Sunday 28 December 2014

Lawrence Ferlinghetti ( b 24/3/19) - Pity the Nation

Pity the nation 

Pity the nation whose people are sheep,
and whose shepherds mislead them.
Pity the nation whose leaders are liars, whose sages are silenced,
and whose bigots haunt the airwaves.
Pity the nation that raises not its voice,
except to praise conquerors and acclaim the bully as hero
and aims to rule the world with force and by torture.
Pity the nation that knows no other language but its own
and no other culture but its own.
Pity the nation whose breath is money
and sleeps the sleep of the too well fed.
Pity the nation — oh, pity the people who allow their rights to erode
and their freedoms to be washed away.
My country, tears of thee, sweet land of liberty.

Friday 26 December 2014

What if it was you?

Happy Boxing Day.

To coincide  with this  day, a major date in the hunting calender, the League against Cruel Sports is launching a new national ad campaign  to portray the cruelty of hunting with dogs for sport. The hard hitting film asks the question, What if it was you? and shows the cruelty of hunting from a hunted animals perspective.

As many as 80% pf the public think that fox hunting should not  be made legal again.

The pro-hunt lobby it seems is completely  out of touch with modern British society. It is now time for the pro-hunt lobby to respect the  law, respect our wildlife and respect the will of the British people. The cruelty and casual disregard must not be allowed to return.

Today across the country it is pissing down, but there are still those riding horseback, who hope for fox hunting to return I hope they all get a good soaking, and have a thoroughly miserable time, and all get thrown off their horses..

The Tory's are also hoping for a repeal  of the fox-hunting  ban  if they win 2015 election, offering a free  vote in the next in the next Parliament in May. They must be stopped in their tracks.



Wednesday 24 December 2014

I have a dream

'On the night before Christmas, we'll all  be about,
while the people are sleeping, we'll realise our clout,
we'll expropriate goods, from  the stores, because that's fair,
and distribute them wide, to those  who need care.'

All I guess I really want  for Christmas is the abolition of white supremacist, capitalist, heteropatriarchy, and the end of David Cameron and his coherts power, Dave, who this morning  expressed his commitment to Christian values, saying "giving and sharing and taking care of others at home and around the world was something Britain could be proud off." Oh the bloody  hypocrite. The same  David Cameron who wants to stop us all from fighting for our rights. Let's all put our faith into action, and next year kick the Tories out. Real progress can only be achieved, if the Conservatives power is taken away. This day, coming soon, is the one I will truly celebrate. Together let's kick out the Tories.

Anyway Merry Crimbo.... blog will probably be quiet, for a bit, the library I use will be closing for its mandatory holiday season. Thanks for all who have supported blog, another world is not only possible, it is inevitable. Despite it all, have a good one.
Best wishes...heddwch/peace.

Oh ,by the way,
Father Christmas says Free Palestine

Sunday 21 December 2014

On the threshold (a poem for the Winter solstice )

We remember, old friends
the warmth of breath,
on the threshold now
of new beginnings,
escaping the darkness
bridging the void,
lighting  fires to rekindle
the glow from within,
releasing again
the eternal surge and flow,
of humanity's embrace,
hands stretched out
travelling light,
mapping the invisible
on this shortest day,
toasting new beginnings
setting course on paths of freedom,
as moon's shadow casts its seed
and the night dances
with the cathedral of earth
and the white bones of winter,
yuletide brings gentleness to restore 
to allow all things to become possible.

Saturday 20 December 2014

Sleaford Mods - Jolly F*cker

Ready for Christmas.... Fuck... I'm never bloody ready for christmas, it's all a illusion, as they  smash us up, over and over again, don't leave us with many crumbs, as coldness and starvation takes hold, but those tory blighters  will still be  having a toast, sitting comfortably in their cozy homes, filling their bloated faces  with cake. Yes the spectacle of consumerism and distraction draws close, but in these times of austerity and crisis, it is crucial to remember  that the seeds  of a better society already lie embedded  in the contradictions of the current one. In these dark times, when  hope seems lost, we must constantly remind ourselves that the seeds for  a better world already  lie deep in the scorched earth of the present one. As they continue  building their walls of oppression, tommorrow we  must carry on confronting and challenging head on, let us be the  spirit of revolution reincarnated, striking down upon the  scrooges of our time, as  darkness seems to envelop the world.
Bah humbug, merry crisis and a happy new fear. Hope the future is brighter, reignites all with passion and integrity.

Friday 19 December 2014

Lights out for Gaza

Switch off your lights tonight 7pm -8 pm in solidarity  with Palestinian families in Gaza.
Currently  they only get electricity for 6 hours a day.Power off for 18 hours.
Today there  is a global solidarity campaign highlighting this problem and the innocents  living with  a blockade on the Gaza strip and  its ongoing power crisis.
The Palestinians in Gaza suffer from power shortages for long hours, that has been exasperated after the last Israel war.
Combined  with poor electricity infrastructure, there is shortage of  industrial fuel to generate power and technical  issues with Gaza's power plant, linked with Israel's recent bombing campaign.
Daily life is a constant battle for the deprived residents of  one of the worlds most densely populated places on earth.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Surprise, Surprise G4S guards found not guilty of manslaughter of Jimmy Mubanga

Surprise, surprise - 3 state employed private security guards working for G4S accused of 2010 manslaughter of deportee Jimmy Mubanga, walked free earlier this week after being cleared by an Old Baily jury - like the police,  except somebody,somewhere makes a profit from public money and nobody anywhere is held accountable, and Justice once again gets blindfolded.
It is difficult to reconcile this verdict with the evidence at the trial that over 20 people  heard Jimmy Mubanga say "I can't breathe".Another sad signifier of the numerous cases of private companies wholly inappropriate conduct over the last few years.