Tuesday 10 July 2012

Lol Coxhill ( 19/9/32 - 9/7/12) Daring Musical Adventurer R.I.P

Sad to here earlier via http://exileonmoanstreet.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/lol-coxhill-rip.html that free improvising saxophonist and raconteur, Lol Coxhill had died after several weeks of serious illness.
I heard him first  I guess playing with the Damned, then as my tastes got wider, started hearing him all over the place, playing with all sorts of improvised groups. His saxophone could tease, growl, roar and squeak, he was a very adventurous  player, not afraid to take risks and push the boundaries.
Spotted by John Peel busking, the word got round about his talent, and he ended up playing  with all sorts of people, so good was he , that he could play along with anyone. Starting of with David Bedford, Kevin Ayers, and other associates of the Canterbury scene, he ended up playing with many of the greats of the improvised musical scene, Evan Parker, David Bailey, Trevor Watts,  Chris McGregor, David Toop, Harry Becket etc etc etcetera...... ever versatile and inventive. Occasionally branching out into forays as an actor, collaborating with the late  Ken Campbell and Derek Jarman.
Fame for him was of no consequence.
Still playing up untill his death, still exploring the undiscovered possibilities of his saxophone, he will be missed by musicians and fans alike.

Lol Coxhill with Robert Wyatt - Soprano Derivitavo/ Apricot Jam

with Kevin Ayers and the Whole World - Oh My

Lol Coxhill, Vortex JazzClub Dec/2008 

Lol Coxhill for Paul Burwell - By the Paths of the Deep River

Lol Coxhill; a Life in music

Sunday 8 July 2012


an experiment 

        In Guantanemo Bay a prisoner is subjected to 14 days of sleep deprivation. Combined with lack of food and water, detainess can lose their will to live
       Day and night shifted from one place to another, shackled and moved to maximise disruption, isolation a constant daily routine. Many still held without charge, their fullness of time daily exhausted, captors whispering anonomously, torture is good my friend, torture is good.
       Like a reset button, time illuminates, is  reduced and maximised, through language's corridors drifts.... Logic is carried, deconstructured, conclusions are wrestled with. The world s, becomes an illusion, that overwhelms.
        Awakeness can distort, penetrate to deep, the need to shut out can be like a silent scream, deeply unsettling, strangely familiar, there is no beginning, there is no end, no near, no far, distance appears, and in moments reaches vanishing point. become very sad, painful and troubling......
       No year turning, nothing tears apart, while the world is sleeping, twisting and turning, looking frantically for some way out, sleeps absence can become a nightmare without exits repsite.
      Walls shifting in discomfort, voices mounting in an endless drone, the broken minds instict becomes useless , life becomes very dark.
      The fleeting somnambulist finds simple ways of being, above the pitiless wave, heart races, and fear cannot forget, the vatic voice becomes a subconscious scream. Memory plays tricks,the stock of sap is spent, stormy eyes fade into the light and back again.
      Inner voice seeks sanctuary among whispering breeze, despite the darkness, nothing refuses to be conquered. Does the dream of flight pursue, when freed?
      Nothing exists when freedom is denied.

Saturday 7 July 2012

No to Gaza ' blood diamond'' on display in the Tower of london

Yesterday I found out that the Tower of London currently has on display a blood diamond. A family whose twenty-nine members were killed during Israel's 22 day offensive of the Gaza strip issued an appeal to Queen Elizabeth 11 about the Steinmetz Jubilee Pink Diamond

This is currently on display in an exhibition at the Tower of London.It was the Steinmetz supported Givati Brigade who were responsible for one of the worst war crimes committed during the assault on the besieged residents of Gaza City in January 2009.
The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem http://www.btselem.org/ describes the incident as follows:

'On 4 January 2009, at the start of the ground phse of Operation Cast lead, about 100 members of the extended Samouni family were uddled inside one house in the Zeitoun neighbourhood of Gaza City. The next morning, an Israeli airstrike killed 21 people inside the house, including 9 children and 10 women, and injured dozens of other family members.
During the next 2 days, the army refused access to medical teams in spite of being informed of the trterrible outcome by family members who managed to escape the bombed homes and to human rights and humanitarian organisations, including B'Tselem.
When medics managed to get to site, they found four small children next to their dead mothers in one of the houses, and evacuated several wounded people.
The army refused permission to evacuate the bodies and they remained in the rubble for a further two weeks.'

It seems that in my opinion that the Queen of England

 on behalf of the British people should decline this gift and demand that De Beers be instructed to remove this offensive blood diamond display immediately. The 35.60-carat pink diamond , crafted by Steinmetz Diamonds, has been on display at the Tower of London since June 1st, marking the Queens Jubilee. Does this lady not have enough Diamonds, does she not shed a tear  or two, when she realises the methods used to procure them, does she simply ignore the demonstrations that   have been held every week at the Tower of London since the Jubilee , and this blood diamond has been on went on display . Today there will be a demo taking place outside the De Beers jewellry shop in Picadilly and Bond Street. It will hopefully inform shoppers (and perhaps Mrs Windsor)  that the diamond market is heavily contaminated with cut and polished diamonds that have been used to fund human rights violations,and that the Israeli Diamond Industry is a major source of funding for the Israeli military who stand accused of serious war crimes and  possible war crimes and possible crimes against humanity by the Human Rights Council,that these blood diamonds are not subject to any regulation and are sold to unsuspecting consumers labelled as conflict-free diamonds.

If like me you feel uneasy  about this diamond being on display at the Tower of London you can leave them a message on their facebook page which I did yesterday.http://www.facebook.com/TOL.London
The comment will probably dissapear quite quickly but at least you will be sending them a message.

