Monday, 22 February 2016

Tell your MP:Don't cut ESA

Losing £30 a week  will not be an insentive  for getting people into work. The things holding people back are not willpower or willingness, it's bodies, minds, and employers who don't want to employ disabled people and help them make adjustments needed. DWP and Maximus incidentally have been actively sacking their own staff. 
For most of us placed in  the Work Related Activity Group of Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Group, we are  are only still claiming due to  ongoing mental health problems. There are as many as a quarter of a million of us currently in this group.These proposals are frightening and alarming to most of us, since already. we find it difficult to heat our homes and eat, but the unrelenting savagery of this Government I guess does not come as too much of a surprise.
Should the Government  not be concerned  on fixing our broken system, rather than effectively blaming ill and disabled people by cutting the existing support and safety nets available to us. A cruel cut that will hit those hardest hit already. Despite having been found not well enough to work, we as a group of people are being threatened left, right and center. For many of us, our lives already a constant struggle for survival.
The House of Lords has already voted against  cuts to support for people who face massive  barriers to work, often because of our ill health and disability.  Now its time to tell our MPs to hold fast and stand against this cut. Our MPs  have the chance to vote against cut to ESA  next week. Make sure your own MP is on the right side of the vote, that does not  push sick and disabled people further from work but closer to poverty.Many thanks.


  1. Proof read before posting. just saying.

  2. absolutely, apologies, speed writing in my local libray, using its essential service while it's still here. Regards.
