Wednesday 17 February 2016

Protect Local Democracy

As I write the Tory Government is trying to prevent local Authorities divesting from companies linked to Israels illegal occupation, and settlements on Palestinian land. Authorities which refuse to contract with such companies are  also being targeted.
This is a a direct attack on local democracy and decision making. This plan is a grave  threat to the fight for Palestinian human rights and freedom of expression. An explicit authoritarian and draconian attempt to clamp down on the growing strength of the grassroot Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement which aims to end government and corporate complicity  in Israels violations of Palestinians rights.
At the moment local authorities have the right to divest their pensions on an ethical basis if they wish. Its been  part of our democracy for years and was vital in Britain's ability to boycott apartheid South Africa and help bring it down. Margaret Thatcher herself bought in an anti-boycott policy in 1988 aimed at  restricting local councils from taking action against to end British complicity in Apartheid. So I guess it's a case of David Cameron and his swivel eyed Tory loons following in her footsteps. As can be seen  on their relentless attacks on our Trade Unions and anyone who disagrees with them. Already eroding our own civil liberties now seeks to criminalise/ ban ethical behaviour. It should also be noted  that more recently councils across the UK have adapted fair trade  principles and removed tobacco and arms companies from their investment portfolios in response to local concerns.
The Tories want us to turn a blind eye to corporate complicity in violating international law and to ignore peoples  genuine concerns in favour of good relations with a notorious human rights abusing country. 
The UK Government should be welcoming any citizen  initiative that helps stop  our complicity in grave injustices. I believe seeking to outlaw this movement for justice will only make it stronger.
Please take action and make your voices heard : send a message to the governments consultation on this issue as individuals or organisations, by Friday 19th February 11.45 pm.

Here is a link :-

and hereare two  petition links I would be grateful for people to sign :-


Tuesday 16 February 2016

VA. A Warmer Welcome by digitalDIZZY

A Warmer Welcome is a benefit release for # refugees welcome because offering sanctuary to those in need is a proud British tradition. Protecting  people who have fled their country because of well-founded fears of being persecuted for reasons of race, nationality and membership of a particular social group or political opinion. The refugee crisis will neither go away or simply diminish.
As long as there is  open conflict, poverty and countries with better conditions that will accept people, the problem will continue. It is our duty as fellow humans to welcome  them and give sanctuary. We can not sit back and be indifferent. Remember refugees are a product of humanity's worst instincts - the willingness of some persons to oppress others, but on  the other side of the coin is there is a willingness of many to assist and protect the  helpless.
A Warmer Welcome is a collosal cast of underground musical magic. From the mighty Astronauts, to Neil Campbell of VibraCathedral Orchestra fame, Zoviet France. Ashtray Navigations, the seminal Devotional hoolingan, Celt Islam. One Eyed God, I-Odica and Dog Dub, and local heroes to my neck of the woods Mwstard, and many more. When I say many more I'm talking of a staggering 110 tracks all for the bargain price of £5. A collection that spans all genres from Dub, Experimental, Ambient, Punk , Drone, Noise, all unifying for one cause there truly is something for everyone.
The music I've  heard so far is very special indeed, the result being an array of many different moods, that keep stimulating pace and releasing their individual power, because  of the themes and motives, all banded together for a common cause.A dizzying array of diveristy and musical freedom. Strongly  recommended you wont be dissapointed, as long as getting some fantastic music , you will be contributing to a great cause. Music to uplift and capture your soul, and help your fellow human at the same time , now that is what I call magic.
You can have a free listen to most of the tracks in the following link, but once drawn in, I hope it will entice you to buy a digital copy of this fantastic piece of work, one love,solidarity, no borders are necesary  fight the power.


Monday 15 February 2016

Mermaids of the Sea Exhibition Aberteifi/Cardigan:- A poetical response.

A quick plug for this exhibition,  currently taking place in my hometown of Cardigan. Aberteifi, imaginative and innovative, well worth a visit, full of inspiring stuff, that celebrates the mythical allure of mermaids and the sea. It is worth noting that every water-based culture has their own mermaid stories, tales of Merfolk that are both magical, beautiful , mysterious and terryfying, the following  is my own poetical  response to the mermaids call.

A lament for the Mermaids

Out of our depths 
The mermaid swims
Releasing salty tears
Tries to embrace
Our struggles and pain
Visions of beauty
Whose siren calls
Tries to awaken us
Carry us to imaginations depths
On currents strong
Beyond the world's confinement.

Among the sea beds they dance
Guided by constellations
The swells of tangled threads
Want to hold us gently close
But are too afraid of being caught
By natures tempests and fishing nets 
Cruel hooks and traps
Wishing to remain immortal and free
Elusive creatures of the sea.