Some useful links
A first person account of the Zeitoun killings in Gaza

The smell of Death

Thanks to London BDS

facebook page

Sammoni family appeal
to  the Queen.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Mahmoud Darwish (13/3/41 - 9/8/08) - I come from There

The occupation of Palestine has gone on now for so long now, it has become an analogy in human history. We have seen their struggle for dignity and their right to exist. Despite being occupied and their lands being torn from them, they continue to remind us of their yearning for peace and justice. Mahmoud Darwish, their poet laureate used his poems to express the grave historical injustices imposed on the Palestinian people.
The treatment of the Palestinians I believe is a universal crime. What Darwish did with his great powerful poetry was make us all witnesses, such was his universal appeal.

I come from There

I come from there and I have memories
Born as mortals are, I have a mother
And a house with many windows,
I have brothers, friends,
And a prison cell with a cold window.
Mine is the wave, snatched by sea-gulls,
I have my own view,
Mine is the moon at the far edge of the words,
And the bounty of birds,
And the immortal olive tree.
I walked this land before the swords
Turned its living body into a laden table.

I come from there. I render the sky unto her mother
When the sky weeps for her mother.
And I weep to make myself known
To a returning cloud.
I learned the words worthy of the court of blood
So that I could break the rule.
I learned all the words and broke them up
To make a single word:

Poem Via: Paul Alexander
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy

Earlier post on Mahmoud Darwish

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Frederick Douglass (14?/2/1818 - 20/2/1895) - What to the Slave is Your Fourth of July?

" What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty  to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national gestures, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciation of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are, to Him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocricy- a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of the United States, at this very hour.
Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and depotisms of the Old World, travel through South America, search out every abuse, and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation, and you will say with me , that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocricy, America reigns without a rival."


Danny Glover reading from Frederick Douglass's speech , 5/10/05, L.A

Sunday 1 July 2012

Aldous Huxley (26/7/1894 - 22/11/63) - The Devils of Loudun , an extract

On 18/8/1634 Urbain Grandier, a handsome and successful seducer of women and priest of the parish of Loudun a small French town, was tried, tortured and burnt at the stake. He had been found guilty of being in league with the devil and seducing an entire convent of nuns in what was the most sensational case of mass possession and sexual hysteria in history. Grandier maintained his innocence to the end and four years after his death the nuns were still being subjected to exorcisms to free them from their demonic bondage.was accused and convicted of sorcery,
This event would inspire Aldous Huxley's  book The Devils of Loudun. An historical narrative of supposed demonic possession, religious fanaticism, sexual repression and mass hysteria. Later turned into a  controversial film by Ken Russel The Devils ( 1971). Aldous Huxley's vivid account of this bizarre tale of religious and sexual obsession transforms our understanding of the medieval world.What is seem as liberation is in fact enslavement, fanaticism as seen with its appearance in the human condition has penetrated through all history. With his compelling narrative, Mr Huxley manages to hit the nail on the head. Religion becomes not only the opium of the people, but also becomes the pornographer of the masses.  Strongly recommended, as are most of his books.Relevant when it was written, relevant today, its message still echoing with warning.  Truth and reason still being manipulated by our leaders and so called prophets.
Be careful where you lay your devotions.

  ' At all times, all to many Christians have behaved as though the devil were a First Principle, on the same footing as God. They have paid more attention to evil and the problem of its eradication than to good and the methods by which individual goodness may be deepened, and the sum of goodness increased. The effects which follow too constant and intense a concentration upon evil are always disastrous. Those who crusade, not for God in themselves, but against the devil in others, never succeed in making the world better, but leave it either as it was, or sometimes even perceptibly worse than it was, before the crusade began. By thinking primarily of evil we tend, however excellent our intentions, to create occasions for evil to manifest itself.
   Though frequently Manichaean in practice, Christianity was never Manchaean in its dogmas. In this respect it differs from our modern iodolatries of Communism and Nationalism, which are Manichaean not only in action, but also in creed and theory. Today it is everywhere self-evident that we are on the side of Light, they on the side of Darkness. And being on the side of Darkness, they deserve to be punished and must be liquidated ( since our divinity justifies everything) by the most fiendish means at our disposal. By iolatrously worshipping ourselves as Ormuzd, and by regarding the other fellow as Ahriman, the Principle of Evil, we of the twentieth century are doing our best to guarantee the triumph of diabolism in our time.'

Friday 29 June 2012

Why does this video irritate Chris Grayling?

This video originally appeared for the Ministry of Justice (Moj) employment and support allowance appeals video, back in March, then this video was pulled after less than a week, on the orders of senior officials. When you click on the original video link it has dissapeared http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4L8EPHDjequ , not sure why it was pulled because the video is actually reasonably informative and reassuring for people who have no experience  of appeal tribunals.
Normally  MoJ videos get very little attention, but because of Mr Graylings intervention, this video became very popular indeed.
He apparently e.mailed the ministry complaining about, amongst other things, the fact that it told claimants:

. that they are twice as likey to win their appeal if they appear in person rather than having a paper hearing;
. that the DWP doesn't normally send a representative to the hearing;
. to send additional evidence to the tribunal, when Grayling wants it sent to the DWP.

Now the video is back, and to their credit, after their initial panic MoJ officials seem to have left it unaltered.

Perhaps the Torys don't want to be seen as being helpful, after all they are the rabid nasty party, deeply lacking in compassion or empathy, and have an image to maintain dont they?

First posted on these excellent sites.



Wonder how long the latest video link stays up?