Sunday 9 August 2009

Wales in Bloom

Wales in Bloom
Originally uploaded by Dickie-Dai-Do


Nothing better to do ,go on facebook,no I mean into the garden.My compost heap is my gardens lifeblood.It should be eveybodies really.Its free as well and very green,all good in my book.Compost is a living substance that in sufficient quantities will give plants all the nutrients they need. teabags are fantastic ,as are roach ends decompose very quickly,weed contains good organic matter.Dampness and nitrogen combined excellant for rotting stuff.Oh whats that Dead Kennedys album title,oh you know the one,fresh fruit and rottin vegetables,ideal.Keep thing simple,dont put large items in,a bit of piss perfect,freshly mowed lawn as well,straws good material as well.Try some wood chippings,bits of damp newspaper,best to avoid meat and oranges or lemon,though citrus-fruit peel often contains large amounts of pesticides and preservatives,which break down well.Find some manure then your laughing.Give it all a stir twice a week , the more you give the more comes back,waste not want not,doin our bit for the environment,landfill is lets face it just not cool,wasteful and costly.Lets give garden plants the nutrients the need,oh compost loves beer and potatoe peelings as well,go on get your green fingers on ,give it a go,free therapy for the soul.Happy composting.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Peace Riot Police

Peace Riot Police
Originally uploaded by jo92photos
went to Bristol yesterday for Bansky exhibition. took 2 and a half hours each way to get there from sunny west wales and a 2 and ahalf queue to get in, quite inspirin. The crowd outside very ordinary , very orderly,mostly white, my suspicion is that the man outside sellin ice cream from his van was Bansky,havin a laugh me thinks. .........................................................................................................................................................................................M5 M4 £ signs $signs,which way is west,welcome to England, MI5,MI6,pret a manger,warning long queues ahead.Severn estuary,Clifton,Bboys and breakbeats.Pylons and summer geese, on our way home.DiY,Croeso i Cymru,GM ,toll gates,wet paint,new M O t.! Half asleep ,half awake,toll gates,sulphur smells.The ghosts of anthracite and coal,homeward bound,lip gloss and heavens gate.Bont graffiti,strong cappacino,grass smoke inhale,aerosouls and paper planes.Glam Rockers ,Beach Boys,George Harrison,Henry Vaughan ,Hank Marvin,we are all dust,Blue meanies different strokes,look a painting in the sky!

Thursday 30 July 2009

Harold Norse 1916-2009 RIP

Harold Norse 1916-2009 RIP
Originally uploaded by pitoucat
I AM NOT A MAN I am not a man.I cant earn a living,buy new things for my family.I have acne and a small peter. I am not a man. I dont like football,boxing and cars.I like to express my feelings.I even like to put my arm around friends shoulder. I am not a man. I wont play the role assigned to me- the role created by Madison Avenue,Playboy,Hollywood and Oliver Cromwell. Television does not dictate my behaviour. I am not a man. Once when i shot a squirrel I swore that I would never kill again.I gave up meat. The sight of blood makes me sick .I like flowers. I am not a man. I went to prison for resisting the draft. I do not fight when real men beat me up and call me queer. I dislike violence. I am not a man. I have never raped a woman . I dont hate blacks. I dont get emotional when the flag is waved. I dont think I should love America or leave it. I think I should laugh at it. I am not a man. I have never had the clap. I am not a man Playboy is not my favourite magazine. I am not a man. I cry when i am unhappy. I am not a man. I do not fell superior to women. I am not a man. I dont wear a jockstrap. I am not a man. I write poetry. I am not a man. I meditate on Peace and Love. I am not a man. I dont want to destroy you. http:/ More information about the poet Harold Norse and this poem

Tuesday 28 July 2009


Originally uploaded by ross mcross.
His blankness beyond human the hollowness of his thoughts like junkies needles in vein, his soul infected. Are their monsters on your street , take a whak at them , offer them no christian love , offer them no hadith , offer them only stones and bricks. We are living in dangerous times, I am afraid their freedom will go to far, get rid of their diseased houses but love thy neighbour

Often Unobserved

Often unobserved, I smell my own breath.
Still searching for something forgotten,
I bang the door behind me, shouting out.
Sometimes I think 6 pints of lager
Are like signposts pointing backwards,
But I don't care they keep me ambushed..
I look up, theres no smell in the colour blue
As the wind blows through the spaces,
Into the rich source of my longings
Into the worlds between worlds
Into the loneliest place I know.
Under these words are the hidden words
I cant for now  say to you,
Any gaps you can find fill with sighs.
As Leafs shadow the waters shifting,
like an instrument endlessly strummed
Splashing and bubbling under the surface

Sunday 19 July 2009

Captain Confusion and the Chaos theory

Here I stand like an old woman to weak to sleep. I sit in the elephant hour, alone with a herd of bananas. And if i could, I would sleep with them, or at least be their nightmare, released in a stampede of surrender