Long  may Neptune offer protection
sustain these senses of wonder 
voyaging  among the oceans pathways
dazzling spectacles releasing undulating light
beyond shores of exploitation
singing among fathoms deep
resting  upon pillows of pearls
serenaded by underwater acoustics
on sea foams of infinity 
the deep abyss of sanctuary.

Sunday 14 February 2016


( well it is that time of the year, for the lovers)

Love is delicate, love is strong,
I never realised that
It came in so many pieces,
Whispering while we sleep,
To fan dreams, to release a spark,
To send some light, free us from the dark,
In every country of the world
Waits for travellers to call,
Untreasured can get lost,
Come apart, fade far away,
As longing fingers reach out to touch,
Can make hearts ache, like a snatch of song,
Can open doors for both rich and poor,
When people rise and fall love revolves,
Scattered in millions of pieces,
Allows feelings to run riot,
You can share it if you wish,
As the earth spins round.

Saturday 13 February 2016

Jeremy Hunt's pants on fire.

Yes Jeremy Hunt's been caught lying again,  claiming to have the backing of 20 NHS bosses for his decision to impose on junor doctors unravelled as at least half have said they never agreed to supporting the deal. Also a junior doctor  has accused him of 'spin' manipulation' and lies', a Dr Rachel Clarke, interviewed by the BBC recently. 
Not the first time Hunt has been caught lying, further evidence that he simply cannot be trusted. But remains willfully arrogant, as he ploughs ahead trying  to enforce a new contact, one that could see mass resignations, impose it against a peoples well, despite reaching any agreement. Tory democracy in action.
He and his partners in crime, the Conservative Government will stop at nothing to privatise the NHS. He has continued to lie in the House of Commons and should therefore either resign or be sacked, actually if all Tories' resigned for misleading the public, their would not be any  left in Parliament.
Anyway his actions continue to expose their warped philosophy, and now the country as a whole are right behind the junior doctors, their fight is our fight. Ordinary people across the land supporting their plight. But the Tories will continue not to listen, try and crush everyone of us into submission,  but we can't let them.
The Tories are dangerous though, let's not forget this for a moment, they don't give a flying ****  but we have to keep holding them to account take them on bit by bit, unless we want to sit back and stay silent allow the Tories to carry on creating a frightened , selfish, greedy society. Remember we might have another 4 years of their deceitfulness and crap unless we stop them. Jeremy Hunt and his chums cannot be allowed to simply get away with everything that they wish.  

Friday 12 February 2016

IDS Murders

This video is intended to raise awareness of the thousands of avoidable deaths, that have happened as a result of welfare reform.
Only today in the Independent newspaper there is a report of a mentally ill man who committed suicide because his benefits were stopped, allegedly murdered by the Government according to his sister.
There have also been cases  of  peoples ESA  being stopped despite their own doctors being adamant that they were completely unable to work.
The flawed work capabality Assessment is also causing unecessary deaths by forcing the long term sick and disabled into work or work-related activity.  It is currently causing untold fear and misery for the country's most vulnerable. It is supposedly  designed by the Government as a way of assessing how an individuals  disability or illness impacts on their daily life. It is not designed to diagnose or treat a medical condition. It is not supposed to add pressure and fear and  contribute to  peoples ill-being.
How many more of us have to die? None of us want to be victims. We are brothers, sisters, mums and dad, friends and neighbours. But our safety nets, that used to be there are being torn to shreds, people are being left with no vestiges of hope. The welfare state was built on the idea 'from the cradle to the grave ', sadly this has now become a reality for many.
Obviously there are hundreds and thousands of people who have not been killed by Ian Duncan Smith's Government,  but one thing I am certain off, is the Work capabilty Assessment must come to an end in order to stop hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives from being a miserable daily battle for survival, and become more flexible for the needs of the most vulnerable. People who are sick need all the support they need. I sincerely hope people keep saying no, and rejecting the Tory's approved cruelty.

Thursday 11 February 2016

There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.

( Thank you Leonard Cohen.)

There's a crack in everything
that's how the light gets in,
through empty gestures of times exhaust
that vent bitterness on tonque,
scars trace the nights laughter
sailing on ripped tides at dusk,
allow resurfacing days shadow to ignite
fizzing and nudging, in the process of awakening,
through depths of minds endeavor
moods of restless toil, 
voyages  of troubled sleep
deep in mood innate,
among the magic of the moon
in the dark shines bright,
waiting for dawns page to turn
golden tickets of imagination,
in the ever present of eternity
to purify and illuminate,
because there's a crack in everything
that's how the light gets in.