lost along with 185 Israelis.
Some years later on September 13, 1993, the uprising would end with the Oslo Peace agreement between the PLO and Israel, that would bring the Palestinians dream of Independence in the West Bank, and Gaza one step closer, but was followed again in September 2000, with a second intifada.
The intifada transformed relations between occupiers and occupied. As the resistance went on month after month . year after year, the Israelis came to realise that they could neither dominate nor expel the Palestinians.
This was not the first time that Palestinians rose up in protest, In 1935, when Palestine was still under British colonial  rule, it was British forces that killed, injured and arrested thousands of Palestinians fed up with colonialism and occupation. And it was British colonial lawmakers who  instituted practices such as administrative detention, detaining people without charge or trial a practice which was then adopted Israeli policy, that is still being used against Palestinians today.
Palestinians still have to take principled methods of non-violent civil disobedience, that includes general strikes, boycotts of Israeli products, refusal to pay taxes, hunger strikes, along with graffiti, and spontaneous demonstrations to allow their plight to be recognised by the world.
Many believe that it wont be long until a third intifada comes to call. How many more intifada's must be fought until real justice for the Palestinian people prevails and the world finally witnesses an end of  illegal Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian territories.?

Sunday 6 December 2015

Datblygu - Porwr Trallfod; a testament of truth

Datblygu a favourite band of mine , seminal  Welsh post-punk legends,  have just released their latest album. It is called Porwr Trallford ( Tribulation Browser)
A continuing journey of the magical force that is Pat Morgan  and David Rupert Edwards,  delivering again a smouldering sound of truth.
Dave like a lot of us  has unfortunatley  has  over the years had to battle and endure mental illness, but despite it all,  with this record, he keeps delivering a  poetical depth of beauty and raw honesty.
I confess now that I personally know Dave,and over the years and so have witnessed his strength, his friendship and love, that has carried and lifted me, kept me afloat  in my own periods of darkness.
But at the end of the day, if you want hear  some truth. switch off the mainstream news, seek out this record full of lyrical beauty, of  musical depth, and emotion, carried in the medium of the Welsh ,a  message that will  also enable you  to fall in love with this rich language.
When the lights continue to go on and off, here is a light that delivers truth and soul.
So if your into christmas, I can think of nothing  better to send than this wonderful record, that truly deserves a much wider audience, with messages of hope, taking in Jack Kerouac, Richard Burton, broken britain, alcohol ,lust, life and loss, a passionate voice from here in West Wales, a clear ember from the soul,  that will leave you blinded with beauty as the world's dark shadows  drift. All in the beautiful medium of the Welsh language.
This is truly a beautiful gift of a much needed poetical genius.
So diolch yn fawr, thank you very much Pat and Dave, I continue to love your journey and gift immensely,  I will end  with a quote from Mr Edwards  - "there's no need to analyse, feelings so pure."
Seek this record out I guarantee it will not offer you any disappointment.
I  for one will continue to love Datblygu's  music ureservedly. a band that almost stopped me going completely insane.

more info here :-

Saturday 5 December 2015

Sun Ra & His Arkestra - There Are Other Worlds (They Have Not Told You Of)

Some musical respite  among the darkness. Full of cold at moment, but I keep looking, and at the end of  the day another world is possible, we should not allow fear to rob us of this potential. Politicians are leading us currently in the wrong direction, they can be averted though by building on the struggle for a different kind of world.
Lets not be puppets attached to their strings,  seek new possibilities, keep on longing for a more beautiful world,  abandon their shackles, their greed and need for war, overcome their barriers, yes truly another world is possible.
All the best heddwch/peace