Thursday 1 May 2014

The Worker's Maypole - Walter Crane (1845-1915) Happy May Day

Today I remember May Day. The origins of which can be traced back to 1886, and Haymarket where people were shot down, which led to us having the 8-hour day. The sacrifice of so many people  down the years also cannot simply be forgotten.
Today across the world people embrace the ideals of the Haymarket Martyrs, who were ruthlessly gunned down, and those who established this day as an International Workers Day.
And still today the powers that be seek to crush and repress workers who organise, try to divide, silence peoples voices, but I believe in all sincerity  it is impossible to drown the spirits of those who struggle, who daily show fierce resistance.
Solidarity , heddwch/peace, and remember an injury to one is an injury to all. Even where there is no work, we stand together.

The Worker's Maypole

World workers, whatever may bind ye,
This day let your work be undone:
Cast the clouds of the winter behind ye,
And come forth and be glad in the sun.

Now again while the green earth rejoices
In the bud and blossom of May
Lift up your hearts up again, and your voices,
and keep merry the World's Labour Day.

Let the winds lift your banners from far lands
With a message of strife and hope:
Raise the Maypole aloft with its garlands
That gathers its cause in its scope.

It is writ on each ribbon that flies
That flutters from fair Freedom's heart:
If still far be the crown and the prize
In its winning may each take a part.

Your cause is the hope of the world
In your strife is the life of the race,
The workers' flag Freedom unfurled
Is the veil of the bright future's face.

Be ye many or few drawn together,
Let your message be clear on this day;
Be ye birds of the spring, of one feather
In this - that ye sing on May Day.

Of the new life that still lieth hidden,
Through its shadow is cast before;
The new birth of  hope that unbidden
Surely comes, as the sea to the shore.

Stand fast, then, Oh Workers,your ground,
Together pull, strong and united:
Like your hands like a chain the world round,
If you will that your hopes be required.

When the World's Workers, sisters and brothers,
Shall build, in the new coming years,
A lair house of life - not for others,
For the earth and its fullness is theirs.

Happy Beltane too
May your baskets be overflowing 

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